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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by nines

  1. nines

    Woe 2.0

    Anyone else going to comment? Veracity asked for ideas on this. You all want this implemented so don't just stop posting put some brains into it. As for juan I didn't really read your post before but like I said hp on a Barricade, going to add more since I just read your suggestion. There are six barricade mobs blocking one walkway each of the barricades must be destroyed for people to pass so. In your suggestion your saying each have more hp than an emperium. Ok that could work because of the thana but also it would be like 250m+ each barricade x6 so thats 1.5billion hp to get ride of to get to the next 1.5billion then the next 1.5billion. So basically if you got people defending these the castle would never ever ever ever ever break and even if it did hey they can rebuild the barricade. So amending it like I did give it 0 defense make it so not everyone is just defaulting thana or ice pick the whole woe make them switch to incan to help destroy the wall. Also the hp could be raised to like 30m Each so thats 30m x 6 180m Hp to get to the next 180m x2 = 420m to get to the 250m hp Emp with people attacking you. Seems fair enough. Also gonna add a few new suggestions if they aren't already implied. Add 1 of these new woes for people to compete against but also leave alde, prt, and payon castles in tact so people can go for those as a side project, or just to gear up some of there guildies. While you have the major league guilds go for the big bad castle with the nicer drops.
  2. Hes talking about just like having accounts with multiple snipers or champions and moving gear to mvp. I agree on this though like veracity said. Id say maybe 6 votes for 1 Bloody Branch?
  3. Tom, your not a motivational speaker so stop saying I say it is time for change etc etc. This is a game....and in the game world people value things differently people are willing to pay 3k for a blue imp just because of its rarity, when new color rucks come out and they and like how it looks and there aren't a lot of them being sold people will pay 700 for it even though they already have a deviling rucksack which does the same as that other one. I don't like the fact that colors cost more than others which is why I just buy the cheaper stuff and use it, even though I can afford the better colored ones that would make my character look better I really don't care that much. IF ANYTHING, The GvG Imperial Valkyrie Helms should do the +5 stats it would be an unfair boost to those who do have it yes, and the price would go up. But because of how much harder it is to get an Imperial Valkyrie helm the price/worth of them should be higher. If you want the economy to be fixed why don't you go sell 20 blue imps and 20 blue emps for 1500 qpons each and ruin there price. I helped fix the price of the new Valkyrie weapons by saying I sold most of mine for like 400-500 and the price went down on a bunch of these. So why not give it a try, I know your rich in game if you really want to help solve the color issue do something about it, instead of talking like your trying to start a movement to get ride of recolors. :)
  4. This server is way to based on colors and the price of those colors, I've made this suggestion before already but been shot down I believe. Would like to see this happen maybe +5 to all stats but doubt it will happen.
  5. nines

    Pvp Changes.

    Thats not at all why I posted that. And awesome Ryuk :)
  6. nines


    Ok....Reasons I disagree. 1. the script of the card is thanatos effect > if class champion give 28% more damage. You would have to go put in strings on the card and on the skill and on the class to make it so Give effect for thanatos to class excluding throw spirit sphere. you would have to rescript the skill and a bunch of other stuff and it would be annoying as hell. 2. In woe we already have champions that just snap around decrease peoples agi asura breakers and get to emp quicker than people even with super connection. And theres already like 5 Champions from just Royal Mafia who do this so it would leave unfair balance in breaking. Plus there really aren't that many champions around anymore with thanatos so this seems more just like a suggestion for your self and not for the servers improvement. 3. Champions already break even without thanatos. 4. I like tacos.
  7. nines

    Top 3

    Uhhh Ima do this by class Snipers 1. Kyou 2. Hatake Kakashi. 3. Nani Glo Champions 1. Yukumaru 2. Ascendant 3. Unbreakable. Sinxs 1/2 - Tie Drax and BloodNines 3. Going to say this sadly. Gladiator Profs 1. Thesik Bellamorte 2. Diedrich Bellamorte 3. Celas Bellamorte (Any disagreeing there?) Lord Knights 1. Supreamus 2. Hatake Kakashi, 3. Sir Bedivere Clowns 1. Kushal 2. Perfect Dodge? 3. BoBo Gypsies 1. Whoreen 2. Forgot the name but kats gypsie. 3. Sanee Those are all the classes that matter and now for people who are best at all classes all around 1/2 - Still a tie Me and Cole 3. Kat :)
  8. nines

    Woe 2.0

    There are 6 guardian stones and all need to be killed to break through to the next level also realize people will be defending these barricades so they have to destroy 120m hp, while tanking a guild So people will go for the skill users in this case first instead of sinxs. So a champ with focus fire will drop instantly. Woe coupons are a way to make it so if theres a big guild defending the castle the second one breaks they can rebuild it then rebuild barricades over and over if there going to have mass hp then it'd be stupidly abused you would never break through. And idk peopel without means of woe drops will be many? Its a castle thats built on having a big guild to defend it not just rush the emp so no, no there will not be many. Well in a sense if the castle breaks yah they won't have them if they never had the castle before but. As I also suggested make it so when castle breaks the guardian stones get instantly rebuilt so they can redo barricades but then not just go and abuse the rebuild stone rebuild stone rebuild stone with low mat requirements. As I said thought this through to make fair for everyone.
  9. nines

