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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by SquidySquid

  1. Emp with more hp means woe now depends on teamwork instead of luck now. :) If you're a solo-ing. I am not sure you could survive til the emperium breaks. Unless you have a safe build. Just my opinion. Not quite sure.
  2. I am suggesting 7 berry tix, 7 seed tix and 3 edp tix. :)
  3. I posted a topic on this before but I didn't get any feedback. My suggestion was to add Enlarge weight limit to the SB's.
  4. Yes please. Since many people find raid an interesting event. :)
  5. Rice Picker by Ming please. 2nd generation? Intense by Adrain. 1st gen?
  6. Someone spammed deadly branch on those beginner maps, I couldn't level up my lvl 1 novice. The mobs just kill me off when I warp there.
  7. I love matk stalker too! :)
  8. Welcome to the server!
  9. Emp before were 1.4-1.6k and blue emp 3k tokens? Thana 10k tokens? Good times. :)
  10. -1 to this. Some stalkers like to change skill during fight. This will be unfair for those stalker. The only way is to dual client and link yourself. It won't be criticised as 2v1 as link doesnt give extra damage like holy light or sonic blow. Lol. Even it does, it's still acceptable by most of the community as dispelling them is one of the fun thing to do.
  11. Hahaha! I love the arguments. Well, I would say ninja is user friendly, pretty easy to use, deals good damage. I don't even know how to use it. Doesn't need any improvement.
  12. Hahahaha! Those ninja's suggestions are quite frustrating. It seems like they don't really read what others said.
  13. Isn't this solved already? Just create a new weapon for ninja with lvl 10 enlarge weight limit? And remove those matk buff on current weapon?
  14. That might work. But -1 on increasing prize. You wanted to limit number of members in a party but still increase the prize? Isn't that contradicting?
  15. Joker Squid.
  16. Lol. Those nubs will never stop. Sigh. It annoys me though I am not the one getting ks-ed. I thought this problem was solved by summoning the thanatos at the last location where you put in the fragment. So the summoner get to hit it first. Didn't know that it's still spawned at middle of thanatos tower.
  17. Breaking test room and new players? Please tell me the relationship between those 2. Possible to change to location of the newbie center? Consider the location strategy, the room is located at "abandoned" area of fcity. Some minigame inside, such as the marine sphere game? I can't really remember the name, last novice stand? Need 5 players to start the game (refer to speed race), encourage them to talk to other players, winner get 1 million zeny. Minimum reward to avoid players from cheating. Treasure hunt? Create some quizes and let the new players to find the npc in fcity. Reward should be 1 million zeny. Could make the npcs like those in ring quest. Scavenger? The items should be selected randomly. Like 100 empty bottle. Reward: 5 million zeny? Reward < market price.
  18. Yea. High priest really need to carry more seeds. +1.
  19. No idea. I don't see any ninja in pvp room anyway. Just store more in your storage. Just get them from storage when you're running low.
  20. I joined the event pretty late. From what I experienced throughout the event, perhaps having multiple exits is better. However, players could just set the coors of exits in their shortcut list. It will has little effect but it's still good. :) +1
  21. Talk bout fairness. Remove delay might not change a lot for players with 200+ ping, maybe a little better. For players that already have low ping, hmmm. Fairness. Not your fault, my lecturers had been teaching me the wrong definition.
  22. get few champs to asura drop the life quite fast.
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