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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by drax13

  1. Ahhh now I get it. So why don't you guys start throwing some more Hide and Seeks to boost the non-donating economy x]
  2. Granted, but no time = no existence. And everyone and everything died. I wish I had a hot girlfriend with a good personality that wouldn't leave me, die, get hurt, or get affected negatively in any way.
  3. Your pro. I play DDR not stepmania, same thing basically but im only on standard.
  4. drax13


    So all you need is an Ican and a phreeoni card, no need for a crit build.
  5. drax13

    LMS video

    Looks like Good Soup is coming back
  6. Nao-chann is hot! :P Why would anyone be rude about you?
  7. Nice. and Congrats
  8. Can you make on in yellow please.
  9. drax13

    S>Thanatos Card.

    When the heck was the event for FCP scrolls?
  10. Lol, if they offered you 80 hen why don't you buy it? Its because your making it up and trying to get a lower price from Reiter Palasch
  11. drax13

    New Sig

    Taerran made these 2 Sigs for me. Love them or hate them.
  12. Lol, this guy made more people hate him than like him by putting this up.
  13. Its funny how non-donation LMS, just made it easier for donators with cards to win. And with the 2 slotted elite sets coming out, expect to see alot more donaters on Non-Donation LMS.
  14. The strongest men
  15. There only 2, here they are 1. Wizardry 2. Nao-chann
  16. Is anyone interested in making me a Siggy thats: 400 width 125 height Colours: Black, Dark Yellow, White Make it abstract art or a Gunslinger, or anything creative ^^ If it comes out really good I might offer 20 or more >_<
  17. If Epic lets me join can you make that Influence siggy both yellow and green? So 1 yellow and 1 green one. It looks sexy.
  18. I ate a baphomet for monster food.
  19. the goat biting
  20. Granted, but only the ugly females went after you. I wish I passed exams with 90's.
  21. Aww cmon, let's here those random outbursts of answers.
  22. In an event like this, creativity wins.
  23. Your wish didn't get granted because I have no clue what that meant. I wish my dumb ass friend didn't kick my bag, thus breaking my psp inside it.
  24. So the next...
  25. I am 99% sure he was joking about it. But if for that 1% he was telling the truth then I feel really dumb.
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