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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Perishable

    Hi Niggs

    while im downloading the client can some one help me with the following things : ok. How many guilds are woeing: Aggressive, Bravery, Royal Mafia, Flawless, random solo guilds. 3rd jobs ? implemented ? : No, but you can download a client that lets you see classes in 3rd job sprite. Whats the vent info : Our Ventrilo is down at the moment. No one really uses it anymore so why bother. Welcome to the fRO!
  2. Teal Imperial Valkyrie Helm is worth 10 Guild vs. Guild Token. These tokens are worth 1,400-1500 ea. But the price is up to the person who is selling it. Teal Zodiac are about 300-450 tokens. And Ghost Avian does not mean that, it means that the person who wears it is wearing a ghost property avian that can reduce damage from neutral attacks. I think like 8%? Not really sure. But it's not a ghostring card effect.
  3. Perishable

    Pvp Rooms

    In my opinion, I disagree to this suggestion. People can cheat easily bringing alternative accounts inside and do a kill real quick; utomatic warp out fast so that anyone won't realize or notice what had happened.
  4. Aldebaran, Payon, Prontera, and Geffen castle spawns Treasure Chest (Chest Monster) and it has 2 id(s) for each castle. At 00:00:00 servertime (@time or @date) it random spawns one of the id of the chest. At 00:01:00 is when you can start the investment in castle commercial growth and guardians. Aldebaran (@mi) 1326 and 1327. (@mi) 1326 contains the following: Rucksack 2.50% Golden Valkyrie Helm 2.00% Forsaken Soldier Card 2.00% Yggdrasil Red Box 100% Omen of Tempest 0.80% Badge of Honor 0.40% Purple Emperium Aurora 2.00% Purple Imperial Valkyrie Helm 0.50% (@mi) 1327 contains the following: Rucksack 2.50% Golden Valkyrie Helm 2.00% Forsaken Soldier Card 2.00% Yggdrasil Red Box 100% Omen of Tempest 0.80% Badge of Honor 0.40% Purple Emperium Aurora 2.00% Payon(@mi) 1350 and 1351. 1350 contains the following: Rucksack 2.50% Golden Valkyrie Helm 2.00% Forsaken Soldier Card 2.00% Yggdrasil Red Box 100% Wheel of the Unknown 0.80% Badge of Honor 0.40% Orange Emperium Aurora 2.00% Flapping Angeling Wings 2.00% Orange Imperial Valkyrie Helmt 0.50% 1351 contains the following: Rucksack 2.50% Golden Valkyrie Helm 2.00% Forsaken Soldier Card 2.00% Yggdrasil Red Box 100% Wheel of the Unknown 0.80% Badge of Honor 0.40% Orange Emperium Aurora 2.00% Flapping Angeling Wings 2.00% Geffen (@mi) 1334 and 1335 1334 contains the following: Rucksack 2.50% Golden Valkyrie Helm 2.00% Forsaken Soldier Card 2.00% Yggdrasil Red Box 100% Wheel of the Unknown 0.80% Badge of Honor 0.40% Green Emperium Aurora 2.00% Flapping Angeling Wings 2.00% Green Imperial Valkyrie Helmt 0.50% 1335 contains the following: Rucksack 2.50% Golden Valkyrie Helm 2.00% Forsaken Soldier Card 2.00% Yggdrasil Red Box 100% Wheel of the Unknown 0.80% Badge of Honor 0.40% Green Emperium Aurora 2.00% Flapping Angeling Wings 2.00% Prontera (@mi) 1358 and 1359. (@mi) 1358 contains the following: Rucksack 2.50% Golden Valkyrie Helm 2.00% Forsaken Soldier Card 2.00% Yggdrasil Red Box 100% Omen of Tempest 0.80% Badge of Honor 0.40% Blue Emperium Aurora 2.00% Flapping Deviling Wings 2.00% Blue Imperial Valkyrie Helmt 0.50% (@mi) 1359 contains the following: Rucksack 2.50% Forsaken Soldier Card 2.00% Yggdrasil Red Box 100% Omen of Tempest 0.80% Badge of Honor 0.40% Flapping Deviling Wings 2.00% FAQ Why Blue Emperium cost more? Notice how both id(s) for Payon, Aldebaran, and Geffen castle's chest have Emperium Aurora in them while Prontera (@mi) 1358 have the Blue Emperium and (@mi) 1359 does not. Mostly why blue Emperium Aurora stay at a high price (Due to it rarely dropping like other castle because Emperium drops in both ID and another reason is because the color is original so it costs more.) Why are Green, Orange, and Purple Imperial Valkyrie Helm drops more than Blue Imperial Valkyrie Helm? This is because your guild(your own) or your Leader (guildmaster) didn't get lucky killing treasure chest because the drop rates are so low. When treasure spawns in Prontera, it doesn't always spawn the ones that drop Blue Emperium or Blue Imperial Helm. It spawns the 1359 ID. Anyways, back to your topic about Blue Imperial Valkyrie Helm. This is because the guildleader (only access to the treasure room) didn't get lucky. These drop rates are low. And Prontera rarely spawns the id for the Emperium and Imperial Chest. Every 00:00:00 Servertime, it spawns 4 automatically at the commercial growth of 0-5. Around 6-9, it adds 1 more to the default of 4 treasure chest so you get 5 treasure with the investments. You can invest twice per day. It goes on until you get to 100. Max 24 Treasure chest.. I think... and you gain commercial growths by investing the castle everytime. So defend your castle without it getting conquered. Everytime your castle gets conquered, you lose -5 off commercial growth. (Every breaks) Hopefully this helps you understand a little. If not, I think you need a doctor. Don't worry call me and I'mma make it juicy for you.
  5. Why you going half naked for all these people? Tu eres crazy.

  6. I can't speed Final Strike with Golden Thief Bug on, it's just stupid. Another thing is I won't ever finish my goal. I broke the emperium on every single class in fRO except Ninja and Super Novice. HP is too low and you can't tank and hit the emperium. All I want to do is break once on it and finish what I want here. Ninja need more HP. It's not like ninja is gonna be OP like other classes atm. They still die no matter what.
  7. LOL. Nothing I don't know what I was saying eithr.
  8. Su punto es?
  9. Perishable

    Cosmetic Npc

    fRO is a chat game of custom avatar. People custom their character to fit in with the community. dis y we play it, y, n? maybe? so? I OBJECT!!!
  10. True, I'm waiting for you huy. I get so effing lonely waiting for you to get to my effing room. The person below me isn't going to be huy aka Shono.
  11. Happy Birthday to all my southside jamaca and area 51!
  12. False, I own a truck. (Toy truck) The person below me have swag.
  13. Perishable


    It means why?!!!
  14. I heard you got a kid.

  15. Mine is real. Your G-shock is fake... Jk jk love justinn
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