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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. I've just been logging in for WoE and very occasionally for other things but, I just don't feel the same way I felt about playing RO as I did before, it's just a sad reminder now of happier times so I'm going to be gone for long while, maybe forever, some has tried to convince me to log on just for WoE but I don't think so. I'm just not as excited as before. I'm going to miss the good times and the people who made those times possible know who they are. And for those who think I'm Sage of Blood, I'm not. I was just given his account when he quit RO. To be honest I hope I never come back. -Phenomenon, Eradication, Perdition, John
  2. Me tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  3. Phenomenon


    B> All converters, 100:3 All Box Of Storm, 150:1 All Poison Bottle Tickets, 1:2 Icy Wings, 240
  4. Edited, selling these items for now
  5. Look at the date this was posted...
  6. It's okay apachi, Nate, I'll PM you today
  7. 70 Donation Coupons.
  8. IGN?
  9. Bump.
  10. Bump, message me for it Kat.
  11. Bump.
  12. I'll sell you 2 Pharaoh Cards, PM me in game on Perdition.
  13. Reserved.
  14. Bump!
  15. 60 each. Bump, I have edited this.
  16. @bakuu PM me and I'll answer all those questions. @Shankie Yes please lol.
  17. You love vagina? Lies.

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