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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by nines

  1. Well naruto isn't a Hokage so I don't see the relevance in that x.x Also theres an uruhara hat in the game and he actually has a bankai unlike naruto who isn't a hokage xD.
  2. The gms made these weapons based off our suggestions at least there meeting us half way, Yes it is a Donation but hell the only things that aren't donation are woe drops and elite <.< everyone else is running around with donation ruckies and the ruckies are the same price as for a weapon less qq and more pew pew please. They through us an update after everyone has been qqing about no updates well guess what we got it finally yay, and now afterwards after they read our suggestions took ideas from them gave us an awesome update people still qqing. But, Making the elite bow 1 handed I have no problem with mainly because after long use of the Soaring Bird I can say shield isn't over powered plus the magic users now have an option to fight back against gtb. Btw im not trying to pick a fight here just saying this is how it looks like.
  3. The hp boost isn't needed im tanking asuras with 2x pouring on and 210k hp Kouch is survivor mode like 300k+ hp still doing like 32k spammable with ds and has a shield on, with skolls. Only thing the class needs now is for phantasm arrow to knock people out of pneuma.
  4. Yah im with Shimmy on this one, since there fresh and the server needs donations we can keep em up for like a month make a good profit people buy em sell em helps server gets people the items, then after a good amount of time add an npc for 300 qpons.
  5. 1st yes one piece is very very gay. 2nd. Sage mode has a limit and when you need more chakara you have to go find time to gather plus you'll only have super strength if its just sage mode, while Bankai stays on until you take it off, also if you have bankai you also have the power of a shikai also you could get some hack ass power just like aizen or gins. So Bankai, Plus you could turn into something cool looking instead of you know...a frog <.<
  6. You mean just like the other 2 pictures that have just a handgun?
  7. I was originally against the one handed bow for sniper and all that but after using it for well basically since it came out xD, Its not that over powered it put there dmg on par with others but there still killable. and gtb is no longer a problem since stave crasher.
  8. Sniper bow has the problem, can't be carded and all the wepons are breakable
  9. Elimination....before in American woe, the only idiot I would see frenzy who was a breaker is Huy <.< no one else ever frenzied but now cause of this hp bonus everyone EVERYONE is doing it <.< (BloodNines Credited with 4 emp breaks with new 250m hp no frenzying!) ((cocky points +90)) And no The gunslingers aren't the only ones who won, Champs won off woe Mike using my prof won in pvp and woe only like 400 kills at woe. Also gunslingers are dependent on aoe just magnetic earth and hes boned.
  10. Memory said he might think of bringing the kill death ratio back so no, champ will not rule the ladder because 90% of them suck.
  11. ok....I agree to the reduced hp of the emp and your post sorrow helps me prove it a lot thank you. 1. The strategy now is just pill poppers which the person recommending this is in that guild qqing really. Everyone is just now frenzying right on the emp and its breaking super fast, there is no longer defense cause it is all breakers -.- and the guild that does defend who never losses there castle really Influence because of cheap tactics and having wpe slave set up on the emp to spam saftey wall the second it goes down, 900x easir for them. 2. Castle defense has always been possible i had 20 people in extinction when i was leading it and we held off 3 full guild ecalls including loli and drax and all of them -.- still had like 24 eco was highest we got with me leading. Was very possible with 68m. 3. 100m is a great idea adding 190m to the emp? Edu your an idiot for recommending that <.< just ruined woe now it is truly even more of a emp rush. and god...Euro? gonna be 9000x worse with all the gypsys and breakers so now you can have a 3 man defense and hold the emp for a couple minutes and if a big guild gets it guess what its not breaking <.<.
  12. Second* was farming em to sell and then was like....wtf that was a waste of time <.< but then I used em on woe and it all worked out. The End~
  13. nines

    Ladder Ladder?

    I don't think that's actually a rule forbidding that.
  14. I could care less about spam im already 1/5th of the way to a ban plus there was the ^ reffering to the post up above :O on no ur right call in the warn wagon <.<. U all fail on these ideas btw =.= basically insta cast enough to carry yggs if u get stripped yada yada its not about what anyone else thinks just have fun with your builds, int belts work for lightning bolt to <.< which is actually better for maya people.
  15. Eeeeh Only real votes I can see to go on for a gun theme and quality also a sig that you would actually use not just make and discard would be (To Me) is Poringly and Neils. Haruka would have added you to but could have had a better background to lead into the blood splatter I really like that, the red and white with the red outer glow on the white was kinda overkill tho (hehe) Also try duplicating your gun render and then sharpening it so it isn't blurry. Poringly I love the hand drawn thing and you found a really good stock but, you could have done some better backgrounds with it, also like add a hand drawn table to put that on or a hand drawn cig in an ash tray make it seem like a hitman theme which it is already but would have boosted the quality more, your getting better. Neils, well the text is bad <.< the Ace is fine but the X07 is just horrible -.-, really like the effects and war feeling that it gives off really fits into Kill zone. My Vote is going to have to go to AceX07 not because hes a friend of mine I could care less if he was the fckin dean of my college and he could change my grade if I voted him. His just has better quality / effects than the others do. ]Reasons for voting for #3 AceX07] Fits the gun theme nicely with kill zone as game render, has great effects / flow on the render to fit a nice war theme, also a big fan of kill zone used to play it all the time with my sister on ps2.
  16. Oooooh thats a sexy gun :O You know how much they cost?
  17. nines

