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Titan last won the day on July 22 2023

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  • Birthday October 31

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    ForsakenRO GM Team

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  1. fRO's Strongest May 28, 2023 to June 10, 2023 Top 1: ƒury Top 2: Sikalakh Blank Top 3: tEn0FoViR Top 4: Wanda™ Top 5: Ucide
  2. Implemented 1 WoE castle. American [1.0] Castles: @warp pay_gld 203 266 [Bamboo Grove Hill] European [1.0] Castles: @warp prt_gld 133 64 [Kriemhild] Asian [1.0] Castles: @warp gef_fild13 252 57 | @warp gef_fild13 305 87 [Mersetzdeitz] International [1.0] Castle: @warp gef_fild13 308 240 [Eeyolbriggar] International [2.0] Castle: @warp sch_gld [Andglangr] Skill dispell moved to new WoE Castles. Added option in Forsaken Kafra to reset Opposition skill. Requirement: 5 Mithril Coins 1,000 Blood Thirst Added new headgears in Token Shop: Limited Edition Gaming Headset #19872 Limited Edition Wisdom Helmet #19873 Limited Edition Hermes Headset #19874 Limited Edition Celestial Globe #19875 SinX Blessed Ring adjustment. Walking speed +15% **Atk +10%** Reduce Damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Reduce Vit Def by 10% Max HP and SP +10% Str +20 **Vit +35** ASPD +10 Crit +30 Renamed Crystal Fragment and Dusk Glow. Fixed Lord of Royals issued for High Wizard. Fixed issue with WoE Inexpensive Emperium Voucher. Fixed issue with Royal Angel Wing. Fixed issue with Ull's Glory with Valkyrie Weapon Voucher NPC. Disabled Christmas theme and questes. Added new loading screen.
  3. fRO's Strongest December 25, 2022 to January 7, 2023 Top 1: ƒury Top 2: B'lue. Top 3: Etherious Natsu Top 4: I Omega Top 5: Shasha™
  4. FORSAKEN CHRISTMAS VILLAGE GUIDE By: [GM]JoyBoy All over Midgard, good pets everywhere wake up to tasty treats on Christmas thanks to Santa Paws. But now, a Santa Paws impersonator is threatening Christmas for pets everywhere! Team up with Santa Paws and his helpers in for_xmas to take down his impersonator. COORDINATES: [for_xfild01] Where you can farm Wrapping Lace,Wrapping Paper,Stolen Cookie, Spirit of Christmas, and Bag of Stolen Goods. @go 25[fcity]>>Warper>>Costum Maps>>Christmas Village SANTA'S ELF'S HOUSE: [for_xmas 172 131] Santa's Elf 250 - Wrapping Lace [7174] 250 - Wrapping Paper [7175] Reward: 1x Santa's Helper Box [17768] NOTE: You need 250pcs per kind for every Santa's Elf 250 - Wrapping Lace [7174] - Obtainable at for_xfild01 250 - Wrapping Paper [7175] - Obtainable at for_xfild01 Step 1: SANTA PAWS [for_xmas 201 245] Talk to Santa Paws then he will ask you to find Santa Paws Impersonator at xmas_dun01. Step 2: SANTA PAWS IMPERSONATOR [@warp xmas_dun01 132 137] Requirement: 300 Raccoon Doll [754] NOTE: Select "Sure" if he asked you if you're agree to what he said. Step 3: Go back to Santa Paws at Christmas Village. Step 4: Talk to him again, He will ask you to get Bag of Stolen Goods. Requirement: 800 Bag of Stolen Goods [18172]. NOTE: Once you bring all Bag of Stolen Goods, he will ask you to help his 4 helpers. SANTA PAWS HELPERS COORDINATES A. SANTA PAWS HELPER [for_xmas 94 292] REQUIREMENTS: Spirit of Christmas[16668] Small Chance of Drop at for_xfild01 Santa's List[16667] Drop by Cornus at @warp spl_fild01/fild02 B. SANTA PAWS HELPER [for_xmas 111 129] REQUIREMENTS: 100 Bitter Herb [621] 100 Earthworm the Dude [623] 100 Orange Juice [620] 100 Rainbow