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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Dart

  1. Dart

    Not if I do first!!

  2. Let's get back on topic and post more pictures. It's a Post Your Picture thread, not an instant messenger.
  3. Don't resurrect topics.
  4. You don't have to make a new topic every month you come back.
  5. Dart

    Obama Bin Lodin

    Things, more often than not, have to get worse before they can become better. We're on the downslide, there'll be a rise again. Soon enough.
  6. Dart

    Obama Bin Lodin

    Not tickin me off. I enjoy reading these debates. Thanks for bringing it to the forum. ^_^
  7. Naw mang. With me ^_^
  8. Dart

    Obama Bin Lodin

    I never said you had to leave, just that you could. Please don't assume ^_^. Also, since we're talking about big plans. Hitler planned on conquering the world well past his own death. He had intended for his war to take years and years. That Germany would conquer the world after he was dead, and made preparations for that. It wasn't until he saw that he was winning many battles and many countries much faster than he anticipated, that he thought he may be alive to see Germany win it all. He became cocky and ended up failing. The main point, is that if Hitler had remained with his original plan, there is a VERY high chance we'd all be known as Germans. Due to his arrogant attitude about it being possible for him to win while alive, he took on two fronts by betraying Russia. If he had waited to make that move, and conquered Britain first, like he was on the brink of doing, he'd have beaten Russia right after. TL;DR Do not rush great change. With great change comes great risk. But you need patience or else the change will undoubtedly fail, and you are left more fucked than you began. P.S: I voted too.
  9. Dart

    Obama Bin Lodin

    Anyone that thinks the president sucks that much can always leave. It's not like anyone forces people to stay in the US ^_^
  10. ^ This.
  11. Dart

    Concerning Lag.

    /effect does stop your screen from shaking. With Heaven's Drive I just tested it. /effect stops you from seeing the visual effects but it also stops your screen from shaking.
  12. Dart

    I Draw Stuff.

    Victory belongs to you. Lol
  13. Dart

    I Draw Stuff.

    That isn't any pally I've ever seen. Definite Lord Knight appearance though.
  14. Dart

    Concerning Lag.

    /effect works to removed that, but you can't see any skills that have visual effects then.
  15. The vid was alright, and made me want to get the game more. I've had it on preorder since July. Going to be amazing. They said that the entire mission type assassinations they had in the first one, where you get a job from the bureau, find information with the same methods, and then kill, was entirely scrapped. They made it more fluid, more like the assassinations come to you, are more natural. I think it's going to be ridiculously fun.
  16. Happy birthday~

  17. I think the general consensus is pretty obvious. -Accepted-
  18. Share PB tix? :D!!
  19. Dart


    When they go to sniff they inhale water. That drowns em. With a mirror they can just swim away after they fix their hair.
  20. Dart

    My Hedgehog!

    Look at the post date. Do not resurrect old topics.
  21. Dart


    How do you drown a blonde? Throw a scratch and sniff to the bottom of a pool.
  22. Wicked awesome. Already using it :o
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