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Everything posted by MikeJamez

  1. they need sp cause when 2xfbh u have low sp and sometimes cant use EDP ^^
  2. everyone knows where to find me. tell airi to come. waiting..
  3. Ah.. well yea. if u did see him in his prime you would agree with me ^.^
  4. the one in unititled is not the alpha im talking about neil. this alpha is also named El Loco Diablo. he quit before you even came to the server lol . He was in Limitless guild followed by Leading Treadstone guild. if u dont know those guilds you dont know this alpha/El loco lol.. and theres no way you can beat him at champ.. nobody could when he tried.not i , not yuku nobody could. he was the best. you should see my tss spam haha. good as airis. i have 0-10 ping all day even during woe 2.0
  5. i know Neil euheuheuh xD its all fun ^_^
  6. nice hats ^.^ already make Cherry , Sakura and Tree hat just Rainbow left, best for last :D
  7. you beat not the right aplha.. this alpha was before your time noob cakes. this alpha first champ name was : El loco Diablo only old players will know of him. best champ. also: care to face Echo'Veto now ? i guarantee i'll win Edit: no. this alpha played beore LHZ aura or Infernal Capes was even invented -.- you dont know him. u never will. and never woulda beat him .
  8. 1.Alpha Centurian/El Loco diablo(old treadstone leader/limitless guild) 2.Yukumaru 3.se7en/woojin 4.HerLove 5.Drakko 6.Echo'Veto 7.Exit to Windows 8.RandomFro Player/Im a Randy/Tk-187 9.Ferth. 10.Biel~ top 10 champs i know of.
  9. ye
  10. Wooow nice update ^.^ never fail to impress. Keep it up ! Oh yay fixed my Mint emp descriptionnnnnn !!! YESSSS xD
  11. This makes much more sense. +1 for this
  12. Leader - Echo'Veto Guild - Remember The Forgotten Bid - 3000 Invalid Bid Wish Please Check This again. LOL
  13. ACTUALLY! he does know it was a joke we already talked about it and he disagrees with you also. and thats how some of me and my friends are, we insult each other ? just cause you dont do things the same... and still you could use some sense i didnt go and reply to his BC or anything.. ban me for woe? thats horrible gm.. horrible.. no wonder why i dont want to donate on here. have a heart gm, give your head a shake.
  14. Yea i see people all day bc abusing. i did ONE bc for fun to my friend ? said S>F.Guitar zig-fail AND i got banned? banned For WOE? i missed work today to WOE and this is what i get ?
  15. hi sexy man :D i miss you :3 /gg

  16. By null at 2010-03-01 By rtn204 at 2010-03-01 By rtn204 at 2010-03-01 Some Gey Pictures of me ~
  17. ukelele ? and you can actually play that little thing :P thought you liked it big ? oO ROFL hehe .gg well im alright i guess hungry right now oh BTW dammmmm your pic .slur HAHAH

  18. Hi Sweeeetieeee <3 Daddy love you and nobody aloud to hit on Irene I said so >:

  19. aww what a tiny guitar heh how are you maria ?

  20. i bet i missed you more .gg

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