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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by nnnitsuj

  1. nnnitsuj


    B>6 Atroce Cards. Yes 6 men!
  2. Yeah! Thats when someone usually has a camera haha
  3. I add another one for you guys! I was sorta drunk, again.. TEHEHEH
  4. nnnitsuj

    Gvg Npc.

    He probably means the npc thats in the middle. Maybe sometimes he misclicks and that could lead to a miss or a death in the middle
  5. nnnitsuj

    Tao Effect

    Seeing as other people suggested for other class why not Star Gladiators? I have 150 vit and I have around 150k hp. Way too low for anyone 's standards. Even the mage class now has at least 200k. So lets do this favor for star glads!
  6. nnnitsuj

    The List :o

    Oh men.. I remember you steal my week! Its okie men
  7. Sniper dagger.. 100% to demi?! DAFOK MAN
  8. nnnitsuj


    Yez pls!
  9. nnnitsuj


    not really, i mean why not put it on both of the hp hw or prof weapons? theyll be subjected to one build pretty much.
  10. nnnitsuj


    I dunno if this has been suggested cause I'm too lazy to look, but if it is just delete the topic. Im sure it has tho. Well the suggestion is to add the enlarge weight on the prof book and priest book if possible!
  11. nnnitsuj


    NO MAN Y2K!?
  12. My fren men my fren
  13. IKR! (:
  14. o men! i was drunk ok! i no gang
  15. I da one on da right!
  16. What thai said. I had to change like 15 times.
  17. Sigh Pat, it beutiful! But you spell it wrong! it wit a c not a k
  18. nnnitsuj

    B>hw Weapon

    leave offers plz
  19. Graffiti is known for it vandalism. Yeah it's an art form, but why do you think they call it graffiti, because of the way it is used. graffiti is like an adjective. Others see it as vandalism, others take time to actually look at their work and respect it. Graffiti is art, theres no arguing that. But its mainly tagging and all of that stuff, weird looking words, something where the artists puts it down on something whether it be a wall or paper, they hope for someone who respects graffiti and wont judge them. Graffiti is mostly looked down upon because where it usually takes place, the walls. Theres my elaboration.
  20. I vote for entry 3. It pretty much portrays what graffiti is generalized as.
  21. damn biscuit for a sec i thought those legs were yours. thought you were like.. quadruple jointed man!
  22. y@ leave offers
  23. Lol dis nga biscuit using the p in the suuwoop nao heheheh(:
  24. nnnitsuj


    The other years were good too, this one just has more variability to it. My top 3 are Poreotics, Jungle Boogie, and Static Noyze!
  25. The teals look sxc men
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