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Everything posted by MikeJamez

  1. Excellent update ^^
  2. waa Sweet update *.*
  3. Surgery tomorrow... :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bataclanmarriel


      sir gudluck!! godspeed! ^^godbless

    3. qperteplex


      put me in your will just incase to save your items. LOL. goodluck man

    4. MyDogs1234


      Hope you will success , and can I have my rop and all that back

  4. Happy new year everyone :) Keep safe. Be thankful its not -51 outside where you live :( lol.. so cold today D:

    1. adam-


      haha happy new years man!

    2. bataclanmarriel


      ^^happy new year sir xD

  5. w00t +2049829014 for this update :DDD so much win here <3
  6. you cant equip the blade on left hand. only another dagger or the donation blade item "Loki Cursed Blade(red/blue)"
  7. there is no red emp on server. yet**
  8. Drop Dead Handsome is/was best GS.
  9. pm me in game. im pro all pvp classes.
  10. do you have a pop-up / ad blocker. ? if so disable it.
  11. +1 for one above me ^
  12. saved as 24-Bit .bmp ?
  13. Wont be as active for awhile.. some medical issues need to take care of.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. llarenasonny


      can i ask what is your IGN?

    3. elykarmic


      get well soon mike. and i hope you'll have a successful surgery


    4. MikeJamez


      my ign? "ShdaowChaos, Echo'Veto, Just A Breaker, Dragon Soul, Royal Devotion" And thanks Hizuka, ill do my best.

  14. also "Well ripened berry" for my Miyabi Doll pet :D
  15. is 10% like it says. just doesnt seem like much more damage than emp cause emp adds more stats and also 4% or 5%+ dmg to demi also.
  16. So much snow *__*

    1. kayl21


      you mean sperm? o.o

    2. Ochibi


      Marry Christmas lololo =D !!

    3. MikeJamez


      lol Kayl wth bby xD

  17. Seems cool but also sounds like a cheap way to get Fking stat helm without having to buy F.Helm lol... unless ofc the fee would be 100 tokens as the npc for fhelm is. if want upgraded "fashion" hats why not make it like Limited Ed. hat npc. Exchange 1 Fhelm + 1 Quest hat = upgraded to fhelm stat with quest sprite. if people really care about fighting in fashion they will pay right?? Otherwise there is tons of expansion hats you can use with Fking set already. Even myself have no problem using Fhelm to fight WHEN im not using Ship hat(which most people use when fighting). Who cares what you look like in battle long as you're getting the job done. Then when you go and chill with friends you dress up fashionably and the stat bonus doesn't matter.
  18. welcome. From Manitoba here ^^
  19. Rune of Power~
  20. to further on this could release a few other colors of imp that are already made. maybe some old imps? like blue/green/purple/orange. might make more people want to come gvg :D
  21. RGM>Pros Woe/GvG/BR/PvP Pm in Game for details.

  22. Hi just wondering if there's a chance maroon imperial valkyrie helm can be released sometime soon? I saved up 160 battle royal tokens for a long time and finally got the emperium aura and also saved 10 gvg tokens but it doesnt show maroon imp available :(. But its already created just not realeased. Can you please add it so i can complete my set just like the mint/umber/jade :D . Been waiting a long time for Maroon set. Please and thank you :D - Mike
  23. hmm you guys are blind then if u think just 1 pala 1 sinx.. when also jano was there cause i devod him.. i seen also another breaker there he was a dark pallet.. i seen him periodically throughout woe sitting by the emp..every dmgd the emp to the point it was pretty much about to break we thought.. was on my LK for 56 minutes dmging emp with 2x gloom armor and thana on my Freyrs blade.. , + undefeated guild breakers made it to emp quite a few times.. the dmg a sinx can do can far outpass a 2min heal by sanct whether its working or not in a matter of seconds.. i dont see why you guys are accusing us of cheating ? its a simple win with some luck on our side.. this all coming from a guild that has cheated before to try and beat us? and their leaders know cheaters / abusers ? .. Just settle down.. see you guys next woe..
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