Carrot [622] 100 Sweet Candy Cane [12225] 100 Sweet Milk [627] 100 Tropical Banana [634] NOTE: You can buy all at Dr. Bone Quest Below https://forum.forsaken-ro.net/wiki/quests/headgear-quests/drbones-quest-pet-groomer-r167/ C. SANTA PAWS HELPER [for_xmas 226 167] REQUIREMENTS: 20 Santa's Helper Box [17768] You can obtain this by helping Santa's Elf at for_xmas 172 131 D. KITTY KRAMPUS [for_xmas 231 89] REQUIREMETNS: 400 Coal [1003] Drop by: Knocker Step 5: Talk to SANTA PAWS again He will ask you to talk again to Santa Paws Impersonator (xmas_dun01) Step 6: Go to SANTA PAWS IMPERSONATOR REQUIREMENT: 200 Sweet Potato [633] Drop by Horong at @warp pay_dun04 and Buyable at Dr. Bone Quest. STEP 7: Talk to SANTA PAWS [for_xmas 201 245] Tell him that The Imposter Santa Paws has been dealt. Then he will give you reward for helping his helpers. REWARD: Legendary Santa Helper Hood [2] [18173] HAUNTED TOY FACTORY RAID GUIDE! In Santa's absence, everything has gone awry in the Forsaken Christmas Village. The toy factory has been taken over by a dark presence, and Mrs. Klaus needs your help to save the factory so all of the presents will be ready for Christmas. Be part of a story of betrayal, love, and growing up. RAID DURATION: 1 Hour PARTY LIMIT: 8 Party Members Step 1: Find Eliza at Fcity [@warp fcity 77 102] Talk to Eliza go to Christmas Village and find Mrs. Claus. Step 2: Mrs. Claus [for_xmas 150 136] Step 3: Mz. Klaus [for_xmas 144 313] Requirements: 400 Christmas Gift Boxes [16664] Drop by Myst Case at @warp xmas_dun02 250 Letters to Santa [16666] Drop by Fake Angel at @warp gefenia01 150 Well Baked Cookie [538] Drop by Cookie at @warp xmas_dun01 150 Sweet Milk [627] Drop by Savage Babe at @warp mjolnir_09 NOTE: Once you give all the requirements, she gonna warped you at HAUNTED TOY FACTORY RAID. Make sure you already prepared your party before entering this raid. You just need to eliminate all monsters every wave: Wave 1: Dark Cruise Wave 2: Dark Myst Case Evil Cookie Wave 3: Evil Hylozoist Evil Lude Wave 4: Evil Violy Dark Marionette Wave 5: Dark Teddy Bear Evil Christmas Tree Final Wave: Celine kimi 2x Dark Marionette NOTE: After you defeat Celine Kimi and the 2 Dark Marionette go to formap05 109 163. HAUNTED TOY FACTORY REWARD: 1 Celine Ribbon [17495] 4 Dragon Token [18637] Step 4: Go back to Eliza at [fcity 77 102] Talk to her and give Celine Ribbon [17495] to Eliza And tell her you found her. ELIZA’S REWARD: Legendary Celine's Ribbon [17496] Eliza's Gift [17554] THE END OF HAUNTED TOY FACTORY QUEST SANTA'S HELPER BOX [17768] You have a chance to get item for every unboxing of Santa's Helper Box You can obtain Santa's Helper Box every time you help his Helper. Legendary Knit Winter Hat [2] [18183] Legendary Ice Cream Hat [2] [19241] Legendary Frosty Snow Hat [2] [18184] Legendary Red Glasses [2] [17763] Legendary Magnolia hat [2] [19242] Legendary Squid Doll Hat [2] [19244] Legendary Santa Cap [2] [19603] Legendary Wing Earpiece [2] [17765] Legendary Knit Hat [2] [19601] Legendary Rudolph Hairband [2] [17764] Legendary Rainbow Octopus [2] [19243] Christmas Musicbox [Accessory] [2784] Santa's Bag [12132] = Santa Cloth (for 10 Minutes) Candy Cane [530] Coal [1003] ELIZA'S GIFT [17554] Legendary Sepcial Tophat [2] [18823] Legendary Santa Cap [2] [19603] Legendary Louise Red Hat [2] [19602] Legendary Dokebi Leaves [2] [19238] Legendary Falcon Hairband [2] [19240] Legendary Knit Hat [2] [19601] Legendary Drooping Domovoi [2] [19239] Jumping Santa Poring Hat [2] [16674] Christmas Tree Hat [2] [16673] Red Tamoshanter Hat [2] [16675] Christmoose Hat [2] [16676]
