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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by bankai`

  1. bankai`


    Welcome fool!!
  2. bankai`

    B>White Zodiac

    A Kiel is all I have
  3. bankai`

    B>White Zodiac

    Hm I have only 450 sir 0.0
  4. bankai`

    B>White Zodiac

    Only white and gimme price please =]
  5. bankai`


    Did you get banned Timmy ?
  6. bankai`


    File a ticket
  7. I think the gvh was accepted but I dunno what happen I'd agree too on gvh and any other helms to be recolor
  8. bankai`

    Le Shop

    Would you accept F.soldier for 2x kiels?
  9. bankai`

    Hercules Shop

    For sale: F.soldier FBH OL Hollowring Rucksack Hollowring Lod 2k Carat cards Purple Myththical aura Buy: Kiel pm Hercules
  10. bankai`


    Wadupp =]
  11. Wow how did talking about balance turn into buffing sniper, geez another sniper buff suggestion... I disagree on this btw they don't need it!
  12. Lmao I have 240k hp you should be happy with 250k lmao...
  13. @L2aim like i said said even if it isn't effect by skoll I still think they don't need the damage boost and the only thing I could agree on is the traps Which there is only 2 traps skill that works. @Miku I'm not specifically applying this too nines I'm talking about most snipers in general that have decent gears and if I was saying this too snipers with noob gears snipers wouldn't this be godly to decent decent gear snipers? Abou he coma please don make this into another LK helberd weapons, coma someone on a range class you kidding me?
  14. Well you do like 50k-70k FA on me I was using a good amount of reducts skolls etc you was still pulling off insane damage. I honestly think they need a nerf rather then a buff and focus on other classes that really need improvments.
  15. I disagree, be bless on what you already have, 1 hand bow hp increase for tao and now you want coma which you already do 40k FA and 23k DS you also want coma? Hell no the traps are fine also Sniper don't need a damage boost for shit and nines you should be well aware of that.
  16. Really cool stufff woot!
  17. So there is a deadline but it isn't decided yet?
  18. bankai`


    There's alot of custom items with wrong description on them...
  19. bankai`

    Crit Sword

    Anyone know how much you invest in luk while using the black oriental critical sword?
  20. ^ you don't have one lmao @nines skolls buddy and actually those 20 dex does alot lmao invest more in other stats
  21. The weapon is getting boost not the SinX class in general. Its more like hand gun and machine gun, hand gun upgrading to machine gun, so there equal lmao witch still isn't much but its something.
  22. ^ first of all yea I couuld agree with you about not giving this class a double attack, but Meteor spaming and using Edp WTF? It already add +20% sp which is more then enough without on top of that it adds +20 int. They have more then enough sp to spam there spells, and you should be well aware of that nines since you did main sinx before. This topic wasn't for my own benefits as you can see I made most topic on various classes on the new weapons so don't go asuming things. Also I just wanted something to match up against the critical weapon but if everyone think this is OP then I understand but I know for a fact changing the +20 int to +20 dex isn't op. This change can't even come close to the critical but atleast it's something useful right? Now I would list the benefits of critical sword and compare it to dex sword. Critical sword: no need for phreeoni or incantation because because critical ignore def and never miss unless the enemy is using perfect dodge so that leaves you 3 free slot in the first weapon More then enough stat bonus for adding luck saving you to invest in other stat points. Oh did I mention critical has a half second stun? So once those attacks starts raining down on you it would be hard to run or spam your skills to get away. Dex sword: Incantation isn't and option and phreeoni isn't ethier so you need atleast 2 phreeoni and 1 incantation compared to crit you need 0, so you're losing 3 slots compared to crit you gain 3. This adds +20% sp on top of that +20 int, like wth out of all the classes why sinX =.=? This should be great on a LK but that's whole another topic. I really hope people look at these weapon VERY carefully and compare them instead just coming on and saying it's OP when you never even take the time to think and look at he cons and the benefits you get from this weapon instead of asuming on what you see in pvp. I was really disapointed of this weapon when I got it because it was a pretty hefty price for what you pay.
  23. ^ you cant use double dmg on dex sword and the benefits on Critical is far greater then dex if you have one you will understand what i mean
  24. We all know these weapons was made to balance out but this is Sword Oriental "DEX" where is the dex in this weapon? I wouldn't say this weapon is shit but compared to the Critical it is. I just wanted something to equal the Critical build and so with the Dex build which isn't really equal. Its basically like saying would you pick a hand gun over a machine gun..alittle boost for this weapon to equal the Critical wont harm anyone so i don't see why not.
  25. i dunno you but welcome
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