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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amicable

  1. OMG Q_Q Once Upon A Time, a girl named Linda was walking and accidently tripped on a rocked, and had landed in a pile of wet cement, she tried getting out of it, but it started to turn all dry and she couldnt escape....she became a monument and people took pictures with her. The End.
  2. I just want to fall asleep....inside your arms....

  3. Never Gonna Leave You - US
  4. Sooner or later, the people you truly love, will become an enemy or disappear from your life....forever...
  5. Granted, BUT they were all deformed and you didn't like that, but as you turned your back on them, they started to attack you. I wish for better speakers :(
  6. LOL, I love these short stories :P Once Upon A Time, Linda made a siggy, just like the one she has, but instead of ice cream, it was a cup of hot chocolate, and she accidently spilled it all over on the floor, and then it got posted online, which got 1 million views ;) THE END!
  7. That August or December.
  8. True. TPBM is a vegetarian.
  9. 2247
  10. I want it to snow, here! >:(

    1. thePast



      at least you can see snow, Jay ;A;

    2. Drunk
    3. supream


      the only people who like snow are people who never had to drive in it or shovel it.

  11. 2194
  12. True. TPBM has a pet.
  13. Honey Bee. Bug or Insect.
  14. The Person Above Me has a cute siggy. ;3
  15. 2192
  16. 2173
  17. Once Upon A Time, a girl named Linda choked on ice cream, but a walking panda helped her spit it out, and she said "Thank you!" The End.
  18. Its fine :D! 2169
  19. Teal Hair. Dark Orange Skin or Green Skin. ;P
  20. ^Lol, agreed But you're 2164 Me: 2165
  21. False. TPBM loves Beyonce's music.
  22. The Person Above Me is a Forsaken Elite :D
  23. Granted, but then your momma kept slapping you that you woked up from the pain. ._. I wish commercials wouldn't pop up when I'm watching a show on my t.v.
  24. Once Upon A Time, a boy watched the Harlem Shake on youtube, and made his own video with friends. The End.
  25. You never know, anything can happen.
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