Hi. I believe that there is a file named "Setup" in your RO folder. Open it and you have the option there for a full screen and other graphics and sound settings.
Did the Golden Valkyrie Helm get recolored too? I believe that it was suggested sometime ago. I agree on this, and maybe the GVH recolor should be implemented too. ;3
Yes, can this be fixed? Currently, you get warped to any part of the map. If you get warped outside the arena (the circular space in the center), you get stuck and can't move.
IGN: Killee
Clown Costume
Why so serious?
IGN: Killee
Stabbed on the Head
Risen from the Grave (same costume)
Uh, I didn't know that if you post again, it will be merged to the previous one. Sorry. Must be 2 different posts.
Depends on you. I was happy with my crit rate even without added LUK. Or you can add LUK just enough to have 100 crit rate. And I think LUK adds very minimal ATK. Also depends on your card combo on your sword. So, experiment with it. :3
I tried patching the game but the patching stops when DLing patch58 is complete. And it takes me a long time to finish patch58 while others say that it's done for a few seconds for them. I tried using Forsaken-patcher and ForsakenRO-patcher in my RO folder but get the same results. I also tried restarting my PC and my connection but it doesn't solve the problem. It takes a long time to DL patch58 and stops when it's done.
I don't know much about technical stuff, so help is much appreciated. Cheers!
Nice update! :3
BTW, is the new shield slotted?
And does the patch really take a long time to finish? I know I have a bad connection but just want to ask.