  5. Titan


    By: [GM] JoyBoy ENDLESS TOWER GUIDE INTRODUCTION: The Endless Tower is an increasingly difficult set of challenges. Participating parties make their way up the 100 floor tower, with a special boss encounter against Entweihen Knothen on the 100th floor, and Naght Sieger afterwards. It is a RAID where you need to pass through a tower with 100 floors (plus an extra room), where the higher the floor, the stronger the monsters. To go up the floors it is necessary to eliminate all the monsters on the map (taming a monster will cause you to be unable to proceed to the next floor) Right after that, the portal to the next floor will appear. The tower announce how many monsters are left to be eliminated as they are being killed. After going up one floor the player cannot return to the previous one unless he leaves the tower. REQUIREMENTS: Level Requirement: 50 or Higher Cooldown: 7 Days Time Limit: 4 Hours Party Size: 2 Players or More Reward: N/A How to return to your Save Point: Butterfly Wing, Die, Re-log COORDINATES: 1. @go 25[fcity] >> Warper >> Dungeuns >> Endless Tower >> Misty Island 2. @go 25[fcity] >> Warper >> Costum Maps >> Safari >> Endless Tower NPC The following skills are disabled inside the tower: Teleport Ice Wall Snatch Shield Reflect Fiber Lock Leap Reflect Damage Warning: Taming any monster or killing the last monster on a floor with a mercenary will cause the raid to not register the kill, and the portal to the next floor will not open. THE BEGINNING OF THE QUEST Step 1: Monemus [e_tower 82 110] Register your party to Monemus! Step 2: [e_tower 71 115] Portal Get inside the portal ETERNAL TORCH Dark Ash - Ashes of Darkness[19231] Advance 25 Floors = 1 Ash Of Darkness Advance 50 Floors = 2 Ash Of Darkness Advance 75 Floors = 3 Ash Of Darkness NOTE: You can obtain Ashes of Darkness [19231] At Floor 26/51/76 MONSTERS FOR EVERY FLOOR FLOOR 1: [1@tower 45 354] Metaling Drops Marin Poporing Poring Mastering FLOOR 2: [1@tower 130 354] Desert Wolf Baby Desert Wolf Vagabond Wolf FLOOR 3: [1@tower 217 355] Archer Skeleton Orc Skeleton Pirate Skeleton Soldier Skeleton Skel Worker Skeleton FLOOR 4: [1@tower 303 355] Argiope Argos Hornet Mantis Rocker Vocal FLOOR 5: [1@tower 388 355] Female Thief Bug Male Thief Bug Thief Bug Thief Bug Egg Golden Thief Bug FLOOR 6: [1@tower 45 271] Dragon Egg Pecopeco Egg Pupa Thiefbug Egg FLOOR 7: [1@tower 129 270] Anopheles Drainlair Explosion Familiar FLOOR 8: [1@tower 129 270] Cruiser Firelock Soldier FLOOR 9: [1@tower 303 271] Golem Obsidian Stapo FLOOR 10: [1@tower 388 271] Giant Hornet Hornet Mistress FLOOR 11: [1@tower 45 183] Dryad Hermit Plant Parasite Rafflesia FLOOR 12: [1@tower 130 183] Demon Pungus Punk FLOOR 13: [1@tower 218 183] Bongun Yao Jun Munak FLOOR 14: [1@tower 303 183] High Orc Orc Archer Orc Lady Orc Baby Orc Warrior FLOOR 15: [1@tower 388 183] Andre Deniro Piere Ant Egg Phreeoni Maya FLOOR 16: [1@tower 46 99] Archer Skeleton Gargoyle Orc Archer Raydric Archer FLOOR 17: [1@tower 129 99] Strouf Baphomet Jr. Merman Hill Wind (Spear) FLOOR 18: [1@tower 218 99] Cramp Tarou FLOOR 19: [1@tower 304 99] Deviace Megalodon Phen Swordfish FLOOR 20: [1@tower 388 99] Pirate Skeleton Drake FLOOR 21: [1@tower 46 13] Plasma (Purple) Plasma (Yellow) Plasma (Blue) Plasma (Green) Plasma (Red) FLOOR 22: [1@tower 