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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by nnnitsuj

  1. Sorry I havent been on Xuoch, My comp has a virus so Im stuck with my moms. I'll be on when I get my shiz fixed men!
  2. Yeah man.. colts
  3. 675 for gold!
  4. oh men gm said i cute! u cute tu men! ^^

  5. nnnitsuj


    B/T> Sacred Green Wings Imperial Green Valk Helm. Leave prices here or PM me in game. Junae
  7. FBH helps with sac dmg? I NVR NEW!
  8. yeedat hype
  9. nnnitsuj


    Schools here, could be takin a break. Kicked from the guild so'z, I'll see how dat goez.
  10. nnnitsuj

    Soul Linkers

    And if you were talking about Eske, just dont let that be used on players HEHEHEHE. Yeah I knew it was that skill
  11. nnnitsuj

    Soul Linkers

    Oh yeah gtb makes this suggestion pointless? Then what about wizards. Its basically the same thing. And yes the skill are strong, but gtb is still there so it wouldnt be OP'd. Id like to see how soul linkers would do in pvp with their skills working. Priest are also support classes, but I see some pvp also so that doesnt really mean just because theyre a support class doesnt mean they wont pvp. Heck, the HP book was buffed to have a more pvp feel to it. I dont really see anything wrong with this :P EDIT: And if it were too strong, maybe tone down the power of the skills. And if you were talking about Eske, just dont let that be used on players And for the Esma formula, id way say change it to maybe (30+BaseLV%) x 10 Missiles
  12. nnnitsuj

    Soul Linkers

    Make soul linkers magic skills work for pvp plz!
  13. nnnitsuj

    Omg Guize

  14. Sighhhhhhhh TAKE THAT
  15. Im not bidoof justin maaaaan.. -___-
  16. idno men idno! @dina - MAN DATS MAI TAILZ DUN HAET! @Mil - Y@ MAN TEAL! I GOT DEM TEAL HATZ! I in dat blue and white flannel!
  17. nnnitsuj


    Yeah, I also am a veteran WS player, as I stated before.. All they really need is a HP boost. I mean man, look at the WS' with thana.. insane man insane.
  18. Already suggested pally shield skills.
  19. OH YEAH MAN SD! Back when my tail was super long man! HI!
  20. Sigh man, I wanna play that game so much. Justin got lucky with his invite eh Dean!?
  21. wow fk u youre lucky...
  22. 0H DUD3 H4PPY B1RD4Y AUSTINE!!!!!
  23. nnnitsuj


    The shield skills are based on the weight of the SHIELD. Raising the damage mods will make it decent, adding it to be effected by weapon cards would make it semi on par with LK classes. LKs can be made into a full reflect defensive class. And at times, the reflect LK can be better than a reflect pally. Terminus' reflect builda long time ago proved it. @conor/ Swarmed by pallies? PvP is already swarmed by LKs, Champs, Sinxs, some devos pallies, creators, some ws, snipers, Gunslingers, clowns AND Gypsy. Making a pally a little offensive wont screw anything up, just adding variety to its class. I'm sure people are just afraid that their precious DPS high output damage would finally have a challenge.
  24. nnnitsuj


    I'm sure a lot of the pallies here are.. sorta bored of being just devo-ers & sac pallies. Seriously, they need more of a variety. I would like to do decent damage as a pally myself. I suggest for the shield skills to be effected by weapon cards and such [EX. Thana, incat, tg.. etc ]. Since pallies dont really have atk skills, their shield skills would do just fine. Shield Charge max atk is 200% increase it to say maybe 350%-470%. It'll act like an LK's BB. Pushes back farther to prevent ultra spam like BB. So increasing its damage % wouldnt be a problem. Plus it only hits once so if it does do like 15-20k you can still ygg through it. Shield Boomerang max atk is 250% increase it to match spear boom which is 350%. Not a big problem if shield boomerang was doing spear boomerang damage. Shield Chain does 150%. I say bring it up to 250% or 350% per attack. Match it up with an LK's spiral pierce. Of course itll require the pally to be full str to do damage. They wouldn't be OP'd cause they wouldnt be able to dish out damage AND tank/reflect at the same time. Theyll have to adjust to one of those builds. Id love it to be a full damage pally. What do you all think?
  25. nnnitsuj


    I was totally ignored man.
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