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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by gamersrule26

  1. I would say about 8-10 And I also made a lighter version of somdaras
  2. K so we got white and teal , possible to use somdara's orange ingame instead of the one now ? o.o
  3. I made a suggestion about teal/white imps , uh 3 RM castles , Im next for emp , Shini quit , Deltone quit then came back the next day , parody disbanded, AND I STILL PWN!

  4. Lol now we got white and teal , can anybody sprite ?
  5. Lol this is the best I can do And daamn Desi , that white is pro o.o
  6. Lol i cant sprite for my damn life , thats just an idea of the colour/helm
  7. Lol i tried doing teal on paint opinions ?
  8. Lol I didn't get that either
  9. ^____^
  10. lighter/darker shade of white? And if the white gets accepted , maybe teal too to match teal ruck ?
  11. No i was saying that maybe the Imp helm can be part of the rewards on GvG and that it can be earned by exchanging GvG certificates for it
  12. Yeah , I was thinking of the certificates that you get if you win GvG to trade for white/teal rucksack
  13. 3 gloom/100 EDP + 1 gloom = fsoldier ?
  14. Well I originally only wanted to suggest white Imp , but I dun know why I said all imps lol But for white ------> GvG drop
  15. So since we got most imps and extras(orange+silver) , is it possible to also have the rest ?(White , black , pink etc.) I don't really like the fact that if i want an imp or gvh for the extra stats , I'm gonna have to change pallete I don't think it would hurt , what do you think ?
  16. it would be helpful if it can do options like , convert ?? tickets
  17. omg, you got so much patience , and to rais ejob levels , go kill things in moc_fild22/thor_v03 or for_fild06
  18. wtf they all still play
  19. Stop spammin me lol

  20. True about the asian part TPBM is a drug dealer
  21. It dun work , wrong username

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