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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Rinn

  1. Rinn


    As cold as it is where I live, ice cream sounds awesome! lol Dammit, now I want Ben & Jerry's...
  2. Happy New Year! I have a few resolutions for this year actually... 1) To be the best mother possible to my new little boy 2) To be the best partner possible to my boyfriend 3) To get healthier - not just for myself, but for my budding family 4) To work on some of my own personal flaws to be a better person
  3. Rinn


    I'm feeling the love ♥
  4. 1f u c4n r34d th1s u r3411y n33d 2 g3t l41d
  5. Rinn


    I don't see why people can't leave people alone about things. What really gets to me are people who complain and argue and bitch over things that they don't know anything about. They know only half the story - or even less - and go ranting and foaming at the mouth over it like they are the supreme and absolute authority on the matter. Sure, in the end, they're the ones that look like asses, but it still burns me when they do it. I. Hate. Stupid. People. I hate hypocrites and I hate misplaced rage.If you have a problem with someone, don't go flaming out your crap crevice at the first person who will listen to you. Go to the source like a mature and responsible adult, you stupid fuck. People like this are infuriating and need to grow the fuck up. (Excuse my livid swearing, but certain people are pissing me off to the point that if I don't vent. Now. I will, inevitably, hurt someone or something). So to all you stupid fucks: SHUT THE FUCK UP.
  6. Still two hours left of 2009 to tick by here, but Happy New Year ^.^
  7. Oh. I wasn't aware of the virus thing from OneManga, but I've got great virus protection on my rig, and I don't click ads, so I don't see a problem for me at least. I'd say as long as you don't click on the ads and make sure to run your virus scanner regularly, you'd be okay. As for a summary of Elfen Lied, this is a summary taken from TV.com (I couldn't have paraphrased it better myself lol): The Diclonius, a mutated human that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of all of mankind, possess two horns in their heads. In addition, they have vectors, or invisible hands, that can kill their enemy in an instant. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the Government. Lucy, who is said to be the first Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murders most of the guards in the laboratory where she was being held. She eventually gets shot in the head and drops into the ocean. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenage cousins named Kouta and Yuka discover her. Having lost her memory, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu”. The two cousins allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that Lucy is not dead just yet, and the Government is not going to sit back and let her run free…! I highly recommend this series. It's funny and the ending made me cry. It's a really short (13 episodes) series, but it's got an amazing original five-star storyline. I also adore the beginning theme music "Lillium". Beautiful song (I have it on my iPod).
  8. Yes I have and it was GOOD (kudos to the boyfriend ♥) TPBM would go out in public in a dress made entirely of duct tape.
  9. That and people who can't seem to type out a whole sentence. It's annoying. Add txt tlk to the mix and it's something that makes me want to punt puppies. Example: Person A: I h8 how Person A: my teacher Person A: has 2 b such Person A: an asshole Person A: n give us home wrk Person A: ovr winter break Person A: dats liek. Person A: ghey
  10. <3 Thanks for your concern. I should be alright though. The doctor said the scar (I had a C-Section to give birth to my son) is healing quite well for only 9 days. I really would like to see this event happen on the server. Though it'd take some time to devise and it would take diligence and some serious patience to run (multiple players in a large-scale event can be hard to keep under control), it would be a lot of fun to do. I've hosted this event alone before (with a few non-participating players to help out for the judging part) on a smaller server that I was GM on and I spread it over the course of a few days, so I know it's possible to do. It all depends on the players and the staff here. Which, like I said, I hope to see this in action again, because I'd be curious to see what kind of stuff happens with this event on a server this large.
  11. It is the same, minus a variation of the words. I've had that on my Facebook quotes for like two years lol. I like it because it's true. I hope that isn't an issue for you.

  12. Elfen Lied and here's a fun site for you if you wanna read manga: Onemanga
  13. Definitely. I don't read as much as I used to anymore, but I do like this site: OneManga TPBM is hosting or attending a New Years Eve party
  14. Seems so. And thank you; I'm glad to hear you like the idea ♥ Hopefully, if the idea is used in the future, I will be well enough to participate ^^; (still recovering from the surgery, can't sit on the computer for more than a half hour without my back or tummy going nuts)
  15. mine: enderxcross my boyfriend's: the don chuckyy He's the one with gold membership... lol. we both play Guitar Hero/Rockband. He plays Street Fighter, and similar games. Add us both, and I'm sure one of us will be around between the chaos of having a life and a baby.
  16. Rinn