129 13] Drosera Flora Hydra Muscipular Mandragora Rafflesia FLOOR 23: [1@tower 218 13] Penomena Marse Obeaune Swordfish Hydra FLOOR 24: [1@tower 303 13] Carat Joker Jakk FLOOR 25: [1@tower 388 13] Cat o' Nine Tails Ninetails Moonlight Flower FLOOR 26: [2@tower 46 355] Enchanted Peach Tree Gibbet Stone Shooter Wooden Golem Elder Willow FLOOR 27: [2@tower 130 355] Goblin Archer Goblin (Dagger) Goblin (Axe) Goblin (Flail) Goblin (Hammer) Goblin (Morning Star) FLOOR 28: [2@tower 218 355] Arclouse Neraid Pest Kukre FLOOR 29: [2@tower 304 355] Dark Frame Heirozoist The Paper Whisper Lude Quve FLOOR 30: [2@tower 387 355] Evil Nymph White Lady FLOOR 31: [2@tower 46 271] Gig Iron Fist Argiope Scorpion FLOOR 32: [2@tower 129 271] Goblin Archer Goblin (Dagger) Goblin (Axe) Goblin (Flail) Goblin (Hammer) Goblin (Morning Star) Goblin Leader FLOOR 33: [2@tower 217 270] Kobold Archer Kobold (Axe) Kobold (Hammer) Kobold (Morning Star) Kobold Leader FLOOR 34: [2@tower 304 271] Flame Skull Giant Whisper Whisper FLOOR 35: [2@tower 388 271] Freezer Heater Permeter Assaulter Solider Turtle General FLOOR 36: [2@tower 45 182] Anolian Alligator Grove FLOOR 37: [2@tower 130 183] Alarm Clock Tower Keeper FLOOR 38: [2@tower 218 183] Deathword Rideword FLOOR 39: [2@tower 304 183] Evil Nymph Mao Guai Zhu Po Long Taoist Hermit Jing Guai FLOOR 40: [2@tower 388 182] Miyabi Doll Shinobi Tengu Firelock Soldier Karakasa Samurai Specter FLOOR 41: [2@tower 46 99] Kraben FLOOR 42: [2@tower 129 99] Sleeper Mi Gao Sting Hode Sandman FLOOR 43: [2@tower 218 99] Side Winder Medusa Anacondaq Boa FLOOR 44: [2@tower 304 99] Baphomet Jr. Hatii Babe Baby Desert Wolf Savage Babe Baby Orc FLOOR 45: [2@tower 388 99] Mummy Ancient Mummy Verit Osiris FLOOR 46: [2@tower 46 13] Beholder Seeker FLOOR 47: [2@tower 130 13] Deleter (Sky) Deleter (Earth) Petite (Sky) Petite (Earth) FLOOR 48: [2@tower 218 13] Ancient Mimic Ancient Mummy Ancient Worm FLOOR 49: [2@tower 304 13] Grizzly Leib Olmai Bigfoot Sasquatch Zipper Bear FLOOR 50: [2@tower 388 12] Anubis Matyr Marduk Amon Ra Pharaoh FLOOR 51: [3@tower 46 355] Diabolic Mini Demon Deviruchi FLOOR 52: [3@tower 129 355] Harpy Blood Butterfly Gargoyle Grand Peco Hill Wind Hill Wind (Spear) FLOOR 53: [3@tower 217 355] Shinobi Assaulter FLOOR 54: [3@tower 303 355] Chepet Marionette Miyabi Doll FLOOR 55: [3@tower 388 355] Medusa Isis Sidewinder Evil Snake Lord FLOOR 56: [3@tower 46 271] Ice Titan Freezer Gazeti Hatii Babe Snowier FLOOR 57: [3@tower 131 270] Metaling Drops Marin Poporing Mastering Ghostring Angeling Deviling Arc Angeling FLOOR 58: [3@tower 218 271] Phendark Rybio Zombie Prisoner Injustice Skel Prisoner FLOOR 59: [3@tower 303 270] Ancient Mimic Mimic Mystcase FLOOR 60: [3@tower 387 270] Egnigem Cenia Errende Ebecee Kavatch Icarus Laurell Weinder Whickebine Tres Armeyer Dinze Doppelganger Egnigem Cenia (Boss) FLOOR 61: [3@tower 46 183] Agav Echio Mobster Pasana Isilla Vanberk FLOOR 62: [3@tower 129 182] Wanderer FLOOR 63: [3@tower 217 183] Ragged Zombie Zombie Master Orc Zombie Zombie Prisoner Zombie FLOOR 64: [3@tower 304 183] Ungoliant Ancient Worm Caterpillar Creamy Fear Giant Hornet Killer Mantis FLOOR 65: [3@tower 388 182] Galion Atroce FLOOR 66: [3@tower 46 99] Incubus Aliot Injustice FLOOR 67: [3@tower 129 99] Acidus (Blue) Acidus (Gold) Mutant Dragonoid Deleter (Sky) Petite (Sky) FLOOR 68: [3@tower 218 99] Stalactic Golem Ice Titan Lava Golem Golem Wooden Golem FLOOR 69: [3@tower 303 99] Dame of Sentinel