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captainawesomeville last won the day on March 11 2019

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About captainawesomeville

  • Birthday 08/12/1992

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Apprentice (2/10)




Community Answers

  1. yo Wan, where are you now? i mean what online game u at now this 2021 ahahah i cant contact u in messenger then i remember this FRo forum

    by the way, free to guess who i am ahahaha x]

    1. niemono89
    2. captainawesomeville


      Obviously kokoro. Dota still available u know

  2. Domo arigatoo new fren evetho im a ghost ?
  3. pika.gif.19e1ea96bdf2415956df26ebc0f322a5.gif

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. captainawesomeville


      thats a proper greeting fr you ❤️


    3. fykka


      lol. no proper at all!
      the song done laaa~
      where I send it?

    4. captainawesomeville
  4. My Bat Cave In the brightest day and the darkest night, This is the place l'll go just to hide. Other places just seems not right, Its comfy here I would close my eyes. When in doubt or tired and sad, I'll visit this Lenient Aunt here. She will serve cookies and breads, Until I'm ready to face my fear.
  5. HELP ME OPEN THIS DOOR! It's stuck! I need to get my stuff in there! Must get the precious and win this XD ~ *stop staring at my backdoor
  6. Prices might be cheaper :D
  7. "A Mew Mew, a Moon Moon, Ruski and Me in Red" The Cat So they said you don't choose cat. They choose you. So one day, a cat entered my house and just stares at me. Feed him and boom, he's the house cat now. Dumb Cat. Still the best mew tho. The Moon What is the hardest thing to get in the world? A lot, and moon's not one of that but my teacher used to say this a lot back then; "Always shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will land among the stars". I've literally chased moon (wink2) in this game and weirdly enough, I've found my star instead :O Ruski Hi Ruski people! Without Ruski I won't get as far as i am right now for they have been there since the day they killed me in that abyss hunting for Detale. (TSK) From mvp hunting to ring making to raid , fashion theme , group pictures or just chats, I will always come back to lutie to these guys :) And finally me ? Best color? RED! No further explanation needed ?
  8. Happy 11th years and counting Fro ❤️ Here's a screenshot of me and friends where most of us owns the shiny hoola hoops emp auras! Great journey of from newbie to somewhat better than newbie, the same hope I has for fro to be more awesome in the coming years ❤️
  9. Hi hi~ Welcome to fro and I hope u enjoy the stay. Check out this guide for some of what's the basics are https If u need a guild, do checkout the one at @go 7 or @go 11.
  10. captainawesomeville


    Hola! Try reset position in https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/
  11. Yes please!
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