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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Sorrow

  1. Yes. Focused Arrow Strike has a range of 14 cells on kRO, that is the original range of the skill. But hey, Gravity created GTB too so the fact they're out of their minds is already past clear & proved. But i don't see reason to change it(even if it was possible). The server has abundance in yggs anything that doesn't one-shot you, is perfectly fine. Clowns and gypsies are a far greater nuisance than snipers. The greatest damages outputs i've seen from FAS were around 70k on people without any preparation for it(reductions, skolls...) and that's perfectly tankable, specially after nerfing it to 30~40k with the proper reductions. Just know what you're up against and change accordingly, in many cases taking off your GR is enough to reduce an archer class's damage by 25~50%, try noxorius cards in the cloak or skolls, usakoring on your favorite shield, plus your reduction wing available in the vote NPC for only 90 vote tokens and you can easily ygg only once every 10 shots. From this, i find it completely unecessary such complains against the skill, which has proven to be a sniper's core lately, its perfectly conterable(and i didn't even mention pneuma up there), its just that it is a bit outside the confort zone of the 'standard equipment'.
  2. Let's go again ^^ No. Why no to such suggestion you may ask? After all snipers always were meant to be ranged and wear 2 hand bows! Well...wizzards and professors were supposed to have at least 5 seconds between one spell and the other...champs were supposed to be unable to use any skill after using Asura...sinxes were supposed to rarely use EDP because the bottles are hard to make and expensive...the list goes on, i'm sure you can think of many more exemples. By wearing shields you can have advantages such as reducing 50%+ of the damage suffered, immunity/reflection to debuff and overcharged spammy magic... If classes like magic spamming professors, nuker wizzards, one-hit-KO wonders like Champs(and 90% of all others) may have such advantages it is very unfair that snipers shouldn't. i still believe every class should be able to wear shields with any weapon. If i fight a sniper who isn't able to wear shields, even being one of the most awful players in the server i will easily blast this person out of its shoes no matter how 'skilled' they may think they are. And as they are now, i think they're a very interesting class to play AND to fight against.
  3. i always preffered the 2 slots+freeze immunity with wings so...that doesn't really cange anything for me x3 so i guess its okay as is? Made the reduction hats useless though... Well not useless! My creator reduces more damage with a Usa+Valkryie shield+Combat Knife+Santa Poring than Usa on a F shield, not sure if a friggs would be better since i still don't have it can't test xD
  4. Sorrow

    Improving Woe?

    Disabling Snap during woe. It just is not fair that champs get to use their mobility skill as star gladiators, sinx and stalkers can't. And remove Range&magic damage penalties from woe too. 40% is just too much. Buffing the guardians would also be a great asset. Some guilds aren't as large as others, Guardians would make the whole 'fight your way to the emp' much more interesting than the current 'rush to the emp and attack it'. As for woe castle drops i really don't think anything else is necessary, the rewards for woeing are already good enough. Just canging the 'how' is the important issue.
  5. Sorrow

    A Test Server.

    i personaly think the fear of the unknown just keep some people at bay of trying something new. Overall i loved the idea, i wanna see the damage Third jobs would do with our customs and leveling xD i can't resist fresh news, i like to evolve and te feeling of going into new standards & what not so yeah, the 3rd jobs are a huge attractive, i waited like a child awaits for christmas to have news and information of each new class xD And the Third classes offer so many new options its like a walk in the amuzement park xD So that's my yay for the idea over all. The only thing that makes me worry about it is...more time used to do it, is less time for updates to keep the fresh news coming into the main server. And also the resources to make it happen. We'd need a good scripter contantly working on it to change data on any skills considered overpowered to balance all out as it goes... It's a lot of work! Maybe we should all start learning some scripting x3
  6. Sorrow

    Kitty Claws

    Cannon Fodder...i think you just took the words on my mind XD Precisely that, the updates as of late had NO thoughts on the Sinx class, weapons for them made slopily and quite not fitting, i mean they get a Katar that weighs 800 with no solid advantages over the elite katar, and a couple sword weapons...swords, not daggers so they can't use their Double attack while equiping them. As other classes that were underpowered were efficiently brought up into a good position(which i'm glad for but that's beside the point) Sinxes are now completely outdated. And they continue to be probably the second character that's the most expensive to play with.
  7. Sorrow

    Kitty Claws

    Well, a shielded opponent(everyone) will most likely have 55~60% reductions, its still less than everyone ^^" So maybe 30%? That'd be less than a Usakoring card on a Guard[1] As you said, one would put the weapon to surprize the opponent, and i just find it rather too disadvantageous to not being able to main the weapon you built to use. Ah another thing i forgot to mention before; it weighs 800? WTH?
  8. Sorrow

    Ninja Stones

    Pet armors weigh 0 ^^
  9. Sorrow

    Ninja Stones

    That's an okay suggestion, i agree with it ^^ i mean, the gems are removed as catalysts from the mantle right? would be only fair~ i'm pretty sure i saw such suggestion before though, just don't remember if it was accepted or declined.
  10. Sorrow

