It's bad enough I can't sleep with all the junk going on with me, but for the love of God, The Father and The Holy Spirit, people need to stop posting the same f*cking thing over and over and over again on the forums and acting like they'll die if the server isn't up for a few hours. GO TAKE A NAP, A**HAT! I wish I could take a nap, but nooo... I have to have BACK PAIN and SWOLLEN FEET and "MORNING" SICKNESS from being PREGNANT! I even tried to help the GMs by posting a friendly little reminder to the other players. That apparently didn't work, because I come back to the forums after a bit to find MORE ignoramus posts of the SAME D*MN THING! If you can't seem to take two minutes to search topics and read them before posting crap whining about the server being down, then go back to KINDERGARTEN and LEARN HOW TO READ so you can stop pissing off the GMs and other seriously OCD rule-abiding players like me! F*CK!
Okay I'm done. Sorry.