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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Rinn

  1. Hey there welcome to the server. I'm kinda new here, too. We should chat ingame sometime. Just PM Rinnyxx :)
  2. I think I have too much to name at the moment... But a really good manga series I have is Shutterbox. I just wish they'd continue it. They only released 3 volumes (there were supposed to be more), but apparently it all suddenly stopped after 3, because I've been looking for the past two years to try to find volume 4, but everywhere I go, they tell me it doesn't exist. :<
  3. Rinn


    Hi and welcome ^^
  4. Rinn

    This or that

    Kill... suicide is for pansies. While we're at it, let's kill the Jonas Brothers O: Emo or Scene Kid
  5. Rinn

    This or that

    Peace Jonas Brothers or your dad singing loudly and off-key in the car
  6. Rinn


    Hi, I'm new here too. Nice to meet you ♥
  7. I play mostly as Thief and Archer class types, so I don't have much in experience with Swordsman classes.. My vote is for Paladin. In my opinion, Paladin's Pressure (great for battle against SP-whoring magic classes and Champions O: ), Sacrifice and Shield Chain are bad ass. I think the best move that Lord Knight has is Spiral Pierce (again, this is just my humble opinion).
  8. Granted, but she dies if you look at her. I wish gay marriage were legal so my friend would stop bitching
  9. Rinn

    This or that

    Angel Snow or Rain
  10. I will be in a few days. It could be any time now ♥

  11. It seems there are a lot of people with a heavy passion for rock, paper, scissors... o_o
  12. Rinn


    Remember the saying "Life is not fair" and keep in mind that it wasn't the last WoE they will ever have on the server. Keep your head up and try again next time.
  13. Code Geass The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Elfen Lied Trigun Fate/stay Night Demon Diary Yu Yu Hakusho Outlaw Star Witch Hunter Robin Gunslinger Girl Noir Chrono Crusade Tsubasa Chronicles Tales of Symphonia D.Gray-man Black Blood Brothers HunterXHunter
  14. Hi, nice to meet you ♥
  15. Violent Pornography - System of a Down
  16. Rinn

    Rinn's Poetry Corner

    Aww thank you. And that's really cool to know someone who has the same birthday that my little one will (probably) have. Who knows, at the rate things are going right now, it could be sooner (I hope not though). Thank you. I'm glad you liked them ^^
  17. lol I know. I'm easily annoyed at 3 and 4 in the morning when I'm feeling crampy and can't sleep. I've been asleep and have had a nice, filling breakfast while watching the snow fall out the window. I'm in a much better mood this morning, but still find it amusing how people flip their lids at downtime x)
  18. Yeah, it took me a good 4 or 5 hours though. It's a b*tch to do that with a mouse... I miss my tablet D< Oh well - once I get all my stuff unpacked from moving and get Photoshop installed, I can have fun making more stuff. I was actually surprised this came out as well as it did o_o
  19. It's bad enough I can't sleep with all the junk going on with me, but for the love of God, The Father and The Holy Spirit, people need to stop posting the same f*cking thing over and over and over again on the forums and acting like they'll die if the server isn't up for a few hours. GO TAKE A NAP, A**HAT! I wish I could take a nap, but nooo... I have to have BACK PAIN and SWOLLEN FEET and "MORNING" SICKNESS from being PREGNANT! I even tried to help the GMs by posting a friendly little reminder to the other players. That apparently didn't work, because I come back to the forums after a bit to find MORE ignoramus posts of the SAME D*MN THING! If you can't seem to take two minutes to search topics and read them before posting crap whining about the server being down, then go back to KINDERGARTEN and LEARN HOW TO READ so you can stop pissing off the GMs and other seriously OCD rule-abiding players like me! F*CK! *sigh* Okay I'm done. Sorry.
  20. Paint Stalker by TenshiNaKonamaiki So, I got really bored and wanted to draw, but since my laptop went boom, I'm using my boyfriend's computer, which does not have Photoshop on it ._. I opened up Paint and played around with it and this is what I came up with ♥ The forum doesn't seem to allow .png images, so I just put it on my DeviantART account. I hope you like it ♥
  21. Rinn


    Welcome ♥ I'm new too! I just joined today (er... yesterday, since it's now past midnight). This server looks like so much fun I can't wait to play >w<!!!
  22. Rinn


    Hi there. I'm new here too. Once the server is up, look for me: Rinnyxx
  23. Rinn


    Everyone can be my friend ♥
  24. Rinn

    Rinn's Poetry Corner

    Thank you ♥ And don't put yourself down; you can't be that horrible. Besides... the beauty of poetry isn't about the talent or perfected skill - it's about the emotion and feeling put into the piece that gives it life.
  25. Rinn


    Nice to meet you, Tee-chan ♥ You can call me Rin, Rinny... whatever ^^ Should I just call you Tee?
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