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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by nines

  1. I agree on # [1] # [2] Ankle snare un snapable backslideable I agree on but it should branch out to other classes who can lock people down to, like stalkers close confine and profs fiber lock. # [4] # [5] theres already a 1 handed sniper bow in the rental thing so if you were to do that for snipers theyd have to do it for gunslinger which has already proven to be op. ranged strip <,< already have a shit ton of stalkers just running around stripping don't need more people with max dex doing that.
  2. Deadpool.
  3. Source : Here
  4. Post up to #6 look like they should be nulled due to dates <.<
  5. Heh I find it funny how there's a war going on over a recoloring sprite edit but not the actual people who are in game abusing it /ho (Thats called procrastinating)
  6. nines

    Guild Hideout?

    -.- Hideouts only fault is that it doesn't add mind breaker on the buffer other wise 4k qpons is well worth it just being able to ladder.
  7. I started using gypsy in euro and was basically the one one doing it and before when they did slow grace euro they just stood on the warp and etc. Now I've been running the whole castle to keep em slowed and now 3 other gracers poped up from the guilds i pissed off doing the same thing. <.<. I know its been done before im not saying i was the first one to do it, they just saw it and copied <.< same with my flee sinx, prof and yada yada yada -.- P.s There were like only 18 breakers this woe....If you can't defend from that u needa learn how to focus fire.
  8. nines


    Why do people never read -.-
  9. nines

    O Snap

    Mozeltof Rin! O.o
  10. Theres 2 days in euro thats all there needs -.- And those slow gracers just started copying my strat this woe -.- fckin rm, pill poppers, predicament can't be original <.< there the ones ruining the fun for u guys lol. And yes it is easy to defend its called 2x str and sinxs that don't suck lol
  11. nines


    Alright im gonna just number these down. 1. This server won't get bigger off the ladder if anything it will get smaller because people hate ladder, before there used to always be people in pvp now you see no one because no one wants to get owned in pvp. The only people that go in pvp now are just for laddering or feeding purposes. And the noobs you speak of at least 80% of the ones I have seen join this server don't even last a week because they don't want to donate to get geard or take the months of farming to get good.(+ The server won't get bigger because to get vote qpons you don't even have to actually vote so everyone just abuses that, so were like #50 on some sites or some shit like that) 2. You saying only the "Pros" will ladder.....well duh its a ladder you really think some one half geard is going to be able to ladder and win it, its a contest of pvp the best will win -.- (+ If pros do keep laddering it will actually fix the economy because you've got these recolors that are over priced like hell for the same fuckin stat that sgws do when sgws ffs you can probably buy one for 1000 now, Not even 3 months ago they were like 2100, and Recolors are like 3500 now -.-, so yes if we get more of these recolors floating around instead of just letting the super rich have them the price will drop and demand will go down) 3. How do you think this server stays up and running <.< every time theres an update you got every veteran or some one whos semi geard going and donating for rucksacks or auras -.- Don't say theres little to no donations when you can obviously tell there are just look at all the things that are donation exclusive floating around. 4. Yes before it was directed at a group of people but hey they seem to be the only people laddering anymore and its practically every week since this dumb unbanning stuff. If I end up having to repeat my self again (This is not a full repeat added some new stuff) Im going to end up tearing some one a new one verbally <.<.
  12. nines


    No one wanted the k/d ratio to be gone since they stopped doing it....why they stopped is unknown it should be back regardless of how long its been and because your noticing the time and you watched ladder before you should know what the no k/d ratio has done to the server -.-
  13. nines


    I was thinking of that to making it so second place would get the prize if there kd was better but, there should be like if there within this range of kills or if they have a certain k/d they can get it otherwise it would just be like a handmedown.
  14. nines


    Except when anyone body goes into pvp now its just to ladder and everyone who ladders is fully geared and with a gang -.- it has been like that before, and I seem to recall when the 60% was enforced there were people who won ladder of nd pvp ever since it stopped its just been dealing with a bunch of cheaters. And I dare anyone to deny this its a fact written and chizzeled in gold <.<
  15. Well they do have a point you tend to op everything you sell som <.< not saying theres a rule against oping just gets annoying when people try to fix the economy then everyone starts following the higher price.
  16. nines


    Thank you Ryuk just gave me a good idea. The map for pvp is insanely easy to cheat on you got the outside areas walls to hide on and the 4 squares where u can die at easly. Id say use a regular square map for laddering like the survival map, actually that'd be perfect lol. And ryuk the people with 50% deaths were referring to and mainly making this topic on is based on the group of people that have been banned and because there unbanned there just abusing the system. Can't stress this enough........ On a side note....when I was a full non donation sinx I was able to hold my own in regular pvp vs people with thanas, Don't see why anyone else couldn't do that <.< In fact I would of won before on BloodNines if it wern't for tony -.-. Still had a 30% or 40% ratio with a fuckin sun aura and black butterfly wings lol.
  17. nines


    Or its just the person laddering doesn't care about k/d ratio and will go full asura on the orc lord just for an easy kill....think of that lol.
  18. nines


    45% is fair....beyond fair thats 15% less and if you can't pull that then you don't deserve to be #1 and Xtopher makes a good idea it should be like #1:1500:750 #2:1300:200 #3:800:100 #1 should get no wings but the box still because of time / "Effort"? with no converters. and Xtopher your reply to Kitty....No we basically know its lame if you were to go into pvp or to ladder constantly you would know that that group has been banned over 5 times cheats constantly and always will and defaults gtb and orc lords. On a side note for that group -During this current ladder I found it funny how people were coming in to pvp before not using gtb or orc lords but then when that group comes in, they start defaulting gtb even when the get into the pvp map so I can't kill them start using orc lords when the champ sees em for a free kill and keeps running on the outside of the map just for him to be found....seems odd no? lol
  19. Since the term a lot of versatility has been thrown in, I've decided to make a sig of an ice dragon, who usually well....live under ice and ice is over parts of the sea so I found a hole in which I can use my sig :P Stocker Here
  20. nines

    Nines Sigworks~!

    Fixed the links it was the forum that was bugging the links so I just put the link in code wraps so just copy paste em and they will work.
  21. nines

    Nines Sigworks~!

    Heres some updates and what I want to enter in this sotw themed Life Under The Sea, Im taking a different approach to it because I don't like doing stuff everyones going to do so i stepped out of the comfort zone just need to know which version fits more into the theme since its hard to tell if theres water. And here's the Sotw Versions for this week (its like a water dragon snake shark thingy :O) This is my first version which I prefer just cause it looks a lot cooler but its not like instantly looking oh hes under water. And here's the other version doesn't look as great to me but it fits the under water thing more + a fantasy touch.
  22. I smell a bunch of people doing the same kind of thing :P
  23. Oooooh Sexy already have nice nice stocks and renders for this :) IM GONNA USE FLAVOR BLASTED GOLDFISH!!!
  24. vid2mp3.net there <.< just insert the link into it and it turns the video to a mp3
  25. nines

    Nines Sigworks~!

    Smudge Tutorial http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=signature+tutorial#/dkxqvv Full Sig Tutorial http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=signature+tutorial#/d1hnzf4 Photoshop Random Tutorials Here Louhas Tutorials Here Only one of these i've really read was the second one lol but these should help xD
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