well thats what i want to have happen, but its not possible to do at this time. i prefer the weight be turned to zero so we can just carry alot. since this is used like a gem stone. so we would still have to buy it.
all woe maps count towards ladder and there are more woe maps then the ones we woe on. also pvp was enabled all the time for some reason and those maps are big so people cant report cheaters all the time. also gms cant be on all the time either.
soul linker esma skills were deemed over powered by the official ro server to be used in pvp, so they set it to be like this. esma is the most powerful magic skill in the game which, with the right gears, can one shot people if u dont wear gtb.
kind of hard to understand what u said at the end. if u want parties in pvp room and using under geared people as an excuse thats a bad reason. i dont see any under geared people laddering anyways. if u dont want parties well then good.
what is this 5 and 7 and 10 thousand sonic blows of which u people speak of. i can only do 3 and 4 when being hit. 5 is once in a blue moon. if u can do 3 then u should be happy(rhymes dosent it). trying lowering their hp first then spam.
sometimes i have 12 ping other times i have 80 i still win. if u lag so hard that u cant move then u sholdnt play. thats what i do. also, will that rule be account ban for a week or so? cause i have lots of characters that are maxed out. also i have more then one account and in other cases so do most people.