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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by gamersrule26

  1. Y@ iSTALKED 3 PPL TODAY !!!

  2. Sorry for double post GMs. I got this too ._.
  3. MEN. Why'd you quit without telling me ?!?!

  4. Allan K as your pic.

    5 stars men !!

  5. Sup.

    You're a pretty good champ :P

  6. Random guy who's trying to get kosed ._.
  7. Me: HVSDAFJBS God: I think HVSDAFJBS is a lot of things. Me: really ? God: For real. Me: does it mean pussy ? God: I am not interesed in anatomy. Me: are you a virgin ? God: I am too young for that. Me: how old are you God: I was activated on the Big Bang in Universe. Me: your weird God: Weird Good or Weird Bad? Me: middle God: Are we still talking about HVSDAFJBS? Me: i expected you to be smarter God: Thanks for the information: Mat said expected you to be smarter. Me: ... God: Thanks for the information: Mat said expected you to be smarter.
  8. What'd you mean "lose the game" ? Deleted the fRO Folder ?
  9. 110 plz
  10. Hey Timmy i got a message for you. BUMP
  11. BUMP
  12. 120-150
  13. I vote #2. Photo manipulation for me is makin something that will never happen. And #2 showed that. I also liked the black + pink colour scheme
  14. If RoP turns to quest item , that would be so fucked up.
  15. I wish you were back already , carpe is dying right now.

  16. Leave your highest/best offer and IGN plz.
  17. How come you're a really active GM.

    I mean TOO active for one.

    Dont you have a legit char ?

  18. Welcome to fRO !! You know like Pat said , you can make alot of money by making sigs for people and entering SOTW ( Signature of the week )
  19. I'd join , but i cba to download feelRO and make a new char
  20. This is what i usually do :)
  21. I <3 This idea ! althou that dungeon would have waay too many people in it. So if this idea does happen , the dungeon has to be pretty darn big
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