False Angel Baroness of Retribution Lady Solace Mistress of Shelter FLOOR 70: [3@tower 388 99] Orc Baby Orc Hero Orc Lord FLOOR 71: [3@tower 46 13] Incubus Nightmare Terror Succubus Nightmare FLOOR 72: [3@tower 130 13] Enchanted Peachtree Errende Ebecee Permitter Margaretha Solin FLOOR 73: [3@tower 218 13] Loli Ruri Aliza Green Maiden Succubus Alice Zealotus FLOOR 74: [3@tower 304 13] Dimik Venatu Archdam FLOOR 75: [3@tower 388 11] Baphomet Jr. Dark Illusion Dark Lord Baphomet FLOOR 76: [4@tower 46 355] Abysmal Knight Nightmare Terror Nightmare FLOOR 77: [4@tower 130 355] Banshee Evil Druid Wind Ghost Wraith Dead Wraith FLOOR 78: [4@tower 218 355] Raydric Bloody Knight Dullahan Sword Guardian Abysmal Knight FLOOR 79: [4@tower 304 355] Ferus (Green) Ferus (Red) Hydrolancer Deleter (Ground) Petit (Ground) FLOOR 80: [4@tower 388 355] Necromancer Fallen Bishop Hibram FLOOR 81: [4@tower 46 271] Mysteltainn Ogretooth Executioner FLOOR 82: [4@tower 130 271] Agav Bloody Knight Bloody Murderer Injustice Skogul FLOOR 83: [4@tower 217 272] Chimera Dark Illusion Gryphon Skeggiold FLOOR 84: [4@tower 303 271] Dark Illusion Incubus Owl Baron Owl Duke Incubus Succubus FLOOR 85: [4@tower 387 271] Ifrit FLOOR 86: [4@tower 46 183] Chimera Gryphon Hydrolancer Majorous FLOOR 87: [4@tower 129 183] Kasa Lava Golem Salamander Gajomart FLOOR 88: [4@tower 218 183] Anubis Necromancer Ancient Mummy Khalitzburg Wraith Dead FLOOR 89: [4@tower 303 183] Odium of Thanatos Despero of Thanatos Maero of Thanatos Dolor of Thanatos FLOOR 90: [4@tower 387 184] Baroness of Retribution False Angel Lady Solace Valkyrie Randgris FLOOR 91: [4@tower 45 99] Kavatch Icarus Bow Guardian Cecil Damon FLOOR 92: [4@tower 129 99] Kathryne Keyron Elder Laurell Weinder Marduk Wind Ghost FLOOR 93: [4@tower 217 99] Seyren Windsor Abysmal Knight Bloody Knight Wanderer FLOOR 94: [4@tower 303 99] Sword Guardian Bow Guardian FLOOR 95: [4@tower 387 99] Hunter Fly Chonchon Dragon Fly Steel Chonchon Beelzebub FLOOR 96: [4@tower 45 12] Valkyrie Skeggiold (Brown) Skeggiold (Blue) FLOOR 97: [4@tower 129 13] Incarnation of Morroc (Human) Incarnation of Morroc (Golem) Incarnation of Morroc (Angel) Incarnation of Morroc (Ghost) FLOOR 98: [4@tower 217 13] Seyren Windsor Eremes Guile Howard Alt-Eisen Margaretha Sorin Cecil Damon Kathryne Keyron FLOOR 99: [4@tower 303 13] Wanderer Bow Guardian Elder Incarnation of Morroc (Human) Incarnation of Morroc (Ghost) FLOOR 100: [5@tower 101 73] Entweihen Knothen Thorn of Bone Thorn of Magic Thorn of Recovery Thorn of Purity Random Thorns Defeat: Entweihen Crothen and his Thorns! After killing Entweihen Crothen and his Thorns! Go to the portal at upper right of the map. UNKNOWN AREA is your next destination. UNKNOWN AREA [6@tower 32 19] - Entrance Orc Skeleton Wind Ghost Khalitzburg Kill all the monsters! Then go inside the portal. [6@tower 156 68] - Entrance Orc Skeleton Wind Ghost Khalitzburg Kill All the monsters around, Then proceed to the upper right of the map once you clear all the monsters. Defeat the two NAGHT SIEGER and their dark illusions. NOTE: If you start the raid, it can't be more than 5 minutes empty, otherwise it will be destroyed and the player that spawned it can't create another one for 6 days and 20 hours. The time limit for staying in the tower is 4 hours, if the group cannot finish the Endless tower in 4 hours the Raid will expel all players to fcity or return to their respective Save Point, and will be destroyed.