    Emperium Room

    Doable yes relevance in this server....Eh not really, if you just wanna test how long it takes you to break sure but they accepted a suggestion to raise the hp of emp making it so woe will now suck total balls instead of making woe fun and adding 2.0 <.<. But in this server its all about the last hit so damage plays a part in it the higher dmg u do the higher chance u have of getting the last hit. Only thing I would see kinda good coming from adding an emp thingy into the server is making an Emp Breaking event who ever gets the last hit wins the event be done like 3 times in a row. lol
  18. nines

    Emperium Room

    Actually very doable its done on about 40 other servers <.<
  19. Squishy means like they take mass damage but theres a side effect to it they also take mass damage. And by support class I don't mean a class that can take on like two people on at once or demolish a champ, A sniper can do good against a champ since they have to be in range to asura you, you could skid trap or ankle snare them easly but they can also fall back on toss. Snipers are a class you have to be patient with to get a kill just like they were in iRO I know this is a high rate server but the class value seems to stayed the same. I do agree on 1. They need a damage boost pretty bad (Even in iRO a hunters auto attack would keep on par with a sinx using lvl 1 edp) 2. Traps need to be just what they are a trap you can't get out of unless u like tear ur ankle off or something but were not foxes. 3. Maybe a little more hp so you could maybe vsing a champ put devs on and tank an asura. 4. Phantasm Arrow always should be knocking people of out pneuma idk why it doesn't do it on this server. 5. And this is the one we all agree on. I Love Me (Cocky Points +15) @Xtopher thats a pretty good idea make it like a tactical decision to switch from survivor to damage (but then again theres those people who would just use the low damage so they could run forever and ever).
  20. Snipers are indeed like mike and I have said supposed to be a class of high damage and good support But just like a mage in world of war craft they are supposed to be squishy . The damage Bonus is needed but not to 600% thats just going over board. 540% would add another 4k each hit 8k dmg bonus seems fair. But if we were to make it so traps were unavoidable massive damage bonus range strip and all of that anyone in a nd set could ruin pvp, fcps would become over priced because you would have a bunch of people rolling to sniper and abusing it. Traps like I said I agree on this I also think the traps damage should be boosted so they can do like 20k hits since in iRO traps played a major part in there damage dealing. But they should also have there life lowered so blast clip can kill them other wise like I have said before your a sitting duck just waiting for a shotgun in the face.
  21. Sorrow thats like saying a thana sinx vs a person with 300 vit and devs on can do 400k sonic blows why not everyone else <.<. Now I want to know why everyone is ignoring my suggestions what actually go and counter fix things instead of you guys constantly bitching back and forth omg this omg that this is thread for suggestion not I THINK THEY UP I THINK THIS MAKE THEM OP BUT THERE UP BLAH BLAH. Jesus bunch of babys get back onto a topic of actually the suggestions made not meh meh meh -.-
  22. Plus kiting people is extremely easy on a sniper you get wind walk and you can use a regular bow with like thana maeros on it and u can keep going for a long time. What would maybe add a new setup for snipers instead of adding a 1 handed bow how about add an alternative bow, Forsaken Cutter Bow. Damage: 100 Stats: -20 Dex -20 Vit -20 agi. Gives thana Effect. This would make it so snipers could decide on getting minus bonuses to put in more damage if the person doesn't have skolls on and if they do have skolls on you could sub out your incan off your main bow to add more damage like 2x tg 2x skel worker instead of an incan. But yah 1 handed bow would prove op to magic classes plus they could tank asura + sinxs while there supposed to be a support class Since this is a high rate server I say just up there support skills instead of making them tanks also. Also for ankle snare why not give it an effect like fiber lock if when they get trapped gives snipers bonus damage on the target by like 10% or something?
  23. nines

    Sprite Edit

    Well servers who wish to protect customs they make for there server or have custom classes on there server don't use grf files because it is very easy to unpack steal things and edit, it is possible to go re script the server to make it so the grf loader only reads .ini's or .pfk's you can make what ever type of file you want and you'd need to have a good understanding of how to make your own uncoder and know the code used to do that and no ones really smart on this server so I doubt that would happen. A + on this is how Genesis doesn't want people going and taking the customs and changing the sprites around so that would also end that problem.....Just a suggestion would stop sprite editing from hacking to items /ho
  24. Lol ^
  25. A good sniper is hard to kill and if the installment of the ankle snare would be put in then they would be without a doubt over powered with a 1 handed bow, so you'd basically be a sitting duck. then they could strip you and spam double strafe which when nude hurts like a biz natch. But I would like to add an alternative to ankle snare if you can't snap out of it, this would make woe and traps beyond gay so most breakers use magnum break but u have to use it two times to kill one plus theres a big delay so I say make it so one magnum break would kill the trap if thats to hard to do increase the level of magnum break off marine sphere, It wouldn't be over powered for pvp but it would smooth thing out in woe if this were to happen especially since some people just trap the whole damn castle <.<.
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