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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by killee07

  1. There are cases that you can't enter even in the character select screen. Here's a quick "fix": 1. Patch up. 2. Reset looks of all characters (location too if you want). 3. Enjoy. Maybe it's because of multiple characters in the select screen. Hope this helps. And I love the hairstyle with the earing, kicks ass. Cheers.
  2. Just noticed. Why is there no green colorway?
  3. Ah yeah, consider this solved. Thanks Veracity. Try it Nad, it's easy. Cheers!
  4. I can't upload a photo for my profile. Are there any specifics for the image or are there any other problems? I would appreciate any help i could get. Thanks.
  5. Thanks.
  6. "Scarves changed because we're releasing new christmas vote items that are coming out soon." Quoted from here: http://www.forsaken-...opic=20649&st=0 Didn't say winter. So, yeah.
  7. Password Recovery, had a feeling only seniors could see that. Or only the Boss could. But I don't know, didn't assume that. - Killee
  8. killee07

    Ticket System

    Boss, I have a ticket filed and until now no one has bothered to reply to it. Are you guys that busy or are you just really ignoring me? Still, I will wait for a response. Thank you very much. Cheers! - Killee
  9. I have a ticket Boss, I will appreciate it a lot if you look into it. Thank you very much.

  10. True, true.
  11. Not bad. Hmm. Somwhere in the voting says "No Lag". So, yeah. Keep up the good work. ;3
  12. Exactly. - KILLEE
  13. Hey, come on. Changing the scarf without even releasing a replacement for it is, in my opinion, unfair. 2 months is long you know. And the vote is down. Wow.

  14. That's the point. - KILLEE
  15. Like how long will it take for the new X-mas votes be released? A lot of people depend on those scarves, especially the poor ones (iincluding me). You should have waited for the new votes to be released before changing the old item. I don't know. Just my opinion. - KILLEE
  16. Well, here is how it goes. Create a line-up of classes with a member limit of let's say, 10, that can decently defend during the last minutes of Euro WoE. No equipment limitations or whatsoever, just the member limit. So, that's it. I will be waiting for replies. This should be fun. I'll start with, uh, 10 Gunslingers. Heh. - KILLEE
  17. Agree. We should do something about people with GVH's getting robbed of 150 tokens (from the useless GVH) and 2000 or so tokens (from buying an Imp).
  18. Eh? GVH effects were way back from 2008, then is changed today? Wow. Didn't know that. Very, very good. Nice one.
  19. Hi, I am having problems patching through the patcher which says unpacking error, the file is not a rgz? etc. I'm currently DLing the manual patch and I have a few questions. Does doing the manual patch mean that I will also do manual patching for the future updates? Or will it be the same as though I auto patch (using the patcher) and will be able to use the patcher for the future patches? That's all. Hope my question won't be ignored. Thanks! - Killee
  20. Are the new card effects now available? And will the Knight set and weapon effects be posted too? Thanks.
  21. B> Loki's Blades Red and Blue. - KILLEE
  22. killee07

    My Thoughts.

    Hi, Well, I'm not good in writing so I'll go straight to the point. I read Kittie's words about having the server too customized will kind of destroy the essence of the game. The point that you must play according to the server's custom "rules" or standards and not of the original RO anymore. I know that having customs and changing some stuff according to what the community wants is a good strategy to invite more people in and make them stay. Also to enhance gameplay and the fun that people are having in playing the game. But I think that doing this must only extend to a certain point. Balance among classes, as many people say. Balance. A question pops out of my mind, isn't the original Ragnarok balanced? I don't know, personally. But isn't giving a skill to a class that doesn't have it doubtful? Giving better items effects to those under-powered classes to even the classes out? Making weapons 1-handed? Might as well make the SinX yield a sword/dagger in its mouth. I agree with Ryuk, if a change is done in a class, every other class should have an equal change. Each class has its own advantages and disadvantages. That are what classes are for. Isn't it? I don't know if have explained my point well. Sorry if it seems like I'm complaining or arguing about something. Just want to share my thoughts. That's all. Opinions and comments are accepted. Thanks. Sincerely yours, - Killee
  23. RobbtheKalbo, definitely win. It would have been better if you were geared and in the server longer so you can add more. But although, very awesome job. Goodluck!
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