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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Rinn

  1. No, I don't. Is it related to Rocawear or Sean John? TPBM got snowed in with over a foot of snow this past weekend in the Blizzard of 2009.
  2. Rinn


    Oh lol no. I played on his other server, Cocoa, but to spill the beans, it was actually AvalonRO. The Admin, Maever did a full IP ban for a month. Go figure I just found out today that xAkii played here and was a GM. I just asked him about it when you posted that screenshot. Small world, yeah?
  3. I was snowed in with no electricity since Friday. We got 22 inches of snow out here lol. I'm back home now with computer and cable (quite happy). I have to disappear again on Tuesday though (going to the hospital to have my baby); I'll be gone for a few days.
  4. Rinn


    I just make a party with myself and if it does that to me, then I switch to party chat and type "..." or something random, and go about my business.
  5. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    *blinks* I didn't spam you .. ? /dum
  6. Rinn


    Is that CakeRO? And.. if I'm not mistaken, is that Admin/GM Akii? LOL! I know him *points to MSN* I was an admin on his new (now dead) server ^^; Those are some pretty special people there in that screenie o__o Sure. *gives you the messenger screenname of an old dirty pedo and goes back to what I was doing* /ho
  7. Though I haven't participated in WoE on this server, with the high volume of players here who are WoE-active, it sounds like a pretty good idea.
  8. @Levis and Adamxd: HAHA If you're sure you've already won, then why be worried about a little competition?
  9. Rinn

    Merry Christmas!

    I won't be around too much these next few days with last-minute prep for Tuesday. After that, I will be MIA for a few weeks. So, I wanted to make a little something to spread some holiday cheer. Done on Photoshop Elements 8.0 with a render I picked up on animerender.com Merry Christmahanakwanzika! ... and Happy New Years! Be safe, and don't get so drunk you blow a .22 and fall over, puking in a thorn bush~ ♥ (Tucker Max reference)See you in 2010!
  10. Yes I do~ *is wearing red jingle bell earrings* I love Christmas! TPBM enjoys products from Bath and Body Works
  11. Rinn


    Hey now. I've met a lot of Philipino/Pinoy players on the multitude of servers I've played and GM'ed on, and not all of them are n00bcakes. Every country/nationality has them, unfortunately. I've seen the most from Brazil through my experience. It got so bad that the admin on a RO server network i used to play, that shall go unnamed, IP banned the whole country. In all honesty though, n00bs come in all colors.
  12. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    Oh lol then that's why I can't ever find you x) Thanks so much I'm really excited ^^ He's going to be named after his dad (my boyfriend/soon-to-be hubby), Charles. So he'll be Charles Kelly (last name omitted) III. Kind of a family tradition (naming the first-born son after the father). Well I'm definitely female lol But yeah, what you said actually does make a lot of sense. It's sad that players ignore people for that reason though... although if it really happens all that frequently, I guess I understand.
  13. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    Oh! LOL what a small world. Thank God I don't have a priest here then or there'd definitely be some heads turning x) I use Stalkers, Soul Linkers and Biochemists mostly.
  14. Rinn


