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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by killee07

  1. So, we get the stat bonus according to the character's rank? It is not equipment based. Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, brilliant update guys. Kudos to you.
  2. DD/Crit SinX all the way. Point and click.
  3. That's why the exclusivity of skills should've been preserved (and 2-handed weapons should've always been 2-handed). So topics like these would've never been discussed. But it's too late for that. GS's are okay the way they are now (wield a shield while Desping), and honestly I consider them OP that way. So still -1 for EWL. Focus more on under-powered classes (Biochem, etc.).
  4. -1. I totally support Shadi's arguments. For me, the Enlarge Weight Limit skill should be exclusive to the merchant class in the first place. I don't understand why exclusive skills are being given to other classes. There are advantages and disadvantages in every class. If you want HP, go Paladin. If you want melee DPS, go SinX. If you want magic DPS, go Prof. And so on. A certain class shouldn't have everything (damage,HP,reductions,etc.). Cheers!
  5. Yes, 300 please. Come on people, let's vote for 300!
  6. Should be unfair for other the classes. -1.
  7. Than practice on real WoE's. More realistic experience.
  8. Make all belts weigh 250-300, including the Str ones. Carrying more stuff is a natural advantage of the str classes. Need not to be changed. Make everyone think that the "bugged" belt was the str one, not the others. Lower its weight the same as the other belts before the update. Editing the original effect (weight) of items is long before an option, since the GVH was changed. Does not hurt to do it again. For the good.
  9. Made my day. Anyway, good work fRO.
  10. I totally support this idea. I assumed that the runes are only compoundable on the new donation accessories. This fact (slot and runes) plus the 100 weight puts the new accessories on a way too much advantage than the old Forsaken King Belts. I know that is costs 25$ each and should have an advantage over the old ones, but this is way too much. I have no concrete explanations/proofs as they only came out today. I know the server needs funds, but you also have to consider the non-donors. What is happening to this server, really. For me, it all goes down to the strong (rich) being stronger, and the weak(poor), weaker. It's only my opinion and I'll wait for what others have to say.
  11. Supporting. +1. And if possible, add a status icon showing if the effect is still in duration.
  12. Exactly the point. They are keeping it because they don't much have a choice. It's a waste to just throw them away. And a few bothers to buy them. The only option is to keep them. In my opinion, very little or none keeps them in the hopes of them being buffed in the future.
  13. You don't see them today because no one, or few, chooses to use them. These auras don't just disappear to nothing, they are there. We just don't see them that often being used. There was a time back then that everyone wears them. Not anymore.
  14. I think changing previously released items, either donation or non-donation, is a real no no. Leave it as is. Suggest new ones.
  15. killee07

    Pvp Ladder

    -1. By the way, where's the topic starter?
  16. Make storage alphabetical.
  17. Drops from castles.
  18. The kafra I suggested is different from the current healer, I believe. And this is more kafra-ish than the current Forsaken Kafra. Just an opinion. Okay so, healer and broadcaster it is. Change would be good specially to those NPC's used most often.
  19. Here are some sprites that I am suggesting for some NPC's in F. City. I'll add more soon. Comments and opinions are most welcome. Healer (ID: 569) Job Changer (ID:55) Broadcaster (ID: 831) Forsaken Kafra (ID: 115)
  20. Thanks a lot!
  21. killee07


    Hi. Did I actually win this? http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=19424&hl=sotw&fromsearch=1 I don't remember getting the prize for it, remind me if I'm wrong. I could use an extra 50 events. :) Thank you. Cheers!
  22. Thanks Bishop. :) Will placing a modified "data" folder in the fRO folder hurt the client in anyway?
  23. Is there really no "data" folder when the all-in-one is installed?
  24. How do I use All-in-one? I have a previously installed kRO and Sakray plus the small patch. Should I uninstall them first and then make a fresh install using the all-in-one? 'Cause I don't want to delete my old client in case the all-in-one fails me. Thanks.
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