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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by bankai`

  1. Yea I couldn't agree with you more adam because Critical is way stronger then Dex sword seeing the fact that using crit doesnt require Incantation and on top of the the +20 bonuses it gives so you would have to invest more into other stat points. I understand that going critical build you have to sacrifice other stat point to put into luck but using critical sword is more then enough. I would like to suggest adding +20 stats instead of +10 and change +20 int too + 15 dex would seem fair enough for people who paid for a decent melee weapon instead of some crappy breaker build..
  2. using soul breaker build required lots of int and str and if this was for breaker shouldnt it be wayy more stats then critical sword since breaker build requires 4 kiels and lots of stat invest in int and str? so i doubt this is for breaker build and if it was it was a big fail no offense..
  3. i agree to giving this double atk aswell because compare this to critical, critical win by a long shot lmao
  4. ^ correct but don't get me wrong here I love filipinos but I don't want to attract nothing but pinoys to the server talking in there own language and I can't understand shit and it's very annoying like what I say with these mexicans in this server...Lol
  5. This weapon stats give +20 int, like why? Shouldn't it be +20 dex instead of +20 int because they don't really need it. Come on it is call a dex sword for a reason. >.> I would like to suggest changing the +20 int to +20 dex.
  6. you accept trades? such as red raw for emp + ?
  7. Not to be fucked up or anyhing but this katar sucks...lol. First of all stone curse is a no no this will make sinx way to easy to get kills without any disadvatages trust me I know a hand full of pro katar users and it's annoying and fire property for the weapon wouldn't a good idea because I can just counter with a jakk card and dmg will be reduce to dust so I disagree on this suggestion..
  8. No I disagree seeing how everyone plays clown using cloak then av or cloak then tarot, and you want Jupiter thunder also? That's already enough advantages. If you want juipter thunder just switch after all guitar/harp is your main damge weapon anyways.
  9. bankai`


    What need to be change is the gvh color why is it tan instead of gold?
  10. No man wth..
  11. bankai`

    10 Seconds

    I suggested this before I dunno why it was rejected oh well, agree..
  12. bankai`

    Over Weight

    I play every class and all of them has it's flaws I manage to pull it off so I guess you can you too, disagree.
  13. Nice jacket where you get it? Wasup with the 999? Lol...
  14. ^ nah not a good idea and if it does happen number 1 the price will sky rocket making it hard for new comers to obtain them which doesn't really benefit new players but the rich and number 2 there isn't a limited amount of these wings around the server
  15. Agree too but about the sinx part not having any elemental dmg increase i disagree
  16. ^ to much compeition going on and random killing and ganks this is why people don't to pvp and no on this cheating will occur.
  17. ^ correct but I have my way around that
  18. I agree with miracle they already have enough hp to tank elemental damage so why would you give them more hp and sp. Seeing this being a 2 hand weapon having a shield isn't option meaning any most neutral property attack will kill. Also if you're in range of any semi full asura cast you will die guranteed, even if you're the best at using cloak or back slide so this is why I suggested reduction over hp increase.
  19. bankai`

    I'm Sad...

    Lmao, completed my quest today.
  20. I don't think it's a good idea to make these weapons 1 handed that will make sinx annoying to fight and yes my main is SinX don't want people to start complaining like what they did with the stalker soaring. Sonic blow is a stealth skill so it's meant to play stealth mode with alittle Demi-human reductions won't hurt.
  21. bankai`

    B> Int Belts

    I'm selling one but if you didn't buy yet just pm Son of Diablo I'll be on later.
  22. that's cause critical doesnt give double dmg that's why critical isnt the best choice of build to go that's why i use dex also
  23. Sounds like my weapon suggestion ^
  24. I agree on giving some reductions on these new weapon, because it's already hard enough to spam your sb, better yet focusing on healing also it's like trying to look right and left at the same time. So here is what I like to see :). +20 str 8% more dmg on Demi human 20% less dmg from Demi human 10% maximum hp
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