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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by nines

  1. I see no advantage in knowing your damage in woe...Yes its nice to know but your damage will be the same even with a different client. I enjoyed the woe system with no damage shown on people, made you figure out ways to reduce damage and think more carefully and lag less etc. If you could see damage on emperium that would be awsome. But the hexing of the client and in the trunk system would be annoying to set that up so you can see damage on emperium in woe and not on players. This is a great idea to solve the Major Lag Defense that Royal Mafia and Influence uses, and even without mass people during woe just desperado damage shown on like 3 people lags me. but then again im on a pos laptop that freezes just typing this lol.
  2. nines


    Theres only one in the server :P
  3. nines


  4. nines


    Ill buy all of them.... Can we work out a pension plan?
  5. Gj Seph :P Rest in peace takes the top 2 woot ^^
  6. 2 Castles American woe - on Wensday Saturday 2 Castles Euro woe - on Monday Friday (id say take Hohen and turn that into euro to make it payon pront for american) And better host cause servers lagging to hell and MLD(Major Lag Defense) that royal mafia and influence use is gay as hell...
  7. The Second castle for euro woe is a stupid idea in my opinion, on other servers I played I loved the one castle idea it kept the competition up and gave a better name to the guild that keeps it. Its a cool concept that I like. and since theres not that many people on for euro woe itd be pointless thered be a guild defending the new castle just cause they want the items from it, then people break rushing the other castle. Would just mess with the economy more since solo breakers are pretty much just greedy sobs. American woe has a ton of people on, 2 castles would seem more fun for it so people wouldn't split into so many directions to try and break a castle. When it was just Pront and Pay I loved that setup was a lot more fun to participate in. And it seemed like it lagged a lot less. Now when ever you step into the Pront emp room you lag the hell out...Seems like the host sucks or just Influence and Royal Mafia are just spamming skills on a whole new level to lag you out -.-. Id say no keep 1 euro castle and ya take away alde for American woe
  8. Sorry forgot to post mine heres my link for the pic i used http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u229/ni...iny-01-1024.jpg
  9. I made a sig but damn I gotta vote for The last siggy Sephirous in this aka Muffin. The graphic quality is just amazing in that siggy, all the details to. It has such a good imagination put into the siggy and a ton of style and great auras. Just damn x.x Hate to say it but I got owned lol
  10. Holy crap Seph o.o thats amazing
  11. Ok im a proffesor, and a damn good one at it. Yes I do agree gtb should be nerfd Truthfully I wouldn't care if it was nerfd to 99.9% reduct. Atleast id do some damage and be able to get away or be helpful. The reason in iro the card was made so good was cause you had a better chance of winning the million dollar lottery than getting one. On a mass spread server when everyone has one it makes a huge unbalance in the classes(thank you for people who use maya atleast gives a chance <.<) No there should not be a kill to bypass gtb for Profs/Wizards. We are good enough as is and I deal with gtb just fine.(though I do bitch about it to them) And I doubt the people on this server could make a skill like that. And if they could it would take months >< And you saying to give skills through accesories would be like you still needa make a skill for it, just because its on an accesorie dosn't make it exist instantly. Itd be like putting skill { "SM_BASH",5; } in there itd just give you the skill to use but itd be melee and no bonus dmg with int. I see what your getting at but. No one here cares about magic users <.< they are all just glad they have gtb because if they didn't yes....we would be over powered to. If gtb was nerfd I would call for a Damage reduction on magic uses. Thats probably because I can do 230k damage by clicking firebolt once lol.
  12. Here I am all tied down just waiting to be set free (corny line ftw)
  13. nines


    collectors edition i start playing on the 20th 2 days early mofos lol playing on triniel
  14. Raina thats stupid...if you thought it would stay your dumb there were vote items for 60 qpons that added 30 to all stats and get replaced to -.- its 5$ so stop qqing you can spend 10 minutes at the beach and get 5$ off of bottles its not alot <.<
  15. nines


    The client for this server imo sucks the entire folder sucks theres a bunch of people who have problems with it...the rop error, having no fucking screenshot folder, not being able to update kro/sakray instead it brings up fro client saying no updates avail. -.- i say do a complete overhaul even though its not realted to this...kinda is i guess from devos post but yah <.<
  16. I blame this all on Saycheese / Aceplayer everything was good while me phenomenon jun had it then he left the guild and blabed so go fuck your self -.-
  17. nines


    Just because you did the sprites dosn't mean you did them perfectly and theres no chance of a fuck up i've looked at your sprites with actor spr conview and shit like that theres mistakes for instance on the purple emp aura and some of the others when you step upwards the colors switch like there going back to blue....Everyone makes errors try double checking because if you knew how to make sprites on your own, i bet this wouldn't happen but recoloring shit can cause alot of fuck ups.
  18. nines


    lol seriously Ahura is a monkeys hairy ding dong pissin me the fuck off he does it on purpose to -.-
  19. Secret if u die to that theres something wrong cause my full asura will do 230 - 250k with that if ur dieing they either have a thana or have impo and provoke so its balanced...there just buffed
  20. I find it to be over powered and im a user of it...any fuckin retard can find away around sk...its called a marc card...or sc use a gemini or a fsoldier....the cards are there for a reason i use them. there is no con to this hat if anything at all it should be a vote item. before the poporing party hat was 30 all stats and got the stats taken off for some fuckin retarded reason and made people who voted for it neeed to vote another whole month for it....just make it like 100 votes or some crap so people can stop qqing. If anything its fucked the econmy up even more imo
  21. This expansion is going to blow they only came out with it because of Aion coming out its a wow killer and im leaving wow to go play it because it owns...its just to keep people playing and the only thing they got pulling for them is the Worgrens but of course they had to make it for dumbass allies so ya fck that. POINTLESS UNEEDED UPDATE JUST MAKE US KILL LICH KING ALREADY!
  22. lol purple emp is worth 3k 2250 won't cut it for a purple emp xD
  23. nines

    ROP appearance

    A simple sharpen image would make it look good imo but it looks perfectly fine even though its a little hazey but thats the way it was intended to look. simple as that all she did was change the blue outlining to different colors left the rest alone Zha wanted it that way and people like the sprite. most people are against it so i say leave as is and shut this topic the hell up.
  24. Root used to be alot worse, you couldn't ygg or do anything in it now you have a chance to recover...which i actually hate cause if you lower the life of a champ they can just ygg id say revert it to the old style if anything. Stalkers have imitate...if there smart they get jupital thunder, and fall back skill imo would be back slide...Adrian a friggen godly stalker used it like crazy i couldn't kill the insane basterd lol. Pallys.....Matyrs is enough simple as that...it dosn't miss <.< 2 hands are strong but i do agree people don't use them because of other buffs from 1 hands its more practical including you get a shield. I do agree they should be buffed so they can also use 2h to pop major damage since they just rot in storage. If the stat candys were to be on event npc id say make it 2 Event = 1 stat candy since its usually 1:4 or 1:5 anyways.
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