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Increasin MVP's HP Suks >>

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Increasin MVP's Hp's makes it really hard to kil it, its waste of time , each mvp takes abt 15mins to 20 min to kil.Iam SNiper of lv 255. Already i cant make donnations kos i liv in india and to add to my missery incire in Hp of MVP's!!!!!!!!!!!

Sum of my frds kos this reason moved to other servers, its not fun any more, pls gms either increase drop rate of mvp cards or reduce the mvp's hp a lil. I hope u consider abt this!!!!!!!!!!!


I had to bear with them, i dont have well eqs like GTB

Its almost impossible to kill MVPs

Well last time i could still kill garm by using berries (around 100) and takes me around 5-10 mins

NOW im using like 200+ berries and more bottles and more repawn due to death altogether takes me 20mins+ to kill GARM

Holy shit.

I would still support the stand of increased MVP's HP if u were to tell me whats da best class to MVP !


All your problems can be easily solved. Just go make a champ with 4x Abyssmal Card on weapon Morpheus set and you're on to kill boss.

PS: The GM increase the HP of some bosses to make the game more Interesting.


I could solo Thanatos, Ifrit, Amon Ra, etc.. on my sinx. The increase of the MvP's HP hasn't really done much but increase the effort needed to kill them.

I killed Turtle General without donations already.

As stated, use a champion. Use /where. Then, warp back to that same spot while asuraing, going back to town, healing and return.

Is not a bad way...

I have done this sometimes... but if there is someone more MVPing, you´d better use some Ygg or they could kill the MVP before you.


The MvPs have the exact same stats all that is different is their HP meaning they are not harder to beat just take more time to do so as stated previously.


For those people out there that have "some" money, go get a creator, get 300 int, 99 vit, enough agi to 180 aspd, str 50 and instant cast, get like 1k each of the bottles.. Then just go to mvp, and AD the fuck (excuse me) out of them. That's what I did when the server JUST started, but it cost just a little @_____@ :D <3


the above post works if and only if you are rich enough. the alternative is the champion + 4x abysmal knight on a mace and about 200+ berries just to be sure.


ya is rili annnoying....hope GM will take it serious issit rili have to increase the hp so much?hope can reset back like previous hp.....coz it will make people feeling annoying to kill a mvp for so long time....thanks


I'm okay with the higher HP on things like GTB and Ifrit because their cards are stupid-powerful, and if they were easy to get, alot of the fun of the game would be ruined.

What would be the point of making a wizard if everyone had a GTB, or in selling Amon Ra cards if everyone had one?

ya is rili annnoying....hope GM will take it serious issit rili have to increase the hp so much?hope can reset back like previous hp.....coz it will make people feeling annoying to kill a mvp for so long time....thanks

no its not annoying. it is fun for me. the previous hp is like a little ridiculous since a champ could EASILY kill it with a few max damage asura. the last time i can even kill garm using a high wiz.

I'm okay with the higher HP on things like GTB and Ifrit because their cards are stupid-powerful, and if they were easy to get, alot of the fun of the game would be ruined.

What would be the point of making a wizard if everyone had a GTB, or in selling Amon Ra cards if everyone had one?

I concur.


Although i get the point of it, I HATE the high hp fix. My fingers hurt from spamming skills/spells to MVP (and more often than not, not get the card). It's doable, but just a sore 30 minutes of endurance. And the reason I went for HR was to avoid things like this (more longer grinding). Plus, there is also more time for people to come disturb your MVPing/ KS.

I go with the suggestion of at least raising the rate of the MVP drops/cards so its at least worth all the time spent into pummeling the acursed thing for 30 minutes.

On a side note: Would anyone recommend another class to MVP with? I use a High Wiz, and spamming Stormgust/JT/etc is killing my fingers. And my LK can't seem to handle the MVPS effectively. (Something other than Champ preferably. I dont want to spam berry/asura)

Although i get the point of it, I HATE the high hp fix. My fingers hurt from spamming skills/spells to MVP (and more often than not, not get the card). It's doable, but just a sore 30 minutes of endurance. And the reason I went for HR was to avoid things like this (more longer grinding). Plus, there is also more time for people to come disturb your MVPing/ KS.

I go with the suggestion of at least raising the rate of the MVP drops/cards so its at least worth all the time spent into pummeling the acursed thing for 30 minutes.

On a side note: Would anyone recommend another class to MVP with? I use a High Wiz, and spamming Stormgust/JT/etc is killing my fingers. And my LK can't seem to handle the MVPS effectively. (Something other than Champ preferably. I dont want to spam berry/asura)

According to your expectations for MvPing, an assassin cross would be best not to kill your fingers. Get the right weapons, EDP and let /nc handle the killing.

Although, if you don't use a champ, you're letting yourself open to high odds of having your MvP stolen, and I mean high odds.

According to your expectations for MvPing, an assassin cross would be best not to kill your fingers. Get the right weapons, EDP and let /nc handle the killing.

Although, if you don't use a champ, you're letting yourself open to high odds of having your MvP stolen, and I mean high odds.

Thanks for the reply. Just the thought of using 200+ berries and Asura to take down like 10 billion HP of one MVP is absurd (although its probably the quickest/best way to get MVP before anyone else steals).


i jus got a formula from all the post....

ppl who is blaming about they dun get good item jus====>hunt edp,ygg,quest====>get equips====>Mvp

hmmm.... the part of mvp stolen.... using champ also will get stolen i swear...jus imagine some ppl can do only 5 asura but somes can do 10 asura or morein the same time.... (kiel make the big different i think) or some1 mayb having sux skill using asura like me dun hav to hunt mvp anymore?even asura the mvp's servant.... its 100% the mvp will be stolen.

so~~ shall i repeat the formula?

hunt edp,ygg,quest====>get zenys====>buy mvp cards...


Gettin lil shitty now.

Mvp's hp increases, elite updates? huh, lil town

well, its gonna b over 1 day

And its christmas do i expect a white FCITY PLEASE?

What's wrong with the elite update? I can understand that you're not very happy about the MVP's HP increasement but how does the elite quest effect you in a negativ way? If you don't like it, just don't do it.

White fcity? Well it's currently snowing in fcity(no idea whether it's going to stay like this) and there's much christmas stuff in all towns and as far as I know (sorry I'm not that much script experienced) would it be very much work to script the town "snowy".

Apart from that, is it really so necessary that the town is white?

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