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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Dart

  1. Also very much agreed. That would give a good balance between those that have a "taste" for art, and those that can recognize the amount of effort that went into making such a piece.
  2. Very much agreed.
  3. I'm just curious but, in order for a person to "know" what they are talking about, would they have to be able to create their own art/sig using photoshop, or do they just have to have a taste for art? There are lots of people that know what good art is, what tasteful art is, but are unable to create said art themselves. I'm just curious how we would decide if a person knows what they are talking about. ._.
  4. I'm unbiased, when I need to be. Though, I don't think that many people would believe me lol. Anyway, I like the suggestion and where its going, we just need to find enough of those unbiased people to fill the judges seats.
  5. Let's calm it down guys. We don't want a full blown flame war going on in the suggestion thread :D
  6. Dart


  7. Dart

    Guild notice.

    I would personally love to see this implemented. I never understood why there are so many lines, and you can barely use one.
  8. Dart

    Skill reset

    We used to have a skill resetter, but it was replaced with a skill point buying NPC. I don't remember the exact reason, but because you can buy skill points. Rejected. -Rejected-
  9. Dart

    [ Website ] fRO

    I'm not trying to rush her or anything. Please don't rush lol. Take all the time you need. The webpage we have now will work until you're done, and that can take as long as it takes. Please don't feel as though I'm rushing you D: Was just pointing out little stuff for whenever you get a chance for it. Please, Ethereal, take your time and relax when you need to. D:
  10. Dart

    [ Website ] fRO

    Just noticed something on the banner. It says: Participatein in our events. :/ On the Customs Events page.
  11. We ranked 26 :o I'm incredibly happy with that. For anyone curious about the ranks of the other guilds: http://ratemyserver.net/woe_tournament_2009_results.php
  12. I so happy :D
  13. Dart

    [ Website ] fRO

    I was off to the side on most of em. I must be below the cut-off line. QQ. There goes my shot at hollywood. D:
  14. It was. I remember getting into Reph with like, 6 other guilds. Got there and hit the emp like twice and broke it for us. Was totally last hit wins.
  15. Dart

    [ Website ] fRO

    Who's that person on the left? :D
  16. Never used Endure. Endure is for pussies. :o
  17. I paid no attention to who killed me, just know that I died a lot D:.
  18. Hi Rubiks! I did my best D: I wasn't prepared at all to lead. Antag helped me out on vent and it kinda just went from there. Hope you all had a lot of fun though! I sure as hell did lol.
  19. Dart

    [ Website ] fRO

    The preview is fine :o. I was just saying that we had a total of 16 events, including the ones you previewed. So the other ones could/would be listed in the "more" page. I like how the preview looks. I also like what you did with that banner *hint hint* :D
  20. I'm sorry I'm the only LR pro. QQ. D:
  21. I got the most breaks! Woo~!
  22. Dart

    [ Website ] fRO

    Me and Devotion had a little brainstorm on how many events we actually have had during fRO, we came up with a total of around 16~. It's just, a lot of them aren't held too often because of the amount of planning that has to go into them. So a lot of the usual events are just done on a kind of cycle, since they're easier. But every now and then we hold something out of the ordinary :D
  23. Dart

    [ Website ] fRO

    Perhaps instead of saying "Plus we have a lot more events" just say "Plus we have a lot more" because you use the word Event often, so maybe overdoing it? I dunno :D
  24. Dart

    RMS Woe Resign up

    I broke it as much as I could. It was a lot of fun guys. Tons of fun. I'd do it again. ;D
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