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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Phenomenon

  1. No, sorry. :(
  2. Oh, yay. Another suggestion by me, though I wish a GM would have some input every once in awhile, but I understand they're busy. Well, I was reading the Provoke suggestion by Supreamus, and I didn't quite agree with having Lord Knights have an all-time Level 10 Provoke, though an Auto-Beserk buff would have been nice, I do think they need SOMETHING to make up for their lack of strong offensive skills. (I think Bowling Bash's knock-back is useful.. but it sure desecrates the class when they want to deal constant damage and they have to keep moving to do so.) I suggest that the Edge or the Guillotine or BOTH have a higher % of committing coma when used by the Lord Knight or Paladin Classes. You can't say these classes are over powered offensively, and besides being a physical tank, a Paladin doesn't have many uses (Maytr's Reckoning can easily be countered). A STR-based Paladin is also quite lack luster.. While Lord Knight Classes are nice offensively, ranged classes and well almost all other physically based classes are offensively more efficient, even if they lack in the HP-department. I'm just suggesting to make these weapons have a 3~5% chance of committing coma when hitting. This figure of course could be lowered, but I just think it would bring more versatility to these classes.
  3. LOL, no. I am much more in agreement with the Auto-Beserk edit. I think Lord Knights can do just fine in PvP if they use there wits and tactics to kill there enemies. Most of the considered OP classes would lose 1 on 1 in my opinion (Champion and Assassin Cross Class). Lord Knights DO have problems against clowns and possibly any long range class, but their versatility should make up for it in a small way. Though, I think that Guillotine or Edge or BOTH should be buffed when used by the Lord Knight and Paladin Class, while they do not need an ALL TIME Level 10 Provoke in my opinion (semi-OP), there sure isn't any balance between it and lets say a Clown.
  4. I agree, and I don't even use a long range class during WoE. It's just ridiculous to make Snipers, Clowns, Gypsies, and ranged-Stalkers so useless during WoE. The regular skill reduction is enough IMO and removing the long range damage reduction wouldn't do much harm, if anything, help certain classes during WoE. It's easy enough to break as it is.
  5. Mike Oldfield – Moonlight Shadow
  6. That guy is Fairytale / TubbehBear

  7. That's kind of beneficial in my opinion, having a skill that can knock back an enemy or have them change to an RSX Armor is always useful.
  8. Lyk dis?
  9. I actually agree with this. Edit : Thought I think a Lord Knight completely owns a SinX, one on one.
  10. congrats maureen!!
  11. happy birthday?....

  12. But take out your gf and do like only you can do men, EHEH.

  13. nah, I'm good LOL. I went out last year, I'm being a house owl this year.

  14. They also add 1 VIT per card, promoting more HP growth than DDK, Antique Firelock, and GEC Cards. :)
  15. I don't think 40-50% is a perma-provoke situation, unless you're using soda pop as your healing items, which would leave you vulnerable to ambush attacks which could take advantage of your low HP. I even think 60% is okay when it comes to auto-beserk, but not 70%. [THOUGH, I think this topic is a bit ridiculous. LKs have a lot of things going for them already; High HP, decently high attack power, mid-high damage output, a myriad of long range skills (which cause stun-lock, a decrease in attack power, and a decrease in walking speed).]
  16. weird-o. ;x sup?

  17. I do it more, pift. :c

  18. I disagree, I think 60-70% is too high, and would enable LKs to have provoke activated ALL the time, which would deal some pretty high damage on a class with already high damage output and highest HP modifier of all classes. I, however, do agree with 40-50%, as some LKs would risk keeping there HP low for a higher damage output, without giving LK too much of a boost, as the class already has a lot going for it.
  19. I told you I stalk people!

  20. still fun man! i think

  21. Well.. I haven't watched the Cartoon Network since I was like in Elementary School, but I REALLY like, and would have to vote for, entry # [ 9 ]. The Powderpuff Girls was an entertaining cartoon when it came out and I like how it depicts the powderpuff girls, the background and blend of colors is simply amazing. Great work!
  22. I want the grinch rucksack, BC for me nao. :)
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