  6. No need to max level to rebirth.
  7. THE LOST VILLAGE GUIDE By: [GM]JoyBoy INTRODUCTION: Enter a long forgotten village that has once more emerged from the mists in a dark and frightening forest. Participate in Hallows Eve rituals, do 16 different quests for the townsfolk, face monstrous demons, get disguises of your own with tokens and tickets, and discover the secret past of the town. COORDINATES: @go 25(fcity) >> Warper NPC >> Costum Maps >> Lost Village How to get HALLOWEEN TOKEN[17719]? -You can get them from killing the Damned Soul from formap76[Lost Village]. -Hourly Invasion Event [Limited Monster Spawn only every hour]. Note: Hourly Invasion is the right time to farm Halloween token. How to get HALLOWEEN TICKET[17241]? -You can obtain Halloween Ticket through helping Townsfolk as a reward. TOWNSFOLK NPC COODINATES: 1.Dunstan [formap76 176 199] Requirements: 400 Toxic Gas 300 Mandragora Flowerpot 250 Poison Spore 200 Smoke Powder 100 Poison Bottle 1 Gas Mask 2.Edwin [formap76 155 173] Requirements: 400 Nose Ring 300 Piece of Black Cloth 200 Orcish Voucher 150 Rotten Bandage 100 Old Manteau 100 Red Muffler 3.Corbin [formap76 252 126] Requirements: 600 Log 400 Trunk 150 Wooden Gnarl 100 Live Coal 4.Claudia [formap76 227 92] Requirements: 550 Piece of Cloth of Saint 250 Bread 200 Alice Apron 200 Soft Apron 5.Vincent [formap76 204 119] Requirements: 600 Cat Paw 400 Black Powder 150 Cat's Eye 100 Black Cat Doll 1 Black Cat Ears 6.Leonore [formap76 213 129] Requirements: 250 Orc Zombie Card 250 Ragged Zombie Card 250 Zombie Slaughter Card 250 Ghoul Card 150 Zombie Prisoner Card 100 Zombie Card 7.Bram [formap76 163 125] Requirements: 400 Animal Gore 300 Clattering Skull 50 Executioner's Mitten 150 Blood of Wolf 100 Bloody Page 100 Hand of God 8.Mysterious Minstrel [formap76 156 84] Requirements: 400 Wolf Flute 300 Grasshopper's Leg 250 String 200 Elastic Band 85 Red Frame 15 Scarlet Dyestuffs 9.Aurora[Aura NPC] [formap76 85 90] Requirements: 2,000 Wing of Red Bat 666 Bat Cage 1,000 Little Evil Wing 666 Old Broom 400 Bacillus 300 Ancient Mummy Card 300 Orc Zombie Card 300 Ragged Zombie Card 666 Halloween Tokens 13 Halloween Tickets Reward: Bat Ring Aurora 10.Odessa [formap76 226 230] Requirements: 500 Pumpkin Mojo 300 Lantern 200 Pumpkin Lantern 150 Forbidden Red Candle 100 Jack O'Pumpkin 11.Vlad [formap76 230 217] Requirements: 450 Banshee Card 250 Deviruchi Card 250 Gargoyle Card 150 Succubus Card 150 Incubus Card 12.Bruce [formap76 184 253] Requirements: 600 Wings of Red Bat 300 Little Evil Wing 100 Rune of Darkness 100 Bat Cage 100 Dark Crystal Fragment 50 Contract in Shadow 13.Oliver [formap76 76 250] Requirements: 600 Bag of Candy 300 Candy 150 Sweet Potato 100 Apple Juice 100 Sweet Milk 14.Mischievous Boy [formap76 82 259] Requirements: 300 Cobweb 300 Evil Horn 150 Cursed Seal 150 Horrendous Mouth 150 Will of the Darkness 100 Hung Doll 100 Manacles 15.Nisha [formap76 81 210] Requirements: 250 Giant Butterfly Wing 200 Skel-Bone 200 Crystal of Darkness 150 Little Ghost Doll 100 Horseshoe 100 Skull 100 Cobweb 50 Old Portrait 50 Book of the Devil 10 Shackles 16.Roderick [formap76 71 192] Requirements: 300 Black Hair 300 Horn 300 Soft Silk 150 Crystal Pumps 100 White Mask 100 Folding Fan of Cat Ghost THE LOST VILLAGE NPC/DEALER Pet Tamer NPC [formap76 253 148] Requirements: 1x Halloween Token for each tamer. BUYABLE TAMING ITEM FOR: Whisper Incubus Nightmare Terror Diabolic Medusa Loli Ruri Marionette Wisteria [formap76 97 107] Find Wisteria in the Lost Village and get your hands on some of her wicked potions and concoctions for a limited time only. In exchange for 30 Halloween Tokens, she'll give you 5 of one of the following: Pumpkin King Cake – [All Stats + 15] Raven's Wisdom – [Int + 20] Witch's Tonic – [Vit + 20] Red Juice – [Str + 20] Macbeth the Kitty [formap76 116 186] Note: Using your HALLOWEEN TOKENS, You can buy item below; Legendary Heart Eye Patch [17709] = 