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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by SquidySquid

  1. Armor should be gloom+gr or tao+gr. For weapon. 2 tg + 2 paper card will do. Cloak you could try skoll+raydric.
  2. Drunk. When you say Saturday Morning or Afternoon. Please consider bout players with other time zones.
  3. It's okay! Use it first! Remember to use my strike eagle to kill more ppl! Hahaha! Yup! Just when we are starting to be best buddy! :(
  4. For someone I love. I decided to take a break from fro. :) Hope to see you guys soon!
  5. Because Sinx does the breaking. Not champ.
  6. +1 to this. Not the drop rate.
  7. I think using sacred as one of the requirement of new quest is a good idea. Change the duration of PvP ladder to 2 weeks. We have too many pvp tokens in the market. Doesn't need more to deappreciate the price. One of the option. Buff sacred wing. Adding a slot to it is good. Bout the involvement of newbies in PvP room. Could try something like. Week 1 of the month open up the Kingslayer PvP room, week 2 only enable the Excalibur PvP room. So newbies have higher chance of winning during week 2.
  8. Maybe It will be fair if both of the same event held at the different time. This solution is similar to what Decode said.
  9. Go check out the Knight quest. It's pretty easy and the rewards are great. And welcome to the server!
  10. Updated. :)
  11. Sure! It's open for everyone. Just include your name, ign and forum acc. I will add you to the poll. :)
  12. The problem Wan brought up is the new players are unaware of the fact that @go 25 is the the command to main town of Forsaken Ragnarok. Therefore, simply saying @go 25 won't solve anything here. Maybe we should make it similar to that global vote bc. So the new players could see the msg when they are at the empty town. Bc 30 mins once? Or others players could suggest a better idea. :)
  13. Hello. You MIA d? :P Go online.

    1. NaruMisaki


      Sorry i went back kampung boss. lolol

  14. Yeah Kuoch. Now that you can't enter pvp with a party anymore. Those devo pally are unemployed.
  15. Lol! I should quote myself.
  16. Ray Ray! It's quite useless to use gc pally. But str pally is probably better. Now that their fcp will cancelled off when they enter. Rapid Smite can deal a decent damage after breaking their armor with mailbreaker rs. Naru, :( Why you didnt online for so long d.
  17. Just want few opinions since they can't devo anymore.
  18. Of course! :)
  19. updated.
  20. Thanks for moving it to off topic. Was asking ppl how to move this to off topic! :)
  21. Updated. Ami's and Brax's forum acc pending.
  22. Edited.
  23. I need 2 players in order to start the poll. I will remove her once we get enough data.
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