Alright off This event is supposed to be no customs whats so ever right? so Take out all custom cards from being allowed I went in with kingrings on my rod and it got taken off, so why allow usakoring...supposed to be iro stuff right? so should be using thara frog card not a usakoring.
2nd. If Thanatos isn't allowed and that makes sense since its supposed to be iro like, theres like only 1 or 2 thanas in all of iro and like 5 or 6 gtbs spread throughout all of the players in iro. So gtb should be takin out to balance it, if you were to go into pvp in iro magic classes wouldn't get gtbed they would just have to vs people with mdef gear which basically everyone wore. Take out GTB From Event.!
3rd....I don't know if theres much you could do about it but if its supposed to be iro like strip isn't supposed to be I just run in and can strip you instantly because i got over 250 dex, in iro it took quite a bit of time and effort to strip someone so it shouldn't be 3 clicks ta-da your boned now eat a gang.
If any other people have any other suggestions that aren't idiotic please post em :O