How ninja overpower all classes?
Gunslinger can easily kill ninja. Just corner them and spam desp. When they leap away, just invi using sinx card and rapid them. Just annoy them like how they annoy you.
LK wouldnt have problem killing ninja. Leaping away is pointless, the LK can just charge them and spam spiral or bb. They will die eventually, 2 fbh's and spam flip tatami? LK's spiral, who's seed will run out first. The result is pretty obvious.
WS. Obvious answer.
Bio. Acid bomb and magic. If the ninja is using gtb card, I don't think they have time to even atk. It just turns into survival game and watch how fast the ninja could flip the tatami.
Champ. Most of them are on ship captain. If they isn't just rsx and pneuma to see who has more patience. Tss them to annoy them. Don't forget to annoy ninja as they are annoying.
Gypsy/Clown. Tarot? AV? You might not be able to hit them, they can't hit you aswell. Lol. Test with jupiter, if they are on defending, just tarot. If they are on gtb, swap to sb and normal atk? It will annoys them as ninja range is quite small. If it's 1 on 1 fight, just don't be too aggressive for 10 minutes, fcp runs out = win.
Pally. If I were on ninja. I wouldnt waste seeds trying to kill them. Dealing 10k-50k (sum of 3 hits) maximum if they're on defending aura. Will take forever to kill.
Prof and Wiz have low chance of killing ninja if they equip gtb. That's true.