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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. We are currently undergoing an unexpected maintenance. Please bear with us. The server should be back up shortly. Thanks for your patience! ~The Forsaken RO GM Team
  2. Hi, welcome to Forsaken! MissMezri's link is a great place to look for your information to start out. Browsing the forum will also help you out, to see what's happening now on the server. If you need any help, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or ask the players in Forsaken City (@go 25) for help. Many won't mind lending a helping hand to those who need it. Again, welcome, and enjoy your stay here!
  3. Wish

    Hi I'm Biscuit

    Welcome back. :)
  4. ^ I know, right?
  5. Wish


    Not really. A lot of players will help you out if you're polite and don't spam or beg. @iGloomy Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! Some of the best places you'll want to check are the ForsakenRO Discussion area and the Quest Guide area. There, you'll find good information about our server, as well as lists of our items and how to get them. For other help, like Exhibition mentioned, you can PM anyone on the forum or ask in game. Good luck, and enjoy your time here. :)
  6. Wish


    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! MissMezri's link is a great place to get information. You can also cruise the forums and look at other topics that may have answers to any questions. Always feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or ask players in Forsaken City (@go 25) for help. Make sure you can log in here: Control Panel If not, you haven't fully validated. Make sure you've registered there, too. Good luck, and enjoy your stay!
  7. Wish


    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you need any help getting started, some of the better places to check would be the ForsakenRO Discussion and Quest Guide areas. You'll find a lot of information about the server and its items, as well as how to get those items. Also, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request in game, or ask players for help in Forsaken City (@go 25). Many players won't mind lending a helping hand. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us. :)
  8. Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO. I hope you were able to get registered. MissMezri's link is a great place to check for information when you're just getting started on the server. You can also check for other topics around the forum for answers to any other questions. Never hesitate to post or PM a GM, either. You can also @request for one in game, or ask players around Forsaken City (@go 25) for help. Welcome again, and enjoy your stay. :)
  9. Wish

    Ticket Exchager

    Well, no one can carry 1000 berries to my knowledge, but...we've already accepted to make the ygg changer change multiple ticket to berries and vice versa. - Rejected -
  10. That's an entirely different problem...please post in the support section, and we'll help you there.
  11. Wish

    Fork Is Upon You.

    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you need any help, feel free to browse and post on the forum. The places you'll probably find most helpful are the ForsakenRO Discussion area (where we have lists of our items, and where you can find basic information about our server) and the Quest Guide area (where you'll find guides to get many of our custom items). For other help and support, you can always PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or simply ask players in Forsaken City (@go 25) for help. Many players are friendly and wouldn't mind lending a helping hand. Again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here. :)
  12. Well, whatever you guys want. I was just throwing it on the table for you, if you wanted to think about it. :)
  13. The judging panel, or...? If you want, I think that we could open applications for it...(I'd have to talk to the others about it, but I'll put it to you first to see what you'd want). Also, I think we were confused I think we thought that only the judges would be judging, but that's not the case. (obviously). However, the amount of people who participated was nice. We'll make sure to keep broadcasting in game.
  14. Wish


    K-on. ;3
  15. Screw dat. If someone says I'm Azn, I'll go with it. Azns are sxc. ;3

  16. Wish


    Sure, no problem. :) And yes, you can see lolitail in both of those fields, they just aren't available as pets. Good luck!
  17. Wish


    Empty safari balls are usually a waste of money. Balls with monsters in them are only obtainable through the safari zone. They are special monsters that you can't usually tame. Alices are tamable with the item "soft apron", dropped by Aliza. You don't need to go to the safari zone for them, though I'm unsure if they're currently catchable. Lolitail are not available anywhere.
  18. Quit the flaming.
  19. It's not mean. You made a suggestion, and people gave their input. That's why we have this forum. Everyone gets a say, and generally, the majority wins overall. Personally, I agree that the no walking speed reduction is fine. Like others have pointed out, it will be mostly geared players getting these rucksacks. Yes, a lot of effort goes into them. Bragging rights/ego boost goes a long way. You can't say you don't feel elite being one of the few with the rucksack.
  20. This isn't the place to ask about 3rd job classes. There are many topics on the forum where you can see the GMs' responses to that. Keep it on topic, asking questions about the client releases. Further questions about the 3rd job classes will be considered spam and warned.
  21. Wish


    Haha, thanks. :)
  22. Wish


    Sigh, it's hard to vary it, when you want to get the basic information across. :[
  23. Wish


    Yes, when an account has been inactive for a long time, that happens. We don't do name changes for that, however. Sorry for the inconvenience. Welcome back, though, it's great to have you here. If you need any help, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or merely ask the players in Forsaken City. Good luck, and enjoy your time here. :)
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