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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by bankai`

  1. Hehe thank you guys for the input but I did some test on crit and dex sword actually found out dex is better then crit on the build I use hehe
  2. I would like to know people opinion on these two items and which is better and how much they both cost. I think the Black dex sword is better because it allow you to do double dmg and Black crit sword doesn't, which everyone knows you can't DA with critical attacks only normal attacks. Which weapons you guys think is better I can't decide which to sell or which too keep lmao.
  3. Which one Is better?
  4. bankai`


    You die I dunno...Dude i think i seen you at a party o_o
  5. bankai`


    Not really, just use skolls
  6. bankai`


    Yea I think it's bugged...
  7. S> purple emp or trade to wizard highness staff you add? Offer Pm Kaiyo.
  8. I'll trade emp for it, you add? Pm Kaiyo.
  9. bankai`


    Lol I meant to say 100% only to gunslingers
  10. You look crazy
  11. bankai`


    Dang that sucks I was hoping for it too come out next update o well I can wait..
  12. bankai`


    She quit I think lol
  13. bankai`


    Dont go asuming that the only reason I've play this class was the only reason I suggested it. I've suggested many thing from every class creator, supernovice, wizard, whitesmith and more. Know one is going off on you so don't take it personal it was only questions I'm asking. Yes the people you all name had really good gears and thanatos the fact that you said she can tank asura with rays what about if someone uses Thanatos your only naming one side to counter but not the others, it's easy said then done and I'm not saying give them 100% more damage and godly defense just give them them one hand weapon correct amount of dmg increase and some survival effects because I know this class ain't meant for tanking.
  14. bankai`


    What the hell are you saying? Snipers are strong with or without Thanatos. Sharp shooting dmg is deadly, double strafe is decent and I fought many Snipers without Thanatos so you can't tell me I'm wrong. Correct gunslingers have desperado but it isn't OP with the right gears it could make the damage suckish also it doesn't always block EVERY entire attack delay, causing the person coming in from your range to kill you and the Triple attack skill sucks so I don't see how this is OP. How would I defend from a clown using tarot? Switch from gun to shield? Would that even work or be fair to gunslinger players? How many gunslingers you see now and days, don't count woe because gunslinger aren't target since everyone goes for the emp and on top of that your hidden in a mob of people. We get 60% more hp for Tao but guess what it isn't enough! As mention in my first post I have like 200+ vit and using 2 Tao my hp is like 170k on top of that my sp is horrible and I have no shield so how would this buff bring choas I seriously don't understand you nines...
  15. bankai`


    Yea hopefully Tao gunk gets boost to 100% maximum hp
  16. Wrong section lol
  17. bankai`


    I was just wondering if any new weapons are coming out for the gunslinger because they need a major major MAJOR defense boost. With 210 vit I have 170k hp with double Tao and no shield also my sp sucks sooo bad!
  18. bankai`

    B> Purple Emp

    Hey I was on today I pm you but I had to go do something, the best I could do is 1080 and the rest in Ygg tickets or seeds. Since I did get it for 1105.
  19. Offer
  20. Were you level at? I wanna kill you lol
  21. I agree with forums but tweak it down alittle
  22. bankai`


    I've seen different color emp during 2008-2009 such as Red, Golden, White, Brown, Black, Pink now where are they now o_o?
  23. nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh reallly?????? (sarcastic)
  24. you like siting on pogo sticks lmaO?
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