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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by nnnitsuj

  1. Bump
  2. nnnitsuj

    Benefit's B&S

    Selling/Trading: [1] Mythological Green Wing [1] Deviruchi Wing [1] +10 Elite Proffesor Book [1] +10 Elite Ninja Shuriken [1] Intelligence Belt [1] Mixture B Belt [1] Elite Champion Shield [2] Fallen Bishop Hibram Card(s) [3] Full Elite Champion Set(s) Buying/Trading: [2] Elite Sniper Bow(s) [1] Dexterity Belt Leave offers here, please. Or PM my WS, Oneiric. Post ASAP, I'll want to have these items very soon.
  3. I bet I can take you with my falco in melee. Im pretty fast I might say (:
  4. nnnitsuj

    Bye Walshy.

    Later man! D:
  5. To me, manelll, Nuriavas, and Doriol! Did't expect that many birthdays today hah. Lets all have a great day!
  6. Allow Stave Crasher to have a small chance of breaking shields or modify to work similar to Disarm(Couple of seconds to be stripped). Or maybe even boost the card that brings up Stave damage to like 50% damage. And maybe a mod to the Stave damage and HW hp.
  7. Youre kinda late on that you know.
  8. Melee** And Dispell should act like Magic Crasher on GTB users. That way profs have something to pierce GTB like High Wizards do. But I dont know how that work seeing as I wouldnt know how skills. Well thats my input on it.(Dont go flame hard on me. EVERYONES ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINION. YOURS IS AS GOOD AS MINE.)
  9. nnnitsuj


    Uh oh, the father of fRO is comin back<3. FINALLY. Bring your army along with you
  10. We just finished a bonfire at the beach lawl
  11. Took a picture of your dog you biter<33. Here's me. Im the one allllll the way to the left, with the snake on my shirt!
  12. Prove you wrong Tamil? 3 words, Full Chemical Protection.
  13. HEY HEY HEY HEY! Long time everyone! I see there's a brawl thread, NICE. I'll post my fc as soon as I get my wii back from a friends house. Lets all play =]
  14. I sent a pm term
  15. Woah many DarkRO players in here I never knew! I played in force server. [: I came from, iRO, nlRO, DarkRO, fRO. Owns.
  16. Why do SO many people complain just because they can't kill many people with the class they play. Just L2Play, Really.its not hard. PRACTICE, not complain. Honestly. And SinXs aren't overpowered. You can kill them, I mean its hard but not hard. I can kill plenty of SinXs. I have trouble with paranoia and some few others, but wear the right gear, and sinx's are toast. Same goes with every class.
  17. Pat, PM me please. We'll negotiate about those scrolls and flapping wings. They are gonna be a foure buy, so yeah. Let me know with a PM. I'll buy more than 12 sets of those scrolls.
  18. Oh no you arent gonna give away your flapping wings. Lolo Marc, they have Justin written all over them =/
  19. Hey Pat, PM me in forums to give me a time we both can meet, I wanna get those scrolls. Lol. I'll talk to you aout a deal for those wings too.
  20. nnnitsuj


    LOL, Jay you got owned.
  21. nnnitsuj


    I'm selling a Thanatos Card. Leave offers HERE. Don't PM me in game for them. I'll have this topic up until the 11th or 12th or maybe longer, depending on the offers. Like I said, LEAVE OFFERS HERE. Thanks.
  22. Pat, PM Keekle in game for those scrolls. I'll buy about 12 sets.
  23. Edited my OP. Organized it more and added a few things. Leave offers here.
  24. How many fcp scrolls[Helm,Armor,Shield,Weapon] is worth about 25 donation and 25 event coupons? I'll leave that for you to decide Pat.
  25. For the wings did you want pure coupons?
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