Again, If you didnt see, I'd like Flapping Wings, Vit Belt, Dragoon Warlord, and 10-20 FCP Scrolls[Whole Sets]. Leave me an offer here, Or PM one of my chars in game. I'll keep this topic bumped.
Come on Pat! Give me an offer for those flapping wings, a vit belt, d.warlord card, and about 10-20 fcp scrolls[whole set]. Sell me them seperately or all together[reasonable price pleaseeee] [:
Im interested in one of those flapping wings. What would you like for em?
I'd also like a vit belt, dragon warlord, and kind of a lot of those fcp scrolls. Tell me an offer, I'll buy most of em, if they're a reasonable price.
I'm interested in those Vit belts. I'll trade 1 Str,1 Dex, 5 Coupons, & 3 Tur Gen Cards for both of them. PM me in game. My char's name is Vanilla Pocky or Benefit. You'll catch me on either one of them.
1 White Butterfly Wing[80]
1 Blue Fairy Wings[85]
1 Strength Belt[85] or for a Vitality Belt
1 Dexterity Belt[85] or for a Vitality Belt
Donation Equipment:
1 +10 Forsaken King Cloak[80]
Elite Items:
1 Gunslinger Elite Set(No Weapon)[15 Each or 60 for all]
1 Lord Knight Elite 2 Handed Pike[35]
1 Lord Knight Elite 2 Handed Sword[35]
2 Paladin Elite One Handed Swords[45 Each]
4 +10 Elite Katars[30 Each]
[sOLD] 1 Lord Knight Card[25]
3 Turtle General Cards[15 Each]
1000 Deathword Cards[100:1 or 1000:10]
Selling list is SET prices. No more, no less.
1 Dragon Warlord Card
2 Vitality Belts
Elite Items:
1 Elite Stalker Dagger
For the buying list, I'll need these asap. Please leave a offer here for PM my champ, Benefit.
Before you totally leave the server, make sure Im on before you go. I cant miss out on this. Right now its 10:27AM. I have class at 11:10AM to 12:35PM. If you can don't leave until I get back.. =/
OH MAN. You think you're emo because you have long hair and and you're sensitive? So how do you place girls in your world? Are they all "emo? Come on man. Your stereotyping yourself with that lame description of emo. Women get emotional, that doesn't mean they're emo. It's called moodswings. As walsh said, you're just a "scene" kid. I just HAVE to post this up..
I'll post another picture of mine in my next post.
If you wish for others not to start an ego arguement, dont start topics like this.. -__-. Well MY list.
1. Ninjaz In Pajamaz
2. Valkyrie Hrist
3. Knight of Heaven
4. Gilgamesh
5. Whoever.