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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by drax13

  1. Ill buy your pants for 43 coupons.
  2. What would you think I am in reply life? Pasty nerd that sits in front of his computer with high marks Semi-jokes azn boy that has nothing better to do when he's not with his friends or A girl trying to act like a guy. Take your picks ^^
  3. Wizard should make a topic about how desperate he is to become GM. Almost every post I've read that's his talks about wanting to become a GM. Just play and get pro. If you want to help the community sit in fcity and help out the noobs. Wanna hold events? Give away your hard earned coupons xD
  4. I almost had all the donation wings until the purple and black ones came out :P Love it, or hate it. I just <3 my wings.
  5. I noticed that you can now choose how many event coupons you want to change to donates. Thats amazing.
  6. Sounds awesome, Im gunna love these non donar lms /gg
  7. Im buying a thana :P My offer: Deviling wing Red fairy wings Blue fairy wings Gargoyle wings Preferbly forum pm me or pm Kiwi Happy or Kiwi Tree or just leave your offer here
  8. If you add it make the announcement require an unfathomable number of kills, like 30.
  9. Its ok he fixed it, thanks.
  10. Dota rocks your socks
  11. Really awesome and useful
  12. Thats awesome 10/1 because that 10 times better than anything I'd ever make
  13. Ok, so I just got the elite gun. And when I look at the script it has 4 slots. But when I actually try to card it there is only 1 slot. Please look into this. Heres some screen shots:
  14. I think Id rather be a support GM then a Event GM, tell me if these kind of positions ever open up :D
  15. Gm genisis said if you forum pm him, he'll tell you what it does
  16. Im doing the gunslinger elite weapon quest and I have all the required items, and whenever I click (I have those) it says I dont have the required items. If a gm is online could they solve my problem now since im also online. IGN is Kiwi Happy Im on now!
  17. They said Email it, don't post it.
  18. Buying 2 Phreeoni cards leave your offers or pm Kiwi Happy Kiwi Tree
  19. drax13


    sublime is damascus??
  20. I have both dex and vit belts. pm me in game Kiwi Tree or Kiwi Happy or send me a forum pm/mail your weistselter right?
  21. 35 coupons for FBH I think I already sold it to you
  22. drax13

    Forsaken Elite!

    Are there prizes for the first elite character for every class?
  23. Trading my Dex or Agi belt for Str belt Or Trading Dex belt for 95 coupons Trading Agi belt for 95 coupons Selling a FBH too
  24. How much for the jellopy? Im paying 98 coupons
  25. You didnt wish for anything so nothing was granted >:D I wish I was 22
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