    Woe 2.0

    Guardian Stones: HP: 80m Size: Small Race: Angel Element: Holy Defense: 10 To repair a guardian stone maybe Add a new currency like woe coupons? get 5 from each box that you break. Also make it so it takes 15 woe coupons to repair one of the stones. Barricade: Hp: 20m (Since there's like 6 barricades for each wall.) Size: Large Race: Brute Element: Earth Defense: 0 Make it take like 100 Trunks and 100 stones to bring a Barricade back up? Sword Guardians: Hp: 80m Damage 10k~20k Aspd: 192 Rest is same as other guardians. Allow maybe 5 in front of each barricade wall. Also cost 10m To bring one back up. Woe Drops: Think since it would be a tuff woe make it worth the while add some unreleased things / new cards? Orange Box: Drops 24 ygg tix 24 seed tix 24 edp tix and 5 woe coupons. 100% Drop. Red Imperial Valk Helm: .50% Chance to drop Red Emperium: 2.00% Chance to Drop Forsaken Savior Card: 1.00% chance to drop. Immune to Freeze and Stone Curse slotted into helm. Ice Emperium: .10% chance to drop. (Already know its in the server just not out there) Aside from those things, things I think should be edited to fit more into the server. Every breaker just speed pots and rush to destroy we should make it so when the castle is broken at both guardian stones are brought back to life so you don't have to worry about rushing back to rebuild stone stone barricadex3 so you'll at least maybe get your second and last barricade up before they get to emperium room. Should only have one of these castles installed also. Id say install Schwaltzbald so theres a maze defense included. Feel free to nit pick I think these fit perfectly for the server, going off as a solo breaker / huge guild leader / defender Put some quite a bit of thought into this to make it balanced and not hey we broke you never get in.
  10. nines

    Woe 2.0

    Well lets see some of the people here recreated this server and installed the 3rd classes, tested it and massive hell. Ex 1 Classes are already unbalanced here and adding third would make it dooms day with a bunch of people running around with there heads cut off Ex 2 . Anyways off the third class discussion now. This is about Woe 2.0 Please stick onto the topic. Yes/No Opinions on it why you agree disagree how you think it'll change the server. Gms tend to listen more when you give logical opinions. :)
  11. nines

    Woe 2.0

    Well im sure if this got installed bigger guilds would spring up.
  12. nines

    Woe 2.0

    Make the baracades 69m like old emp same race ele size so its like braking 4 emps to get the big bad emp lol
  13. nines

    Sprite Edit

    Ramen get on msn when u can man jebus!. And mike -.- Macro Fingers much? What are you a ninja?
  14. nines

    Woe 2.0

    Better topic than mike made. Agree 2100% Please add. Veractity please post on this hope you likey XD
  15. Desi and Barbie seem like there the same person lol.
  16. It was like watching the same person fight with them self if you ask me XD
  17. nines

    New Weapons

    thats what that means yes lol.
  18. nines

    New Weapons

    Agree to an extent but these weapons were also made to balance classes out and aren't over powered at all. for anhillation they shouldn't be allowed but no one even uses nd pvp anymore except when they want to cheat.......So I say it should be fine there. I do know your making this topic just for your self though. Not going to go into it though.
  19. nines

    Pvp Changes.

    Well editing the current maps to have just the square would be fine to its not to small and not to big. I admit the one Kh_kiehl02 is pretty small and aoe would dominate on it but it could cause some pretty awesome pvp wars in there instead of people just backsliding / snapping around constantly looking for an easy kill. Also couldn't find the script so I put up a request for it on eathena.
  20. nines

    Pvp Changes.

    Inside the lining of the octagon is the size of the map, npcs needa be take out though lol.
  21. nines

    Pvp Changes.

    Interesting.....So if i wanted to script a bow that added 20 all stats 100% more dmg with fas -20% dmg would that be allowed to :O Also going to check eathena for it now :P where do you stand on a new map also.
  22. nines

    Hi O.o;;

    Lol veracity your like a copy paste for all the welcomes XD. But if you need help or a leech if i've got the time ill help you. Char names im usually on [FRO]Bellamorte Thesik Bellamorte Kyou or BloodNines occasionally
  23. nines

    Pvp Changes.

    Well a 30 kill streak is a pretty hard thing to do, even with a gang its hard to get. So should get a nice reward for working hard :P. And the buff script would be easy to add on to the kill streaks would be only when you set up who got the kill streak announce name get char name @useskill on char name. just hunting down the mod for it would be the time consuming part xD.
  24. nines

    Pvp Changes.

    Keep on topic, And only put in logical input on the suggestion please or would a Mod please add warn.
  25. Easy to speak if u never enter <.<. Also I don't use random brushes And I already admitted this one is a piece of shit. Thank you for the nice constructive criticism by the way.
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