50 Legendary Long Tongue [17708] = 25 Legendary Tare Maid Doll [17710] = 400 Legendary Puppet Master [18072] = 400 Legendary Droopy Dragon [17715] = 400 Legendary Bat Circlet [18071] = 600 Legendary Jack Castle Bat [17711] = 600 Legendary Black Cat Cap [18068] = 800 Legendary Classic Ribbon [17712] = 800 Legendary Ghost Hood [18790] = 800 Legendary Night Sparrow Hat [17713] = 1,000 Legendary Shrine Maiden Ribbon [18069] = 1,000 Legendary Magician Night Cap [17714] = 1,500 Legendary Bride of Death [18070] = 1,500 Legendary Droopy Dragon [17715] = 1,000 Legendary Dragon Mask [18789] = 1,000 Legendary Royal Pumpkin Head Dress [17716] = 2,000 Legendary Evil Druid Hat [17717] = 2,000 Trick Or Treat Box [17718] = 250 Legendary Bloody Eye Bandage [18379] = 2,000 Legendary Clock Ribbon [18380] = 2,000 Legendary Improved Drooping Zealotus [18381] = 2,000 Legendary Spirit Poring Pipe [18382] = 2,000 Legendary Rata Hat [18792] = 2,000 Legendary Dropping Sloth [19594] = 2,000 Legendary Striped Bandana [19595] = 2,000 Legendary King Headphones [19888] = 2000 Legendary Wanderer Grim Reaper [19890] = 2000 Legendary Sparkling Fountain [19889] = 2000 NOTE: Trick-or-Treat Boxes! Each Trick-or-Treat Box has a chance you'll receive a special treat (one of these nifty special headgears with a bonus of +15 all stats for 2 weeks!)... or a trick. Will you be lucky enough to get one of these special rewards? To find out, talk to Macbeth the Kitty and get your own Trick-or-Treat Box for 250 Halloween Tokens! The Great Rufaku [formap76 84 113] Note: Using your HALLOWEEN TICKETS, You can buy item below; Legendary Edgar's Raven [18073] = 10 Legendary Bunny Ghost Hat [18074] = 35 Legendary Wings of Darkness [18075] = 16 Legendary White Fox Ears [18076] = 35 Legendary Bunny Zipper [18077] = 25 Legendary Cat Eyes [17702] = 8 Legendary Gothic Head Dress [17703] = 13 Legendary Oni Horns [18078] = 13 Legendary Cursed Soul [17705] = 20 Legendary Halloween Cap [17706] = 20 Legendary Cute Mage Hat [17707] = 35 Legendary Thief Monocle [17244] = 5 Legendary Skull Mask [17245] = 7 Legendary Drooping Loli Cat [17246] = 8 Legendary Ghost Spirit [17247] = 10 Legendary Demon Mask [17248] = 13 Legendary Deviruchi Headphones [17249] = 13 Legendary Skull Hood [17250] = 16 Legendary Magic Eyes Hat [17251] = 16 Legendary Necromancer Hood [17252] = 16 Legendary Boogie Mask [17253] = 20 Legendary Skull Cap [17254] = 25 Legendary Evil Marcher Hat [17255] = 30 Legendary Pumpkin Witch Hat [17256] = 30 Legendary Cyber Punk Ears [18374] = 35 Legendary Doggy Ears [18375] = 35 Legendary Fox Bow Ears [18376] = 35 Legendary Khalitzberg Helm [18377] = 35 Legendary Torn Black Hat [18378] = 35 Legendary Baphomet Mask [18794] = 30 Legendary Gorilla Mask [18795] = 35 Legendary Haunted Hay [18796] = 16 Legendary Mono Gothic Bonnet [18797] = 35 Legendary Volume Low Twin Pigtails [18798] = 35 Legendary War Princess Ribbon [18799] = 30 Legendary Cyclops Visor [19227] = 35 Legendary Feather Masquerade [19228] = 35 Legendary Halloween Charm Hat [19229] = 35 Legendary Pumpkin Mask [19230] = 35 Legendary Citrus Ribbon [19396] = 35 Legendary Phantom of Masquerade [19397] = 35 Legendary Archangel Feathers [19592] = 35 Legendary Dragon Fang [19593] = 35
  8. fRO's Strongest November 26, 2022 to December 10, 2022 Top 1: ƒury Top 2: P e z ™ Top 3: Si Ano Top 4: I Omega Top 5: Lost in time
  9. fRO's Strongest November 12, 2022 to November 25, 2022 Top 1: ƒury Top 2: ¯\_(",)_/¯ # Top 3: TaurinePapi Top 4: P e z ™ Top 5: The World Is Yours
  10. fRO's Strongest October 15, 2022 to October 28, 2022 Top 1: Si Ano Top 2: ƒury Top 3: omsk1rt. Top 4: Sidhi Top 5: P e z ™
