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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by gamersrule26

  1. That sig is messed up o_o

  2. I've mained a GS before and it's not overpowered. To be honest I think it sucks ( Except in WOE )
  3. gamersrule26


    Cant anyone change it then ?
  4. just spam kaizel and you'll ressurect yourself , no yggs needed :P
  5. gamersrule26


    Welcome to fRO
  6. Thts nice
  7. If this gets accepted then it should go for GS/stalker too.
  8. gamersrule26

    Im back

    I don't know you , but welcome back :)
  9. gamersrule26

    No d***

  10. Bump
  11. Very nice :O I like it
  12. B0MP
  13. offer for ice cream
  14. Sold White ROP Buying Purple Emp
  15. Bump
  16. Bump
  17. Ill sell one for 500
  18. Yeah and they also Deleted the allience of RM to get it. Traitors imo.
  19. Added Arch Sack to selling list Sold Teal ROP
  20. Ew , i want them to be released at the same time
  21. SUP DESI
  22. Im looking for something around 500 for rop. Or Trade them + coups for emp
  23. Bump
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