No order either
Justin/Bidoof-Kun - Cool guy man. Used to Kos him when he played on Polyphonic. I play DotA with him now, HELLLLA fun.
Chris/Limitless - Great leader and a great friend. Almost got to visit him one time haha.
Derek - Dis guy. I remember when he sang one step at a time on vent.. I recorded it man ^^
Sean - FUNNNY GUY MAAAN! "Hi guys, I love you Justin" Heh sean<3
Dean - Plays dota with us. Dotas fun maaaan. Dean sama is fun too<3
Dennis - Great leader as well. Chill ass guy. Our talks are funny.
Jae - One of my good friends. Great pvper, too hard to beat. HA
Epic - He gave me a set of Ifrit rings when I joined, and I still have them to this day, and Id like to say thanks.
Erin - Austine! ^^
Mike - Was my little bro in fRO. Said I looked like his brother heh!
Tony - HEY MEN. You always tried getting my blue emp aura.. HAHAH
Jay - Zeck feir. Hit low dye fast. j@y h0t
Peter - sxc man.. <3
Kuoch - HEY. Gud champ foreva
John/Yukumaru - Close friend! One of the best champs Ive ever seen man!
Do more later I sleepy