    Hello, fellow adventurers. During your many travels through our beautiful land of The Internet, you may come across a very special and unique creature: the n00b. The n00b is a remarkable creature as it disguises itself as a regular citizen of The Internet. This is the n00b's primary form of attack as it will allow the wily n00b to get quite close to you before inflicting damage. Luckily, their disguises are usually poor and can be identified as their armor may be several levels out of date. Also, the n00b disguise is based on a sad misunderstanding our common culture as their equipment may not reflect the job they are trying to portray. Be careful not to confuse a n00b with a similar species known as the newb. Newbs can be distinguished from n00bs by their use of proper grammar and good manners. A n00b can be identified by its distinct call. This call can be heard from quite a distance as most n00bs seem to only communicate through shouting and perma-CAPSLOCK. If you listen carefully, you may be (un)fortunate enough to spot a n00b. Here are some examples of common n00b calls: ­» "PLZ can i hav sum zenyz!!!" » "Sum1 buy my sword!!!" » "GM itens plzzz!!!" » "Ne girlz wanna cyber?!!" Now, once you have identified a n00b, I must recommend that you stay as far away as possible. Unless you have a great deal of experience with n00bs, any interaction may be harmful to both your physical and mental well being. If, however, you choose to interact with a n00b, this simple translation guide may help you. Here is a look at a simple conversation with a n00b including a n00b to english translation. You: Hello there. How are you? N00b: wow u r rich. Can I have goldz? (english: I notice that you have nice gear and wonder if you might be able to aid me in acquiring my own gear) You: No, no, good sir. I worked for my gold. You may not have it. N00b: but you gotz lotz!!! (english: I understand your feelings on the matter, but find it difficult to actually acquire my own goldz) You: I know, but I cannot just give you money. N00b: N00B!!! (english: apparently I am confused and think you may be a member of my species. Do you know Fred?) You: I apologize for the misunderstanding. I am not a n00b. N00b: STFU!!! (english: I am of a differing opinion and feel that it might be best if we agree to disagree) As you can see from the above conversation, inter-species communication with a n00b can prove highly difficult. In all interactions with a n00b, please take care to leave the n00b as you found it. Their social structure is quite fragile and any assistance you may provide may raise them to a new and dangerous level: the ferocious asshat. Thank you for your time. Remember, everyone: Please help control the n00b population and always have your n00bs spayed or neutered.
  15. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    haha I agree with you using the term "void". I guess I also agree with the fact that glimmering fantasies of a more perfect reality existing online is dumb considering the make-up of the Internet are all the good, bad and ugly of the real world. Meh. As I keep putting myself out there, attempting to talk to people (as shy as I am), and whoring the forums, I'm finding some nicer people, which is a good sign for this server (there really are more people than douche-bag asshats with cattle prods up their arses!) And... yay! That answers my question. I was scrambling to think of who he was and where he knew me from. I suppose there was another Erin here (was it the one with the username rinrin, or... ?). Either way, sorry if there was a misunderstanding resulting from my username O:
  16. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    I don't really fit into that n00b mold... The closest to being a stalker I get is the character class on the game lol. All I wanted since joining early this month was someone to talk to and maybe get a hand with "what is [insert random fRO custom feature here]?". I'd so much rather talk to a player who is a veteran of the server than a GM because I know the GMs are often busy (having been a GM myself, I know) doing work for the server and dealing with trouble/report tickets. However, as I said before, Wish has been a godsend to me from day one. Whatever I couldn't find on the forums or get an answer from a player about, I asked her and she was always glad to help ^^ I wish all the players were that nice. Yes, I am! I'm actually scheduled for a C-Section on Tuesday. I'm having a boy and Jesus Christ on a pogo-stick, he's big (almost 9lbs) ♥ I'm really excited and nervous at the same time >w<
  17. I'm pretty sure you'll get back into things pretty easy. I was out for about a year because life decided to get in my way D< I'm still rusty (I forgot half my useless trivia!!!) ~ but it's still fun to play. Hunt my arse down in-game sometime and maybe I can give you a hand.
  18. Super-flying-monkey-ninja-shameless-bump-of-complete-and-irreversible-doom... ish... ness.. indubitably! In other words... bump~ ♥
  19. I'm having a baby ^^ ♥
  20. Twisted apart, the inside, and then the cookie. You have a highly curious nature. You take pleasure in breaking things apart to find out how they work, though not always able to put them back together, so you destroy all the evidence of your activities. You deny your involvement when things go wrong. You are a compulsive liar and exhibit deviant, if not criminal, behavior. That's painfully accurate... except for the whole part about being a liar and having criminal behavior. I'm a security guard and in school to be a police officer - that's far from criminal This is what my boyfriend got: The whole thing. This means you consume life with abandon, you are fun to be with, exciting, carefree with some hint of recklessness. You are totally irresponsible. No one should trust you with their children. And he is the father of my soon-to-be-born son... hmm...
  21. Yo mama is so fat, she comes from both sides of the family.
  22. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    I've hunted for you a few times as well myself when I'm on (usually at night or very early morning in -5 GMT) been out for loads of OB/GYN appointments and family sheit lately. I haven't had all the time I wish I did for gaming, with the baby on the way in less than a week. Really, I don't know how incredibly useful I'll be as far as WoE goes unless his daddy wants to put down Guitar Hero and watch the little sprout for all of an hour (God forbid lol I'm sure he would though, he's a sweetie and is really excited to be a daddy). I know for a fact though, I'll be in the hospital for about a week starting Tuesday, so WoE would be a total no-go for me next week should you decide to add me to your guild. I guess the big plus side for me this week as far as the server goes is that I got my char to 255/255 and finally working on the Elite quest (which is a betch +2) o__O!!!... and you have to do it twice?! (to get the 200 stat points AND the Elite Set) OTL... I have lots of work to do~ Whether I get it done before Monday night is up to how bad my insomnia is~ whee~
  23. Rinn


    Welcome ^.^ Forsaken City is @go 25
  24. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    Thank you, Calintz ^^ I really appreciate it
  25. Rinn

    Classist Bastards

    What I'm saying here is that I've noticed that even trying to make friends is difficult to do when you don't have anything "special". So I'm "un-geared" for the moment. That doesn't make me any less of a player (again, note I've played for over 5 years and have volumes of experience in RO) and doesn't mean I can't contribute to the guild (item farming, and support during WoE. i.e - FCP, Heal, Traps, other support) and be a good friend to people (chat and keep people company and assist with their questing). So what happens when I DO get nice equips? These people going to come crawling back to me wanting me in their guilds? Why can't people accept new players as they are and help them get accustomed to the server? I've done everything here myself and what I haven't gotten figured out on my own, or by reading all the information posted on the forums and the main site, I've had to ask Wish (who has been gracious enough to answer all my newbtastic questions about your server - which is nice, minus the snobbish attitudes some players have). I can't fathom the idea of anyone - staff or player - being so okay with new players being outcast for not having money to donate.
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