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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by drax13

  1. Hmm, I cant tell if this is only a minor update or a big one. Because I cant tell whats been changed O_O. It would be helpful if a GM could reply to this and list all the updates.
  2. Yes folks the update is finally here!
  3. Patch howd you put the images on the forum, I use flcikstr and it wont let me use my pictures in a post
  4. Whats the best way to hunt edp's? lhz_dun03 or hunt the items to make it?
  5. Title says it all folks
  6. Buying your str belt with coupons ^_^
  7. OMG, the quest that comes out for this will be abused like hell. But Im guessing with wings as cool as those the items used in the quest are gonna have like 0.01% drop chances :P
  8. drax13

    Server Updates?

    Can we get a date on when the server updates will be finished? Or is it one of those, its finished when its finished sort of things?
  9. Yes im selling a dex belt and buying one to, send me your offers also I have a phreeoni card that I dont need, offer me ^^
  10. drax13

    My Market of Cards

    Shit i cant beat his offer /sob
  11. drax13

    S>dex belt

    Post your best offers for my dex belt or pm me in game kiwiski
  12. Ill give you alot of zeny, sned me a pm kiwiski
  13. drax13


    Ill give you 1bil for it :P
  14. Ill give you 80 coupons for that card
  15. Thanks Remy, your guides been posted ^^
  16. Lol, you wish buddy. I came up with the name drax when i was 10 years old. You can check all the main Ro servers. I have accounts named drax13 on lamost everything, i picked the name when i was playing darkcloud. But one day it didnt look to cool in game so i thought up kiwiski BTW MY NEW SITE IS UP http://www.freewebs.com/forsakenkiwi/ check it out, so far everything that's there has been thought up by me, I do not copy and paste. And if i do i put up where and who i got the info from. Enjoy XP
  17. I'm planning on making a forsaken Ro fansite. Can i post the link here?<--- old The new site is up people its www.forsakenkiwi.tk Hope you all enjoy it
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