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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Dart

  1. Holy shit. Rickroll'd. False. TPBM understands what just happened.
  2. Dart

    Meh, Might As Well.

    It won't run. I can get the program to sit on my computer but it won't run. Throws some weird error at me, so I deleted it.
  3. Dart

    Meh, Might As Well.

    PS stopped working on my computer a few weeks back. Tried reinstalling it and it just won't go. Otherwise I'd think about it. :/
  4. Dart

    Meh, Might As Well.

    Let's not derail my thread further plz.
  5. Linux allows for more customizations. And a lot of people say it's more user friendly. But iuno, from the little time I spent with it, I felt like I needed to know more about computers to get things to work like I want, than I did for windows. Could have just been the small time I spent on it. Loving it thoughs?
  6. Dart

    Meh, Might As Well.

    I'm loving these protips. Lol
  7. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?sho...mp;#entry165029 -Rejected-
  8. Dart

    Jonas Brothers!

    At least its possible to listen to Fall Out Boy for longer than 20 second without your ears bleeding in sheer pain at the atrocity they are trying to call music.
  9. Dart

    Meh, Might As Well.

    Just tried doing img tags. Said dynamic images or pages or w/e can't be used. Lameness.
  10. Dart

    Meh, Might As Well.

    Those were the direct links that imageshack gave me.
  11. Dart

    Meh, Might As Well.

  12. Ok, so about a year ago, roughly, I made some Photoshop stuff. Just goofing around. It's nothing like what I've seen other people make, as far as awesomeness. I only ever had my opinion, and one other persons. Now I'm curious, just how badly did I do? So, honest opinions of how bad they are, please. :D! #1 - http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/5183/5thshowing.jpg #2 - http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/6554/closeproximity.jpg #3 - http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/346/number4l.jpg #4 - http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/7140/skywardcopy.jpg #5 - http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/3/stormysky.jpg #6 - http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/3404/sucksdoesntit.jpg #7 - http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/1347/yourlittlegarden.jpg #8 - http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/2433/31194901.jpg Edit: Moar liek dis?
  13. Dart

    Taekwon Weapon

  14. We used to have @gstorage and it was changed into the Guild Storage manager for security purposes.
  15. Dart

    BAH! Doctors don't know anything!! Do what you wanna do!! And don't worry Wish, I won't tell anyone. ^_~

  16. Dart

    Disney Buys Marvel

    Even once they get the rights, from what I understand, the previous CEO of Marvel will still be overseeing everything that goes on with the Marvel Universe. So the chances of anything be tampered with or drastically changed are virtually non-existent. If anything, I think this will benefit Disney AND Marvel. Marvel will have access to more marketing and global production than it had in the past, and Disney will pick up a very well known Comic universe.
  17. The reason it was removed was because of the whole Nick fiasco. He had access to everyone's email address, and probably could have guessed their email passwords. So if you reset and he wanted in, he could get it. The forgot password sends you a confirmation email with your password inside. Anyone with access to your email account, could potentially, see the password. But, if an Admin gives you a new password, there's no 'paper trail' so no one can find it anywhere. I think the reason it hasn't been put back is because of the worry Nick might gain access to multiple accounts again. But I could be wrong on that.
  18. Dart

    Disney Buys Marvel

    The old owner for Marvel will still be overseeing the comic characters, so essentially nothing will be changed. Just another label slapped on em.
  19. Dart

    Disney Buys Marvel

    Not true. Every Disney/Pixar movie that has been put out, has been an amazing smash hit. And there have been quite a few in the past few years.
  20. Dart

    Ignore what everyone else says! If you're sick but want to do stuff, DO IT >:D!!!

  21. Dart

    Soul Linkers

    Already been discussed and rejected. -Rejected-
  22. Dart

    Snap And Backslide :d

    How much delay would you suggest to add?
  23. -Rejected-
  24. ...When you get that made, send it over to meh. Lol.
  25. Just got this new BG from that website you posted :o It's got quite a few good ones.
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