  11. Do you love ForsakenRO? Do you love helping people? Do you feel you could help make the server a better place? Then we'd love to have you as a staff member! Best of all? We're now using rolling applications, meaning you don't have to wait for the chance to start really making a difference here! Apply today! Send in your application to us at [email protected] anytime! If you are accepted, you will hear back from us shortly with more details. If you don't hear back from us, don't give up hope! You can re-apply again after a month! First and foremost... we're looking for people who love ForsakenRO as much as we do! Creative people willing to come up with unique ideas to improve the server, whether it's through quests, new items, new events, or anything else! People who enjoy helping and interacting with their fellow players! Highly motivated people who want to make ForsakenRO a fun and lively place filled with events! Dedicated and reliable people from all over the world that are willing to put the time and effort in People who are at least 18 years of age People who understand and speak/type English fluently Fun and open people who also are responsible and professional Hosting events, and lots of them! (We believe that there's never such a thing as too many events!) Help players as often as you can in game, at help desks, on the forums, and even over MSN too! Coming up with creative ideas for new expansions and being involved with the development of the server! Event/Support GMs (Note: as a GM, you are responsible for both!) Development Team Sounds great, right? So what are you waiting for! Apply today and join our family of hard working and motivated staff who love to have fun! To apply, just copy and paste these questions and your answers to these questions in an email and send them to [email protected]! Please be honest, and good luck! 1. What is your full name? 2. What is your IGN? (In game name. Please include all characters you have.) 3. What is your forum name? (If you have one.) 4. What guild is your main? (The guild your main character is in, you WoE/GvG with, etc.) 5. How old are you? 6. What languages can you speak/translate? 7. Where do you live and what is your timezone? 8. Would you be willing to contribute ideas and suggestions for future expansions? 9. Would you be willing to monitor and organize the Ticket system at least few times a week? 10. Have you ever done anything to help the server? if so, please provide examples and links (if possible!). This includes suggestions and reports you have made as well! 11. What traits do you think a GM should have to fulfill his/her job? 12. Have you ever been punished for disobeying the rules? If so, describe how. (We appreciate honesty and understand no one is perfect.) 13. How long have you been playing on ForsakenRO? 14. How long do you usually stay online at one time? On ForsakenRO? (Please give an average estimate.) 15. Please describe yourself (personality, goals, dreams, anything you feel will help us get to know you and why you'd be a great addition to the team!). 16. Have you ever been a GM here or on other servers? If so, please tell us more about your experiences. 17. Why would you like to be a GM on ForsakenRO? 18. What other servers, if any, do you currently play on? 19. Do you regularly support ForsakenRO? (For instance, voting for us or having reviewed the server in the past 6 months? If so, under what name?) 20. What do you want your GM name to be? 21. Please provide us with your messenger contact information, e.g. Discord. Deadline: April 14th, 2023
  12. Congratulations to IGN: Seree/Pestillence for winning the fRO Login Screen Contest! https://imgur.com/a/XQaXEsh Please DM me on Discord for you chosen Dragon Headgear so we can coordinate when you can claim it. For the rest of the participants, thank you for joining! You can DM any GM in-game to claim your reward.
  13. We will review each of the entries and we will decide which entries are qualified. There will be no rewards for entries that are just screen grabbed and edited.
  14. I see file attachments and link from imgur
  15. Please remove official ragnarok logo to be qualified.
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