    Name: Rin Age: 22 Location: USA Ethnicity: Irish (white) Relationship Status: happily taken ♥ School: College Food you like: anything spicy Drinks you like: Dr. Pepper, juice, milk, water (I love vitamin water) Smoker?: no (ew!) Drinker?: Yep, but haven't had a drink in almost a year Instrument you play: do vocals count? Do you like chocolate?: I'm a chocoholic, are you kidding? How long you played RO: since 2003/2004-ish Server you played: too many lol Main Class: Stalker/Biochemist Fav pet: Smokie (cute!) Fav map: Valkyrie Fav MVP: Baphomet (it was the first MVP I killed on my first server) Fav stat: tie between DEX and INT By the way, banoni5, hi and welcome to the server!
  17. Rinn

    I'm New.

    Welcome to the server, and to a really fun game. I've been playing Ragnarok Online for the better part of six years, so I know my way around (though I've only been with this particular server for a few days short of a month). If you need some help on basic Ragnarok Online information, I can definitely be of help for whatever you can't find here on the forums. A good resource for you to use in case you can't find me or another player to help you out is RateMyServer. This site is a mass database of Ragnarok Online items, monsters, maps, class skills and more - very helpful to newbies and veterans alike. Good luck and I hope you enjoy yourself. Note: the main town is @go 25. And to walk, just click where you want to go and your little pixel self does the work O:
  18. I wanted to take a moment to let all my friends here on fRO in on some happy news. On December 22, 2009 at 10:56a, Charles and I welcomed our son, Charles ("Charlie") into the world. Everyone is happy, healthy and recovering well. We were released from the hospital on Christmas Day and spent it with close family. Those of you who are friends of mine here on fRO may add me on MSN at [email protected] to check out some of the pictures.
  19. I never had the opportunity to meet him, but I extend his friends and family my deepest condolences for their loss.
  20. Rinn

    .... Wat?

    In the words of Mr. Garrison... "MERRY F*CKING CHIRSTMAS!" Oh and hi I don't know you cause I'm newish, but welcome back?
  21. EPIC FALSEHOOD! I'm a chocoholic! TPBM likes snickerdoodle cookies just out of the oven.
  22. Rinn


    Lol, a lot of people seem to confuse me with another "Rinn" here. To separate the difference, I'm 22, from USA and my real name is Erin, though I've been nick'ed "Rin" by my friends since 9th grade. Does that clear anything... ? Avalon was my first server. I joined in like... 2003 when my friend wouldn't stop harassing me to download the game and try it. I tried it. I got addicted. Damn addictions. I guess in the least if I had to choose something to be addicted to, at least it was RO and not something ugly like cigarettes. At least RO is fun O:
  23. Rinn

    Changes For 2010

    I completely agree with you on most points. I can't give an opinion on MVPs, because I haven't killed any MVPs yet (still kinda new to the server and just now maxing out my character's base and job and working on the Elite Quest). I agree that it's sad to see veteran players treat new players like shit. I've been treated pretty badly myself. I've had people repeatedly kill me on maps where I'm just trying to collect items to make a nice headgear or convert said items into tickets so I might make some money to get me some nice gears (since I can't donate much, with being out of work on maternity leave). I agree and disagree with your idea on the Elite/Forsaken equip sets. I'd like to see the stats of the items more equal, but if you increased the difficulty of the quest any more, it would take someone like me (who is going to be a first time mother in a day) months to finish it (especially since you have to complete the Elite quest twice to get the 200 stat points and the equip set). I guess my point is that why should a player get more powerful equips for shelling out money than the player who puts in time and effort questing for it? I realize that donations keep the server running, but the gap between donor and non-donor never seemed totally fair in my eyes. As far as Ygg Berries go, I'm with you 100%. I think that it'd be a nice challenge for players to have a room where no healing items were allowed. That way, the players would have to rely on skill alone rather than who runs out of berries first. Good idea.
  24. Sagging/Saggin ... Why the Hell do people do this? Why would anyone let themselves leave their homes looking like this? I can't think of any reasons why someone would wear their pants this way other than: a) Show us all that you got new underwear. And you're proud of them. b) Incite random acts of pantsing. c) They might be too poor to afford a belt d) They are former prison bitches. In my honest, humble opinion, I rather be able to go out in public and not get an eye-full of someone's crack hanging out of their precariously placed pants. I fear that in any moment, this person is either going to trip, or their pants will fall and I will see more than just butt-crack. Thankfully, it's already illegal in a lot of places (Charges of indecent exposure or disorderly conduct with fines of $500 or more per violation), but since when has the law ever stopped anyone... What do you think?
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