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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by SquidySquid

  1. And Ragnarok is not about 1 on 1. Gang vs Gang is more fun right? :D
  2. Er. Champ can't do that?
  3. Use hocus pocus for asura or grim. HAHAHA! Solved.
  4. Er. I was talking bout fight in PvP room. Hahaha! Don't mind changing gears just to kill ninja? LOL!
  5. Scrub. You can read them? HAHA! Freaking awesome.
  6. Yup. But new players might be bored. :D
  7. 100m an hour. Hahaha! Yeah. Pretty good. But for now. Try to BC for farming service. 100:1 token :40m zeny. Can get that pretty fast. :D
  8. Lol. What I said weren't for full time. It's just when you farming. You happen to see someone selling or buying token. Just trade off? Lol. It won't even hurt a bit doing that. BoS while farming? What's wrong with that? It's free stuff. Lol. Actually I misinterpret money as zeny. HAHAHA! My fault. Yup. Listen to him. HAHA! Mine was way to farm zeny.
  9. Er. How many ninja allow me to corner them? None. They don't allow me, I just corner them. Ninja can't spam tatami and throw kunai at same time man. Bio has like 1.2k seeds at least. Gypsy can go full vit build. LK don't have to change gear at all. Champ won't waste a lot of berry. Just tss will waste some.
  10. Yup. Either 1 of those. Don't be too op please. Not too fast.
  11. I can help you to start with 5 tokens. :)
  12. Well. I found a way to fight ninja.
  13. Yup. My suggestion will be make it spammable like that flip tatami. HAHAHA! Jkin'. Speed like devotion will do.
  14. How to balance the class. Make the flip tatami and the knock back skill same as delay of sbk. It kinds of hurts my finger when I spam that.
  15. How ninja overpower all classes? Gunslinger can easily kill ninja. Just corner them and spam desp. When they leap away, just invi using sinx card and rapid them. Just annoy them like how they annoy you. LK wouldnt have problem killing ninja. Leaping away is pointless, the LK can just charge them and spam spiral or bb. They will die eventually, 2 fbh's and spam flip tatami? LK's spiral, who's seed will run out first. The result is pretty obvious. WS. Obvious answer. Bio. Acid bomb and magic. If the ninja is using gtb card, I don't think they have time to even atk. It just turns into survival game and watch how fast the ninja could flip the tatami. Champ. Most of them are on ship captain. If they isn't just rsx and pneuma to see who has more patience. Tss them to annoy them. Don't forget to annoy ninja as they are annoying. Gypsy/Clown. Tarot? AV? You might not be able to hit them, they can't hit you aswell. Lol. Test with jupiter, if they are on defending, just tarot. If they are on gtb, swap to sb and normal atk? It will annoys them as ninja range is quite small. If it's 1 on 1 fight, just don't be too aggressive for 10 minutes, fcp runs out = win. Pally. If I were on ninja. I wouldnt waste seeds trying to kill them. Dealing 10k-50k (sum of 3 hits) maximum if they're on defending aura. Will take forever to kill. Prof and Wiz have low chance of killing ninja if they equip gtb. That's true.
  16. Please make the skill spammable. I tried it with 3 kiels and max aspd just to test. The outcome was bad. The spam rate is like, 1 sec delay. Damage was around 10k-30k on Sinx Dex which I think it's acceptable if it's spammable since Loki swords will deal higher damage. I equipped atroce cards because I don't think tgen and skel worker cards will increase the damage. Not sure bout it.
  17. Conclusion: S> WS weapons. Pm me in game.
  18. Maybe you were hitting the ninja, sometimes during woe it's like that. Too laggy. So it seems like the ninja got knocked back. Since they don't have the endure skill.
  19. Hahaha! Chill guys. Everyone can kill me in 2 hits. Nothing to be proud of.
  20. Yup. Ninja can't bounce off during woe, hence easy to kill during woe as mentioned by Zergling.
  21. Can anyone tell me the advantages of using ninja during woe? I only see people complaining bout ninja in pvp. Fro is not just bout pvp, i think the most important event is still War of Emperium? It's undeniable that ninja is more superior thn most of the class for pvp. But how bout woe? You see me make a suggestion to reduce sinx's damage because they deal higher damage thn ninja during woe?
  22. Oh yes. Ninja is stupid, champ is the best class. :) Champ doesn't deal the highest damage, champ can't escape from range atk, champ can't escaped from melee atk. So true. Champ can't deal melee and range damage. True indeed.
  23. Alt a champ. HAHAHA! Problem solved.
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