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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Do the best you can in your applications! Be honest, proofread your stuff, and be aware that, although this is volunteer, it is a job! Looking forward to having some new hands on deck. :)
  2. Thank you, all! xDDD Almost everyone has taken it seriously, which I appreciate. :) And don't worry! I can't see who is answering what, so like I said, it's completely anonymous. :3
  3. Thanks!!
  4. Nope, you just take the survey! Thank you. <3
  5. Hi guys, I'm writing an essay for school on online gaming. It would really help me out if some of you could respond to my survey. It's in two parts, and I do need you to take both if you participate. It's completely anonymous, but I would really appreciate if you take it seriously since this is an important paper. Thanks in advance to those who help me out! :) Part 1 Part 2 Much love, Wish
  6. Custom mob drops for this update:Piece of Cloth of Saint - Fake Angel 100% String - The Paper 100% Blood of Wolf - Wolf 50% Cat Paw - Leaf Cat 100% Mandragora Flowerpot - Muscipular 100% Pumpkin Mojo - Jakk 100% Witch's Medal - Baba Yaga 100% Bag of Candy - Nine Tail 100%
  7. I'm...concerned. D:
  8. Hey, welcome again, and thanks for the shout out! :P It was great to meet you! Hope you continue to enjoy your time here. :)
  9. It'll mainly be up with a few downtimes, but those shouldn't last more than 15-30 minutes. :) Can't wait to see you in game!
  10. Hi, welcome to the server! Please let us know if you need any help with anything. :) @Cresent Please refer to our official topic for information!
  11. Hmm...we are buffing a lot of the legendary weapons, but it's still at a level 3 bolt level right now. When we finalize the effects for sure, I'll talk with the others about this.
  12. Personally, I agree with decreasing the price of the bottles. We'll discuss it. :)
  13. Yes, it's both job and base level. :)
  14. I said short of giving you items!! D: But we do give you lots of free stuff in the new character package!
  15. Hi, welcome to ForsakenRO! Sorry about the inconvenience. We're working with our host to get it fixed ASAP. Please let us know if you need any help. :)
  16. Hi, welcome to ForsakenRO! Sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, when it's a host-side problem, we can't do anything but urge them to hurry along, which we are definitely doing. But if you need any help, feel free to let us know!
  17. Hello, welcome to ForsakenRO! :) I'm sure there are tons of people who would love to help you out with builds and whatnot. But if there's anything we can do for you, please let us know!
  18. Hahaha! Nice job. xDDD Very entertaining. I love the music you used. It sounds REALLY familiar. D:
  19. Oh man never say that to a Korean! They will tear your throat out!! But anyway, as everyone has said, welcome! If you need any help, feel free to let us know. :) Short of giving you items or leveling you with our GMs. :P
  20. Old blue box and old purple box. :)
  21. Hi, Furahi! Yes, we definitely have a number of NlRO players here. Hopefully you will have time to join us. We'd be glad to have you. :)
  22. Welcome! It's been great talking to you in game so far. :) Let us know if you have any other questions!
  23. Wish


    Hello, Fedor, and welcome! Please let us know if you have any questions. :) We're glad to have you here!
  24. Wish


    Hello and welcome! I really hope you find your home here with us. :) If you need anything, please let us know! We'll be glad to help.
  25. Wish

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted, but then you find out it was an impostor. :P I wish for for a bottle cap.
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