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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by nnnitsuj

  1. Any hints men..
  2. nnnitsuj


    WS are fine. I have one and Im good with it. Only probably I would say they have, is they need a little more hp
  3. nnnitsuj


    B>2 elite ninja weapons S>DexBelt/1hPallySword/ChampKnuckle/WingedMarinRucksack.
  4. They added a delay BECAUSE of people running away. Using CSS and running away right after isnt really too fair, I know.. Im a ninja myself. Its a great skill and like Leni said it should have a downfall. Maybe the delay can be reduced during woe so you can move after say a second or two
  5. So not nice bff... =[ HE MAH CUZIN MAN
  6. bye man! wish i coulda said bye in game before your last log!

  7. I'm gonna play with a HW.
  8. Im iN!
  9. Some what if a bee stinger on the back of the sprite HEH. Bee's Stinger: Given the power of having the almight stinging powers.. of a Bee! +15% Run/Walk speed -5 to all stats Gives a 10-20%(Spriters choice) chance of poisoning(ACTUALLY poisoning the enemy and losing hp at a fast rate) the enemy and losing between a minimum of 1000 to a maximum of 2500 hp per second for 10 seconds. I wouldnt think itd be OP'd cause the 1000-2500 will be random. And if you're lucky enough to be hit by 2500 per second, you only lose 25k life. Plus people can ygg through it. Just an item for laughs and possibly new tactics as Dean stated.
  10. nnnitsuj


    Shoooot! I add more men! Lenikins - Great teal bffl. Only teal bffl heh! We started getting people to change their palettes to teal after we rocked it. (: (: Dina-ni-chan - Niggas hilarious. Always have laughs with this guy in the group of friends in vent. Once were all in there, let the good times roll<3 Sarduarkar - This guy too man. Great friend. Jon, Chris, and I used to always be in vent talking about builds and such to further out skills with our classes and pvp. Miss him dearly. Hope youre doing great in skewlz
  11. Sorry guys, I be quittin too. Not sure if I was known, but yeah whateverz. See you guyz later
  12. I dunno whether its been posted or not , im just lazy to look, but I have some ideas for some other classes. Ninja - They should have a 4 slotted dagger of some sort, since most of the ninjas arent fuuma builds. 4 slotted for FS builds and 3 slotted for magic builds. YA MAN
  13. nnnitsuj


    No order either Justin/Bidoof-Kun - Cool guy man. Used to Kos him when he played on Polyphonic. I play DotA with him now, HELLLLA fun. Chris/Limitless - Great leader and a great friend. Almost got to visit him one time haha. Derek - Dis guy. I remember when he sang one step at a time on vent.. I recorded it man ^^ Sean - FUNNNY GUY MAAAN! "Hi guys, I love you Justin" Heh sean<3 Dean - Plays dota with us. Dotas fun maaaan. Dean sama is fun too<3 Dennis - Great leader as well. Chill ass guy. Our talks are funny. Jae - One of my good friends. Great pvper, too hard to beat. HA Epic - He gave me a set of Ifrit rings when I joined, and I still have them to this day, and Id like to say thanks. Erin - Austine! ^^ Mike - Was my little bro in fRO. Said I looked like his brother heh! Tony - HEY MEN. You always tried getting my blue emp aura.. HAHAH Jay - Zeck feir. Hit low dye fast. j@y h0t Peter - sxc man.. <3 Kuoch - HEY. Gud champ foreva John/Yukumaru - Close friend! One of the best champs Ive ever seen man! Do more later I sleepy

  15. NOW FOR TEAL HIP RIBBON! Gonna take me some time for alldeez teal stuffz.
  16. Hey man, you should definitely meet me and Leni in game. We like teal. Welcome to da server by da way
  17. as long as there are teal items. I SHALL NEVER QUIT. NICE BFFL!
  18. Ya men, I only have one though. Since everyone has 2+, I decided to start my own thing by only having one.
  19. Dude biscuit.. I have the exact same tie, just teal HEH ^^ Oh heres me men.. I needed to wash my car.. but I was lazy.
  20. DUDE HI BFFL!!!

  21. nnnitsuj

    my new video

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