    Kitty Claws

    Okies, i experimented with the weapon around and i got some more sight into it. I do believe Sinxes need more option for their builds to be efficient and not fall like flies. People consider Sinxes to be over powered, i beg to differ, if it isn't to be an auto attacker, they can't really do much. When using a Katar, Sinxes become made of paper. i'd like to see the following the weapon to make it as worth as the other valkyrie weapons; -More reduction, like 40~50%. That or be made One handed. Seriously Sonic Blow and Arrow Vulcan are pretty even, and Clowns/Gypsies can use shield while using the weapon for the skill. -Increasing damage of Soul Breaker by 500%. Soul Breaker from a good geared Sinx, hits for about 3~6k on an enemy wearing the default reductions, 5 times that = 15~30k. About the same as a Double Strifing. -Enabling the use of Level 1 Stalk. That'd be a perfect upgrade on Grimtooth. -Increasing on Evenom could also help. 150~200% more damage on Evenom sounds interesting. i'd like to see all of these into the weapon,but it would be too wishful thinking, let's see what effects could be used best, these are only ideas~ Feel free to change values and what not. But the truth of the matter is that, the best katar we have, is still a tad too weak, but the sprite is so cool *--*
  11. Sorrow

    Profs And Gtb

    i already said no to that, and gave my reasons~ So since expressing other thoughts on the matter, which by the way are directly linked, isn't allowed, i guess i'm done. See yas~
  12. Sorrow

    Profs And Gtb

    i still think that as long as exists Maya and fruz, profs will NEVER dominate generally. i actually preffer to wear maya against a prof over GTB...its fun how they kill themselves and you don't have to move a finger ^^ They can still hit with Thunder Storm and Heaven's Drive, but those two skills are much more reasonable and easy to deal with. It even funnier if you're also a prof and goes Maya+Magic Rod. Besides, Magic has many counters, its just that people gear to defend only against physical attacks because their GTB will take care of all magic when they need to, so they don't worry about getting any other counters. Seing as GTB is around, none of the newer items has magic damage reduction in mind, with just a bit of work it is perfectly possible to balance out magic without needing of GTB. Meassures such as; -Take out the -50 MDef tao gives. -Adding more magic defense to Belts and F Set pieces. -Nerf Katrying card to ignore 1/4 of target's magic defense instead of ignoring all, so a magic user would have to choose between MDef piercing or spammability. -Add more elemental protection gear. -Wings such as Avians and RAW that reflect magic instead of physical damage. Try that allied to a GTB nerfed to 50%, and you'll see that Magical classes won't be that much of a bother & they'll be much more attractive to play with.
  13. Sorrow

    Profs And Gtb

    Yes because Land Protector stops coma and Wall of Fog reflects Dispell ^^ i usually love your ideas nines, but this one doesn't seen really good. i don't think it's good to poke at all on this card if it's not for everyone. Profesors aren't really a super almighty class to think of nerfing it.
  14. The Skill's damage is pretty low by its own nature. But to make it into an effective tickling tool that will at least make people stagger and ygg once in a while here's the Information you need; Stave Crasher is a Ranged attack, it gets blocked by pneuma, for all gaming porpouse it counts like a Throw Spirit Sphere that hits only once. It can be considered a magic attack in the way that, its power is directly based on your matck. But It still is a physical ranged attack. To make it simple; The more INT you have, More damage you'll deal. But the attack behaves like a ranged attack would; blocked by pneuma, phsysical defense lowers it and relies on DEX to hit the target. It uses the element of your weapon. If you're using an elite weapon or a Valkyrie weapon, it shall be of the neutral property. Use a verter, or box of storm/curse water. Using water verters+the elite/valkyrie weapon's Deluge is a good trick the enhance damage as mentioned before. The cards Fallen Bishop, will enchance the Stave Crasher's damage so use them for both more Matck and DemiHuman+ damage modifiers. Cards for weapon would be Turtle general, Incantation Samurai(when you don't have Thana), Skeleton worker, Civil servant and Phreeoni. Use combinations of these. *To Full Damage you use Turtle General x2+Inca+Skel Worker or Turtle General x2+Inca+Civil Servant. Skel adds 15% extra damage to the mediun size creatures, Civil Servant adds 20% damage to the Ghost property. Its easy to assume that most people you meet will be wearing GR so Civil is a good call; however Skell will work regardless of their property for a slightly lower modifier. Only thing is that i think Lord Knights and Paladins while mounted on a peco count as Large size creatures case in which the Skell wouldn't work, but i could be wrong. *You can also trade the Civil Servant or Skell Worker for a Phreeoni if you think your Stave Crasher is going to miss too often, it will probably miss a lot because the HIT vs Flee issue(it counts as a physical attack so it can be avoided by character with high flee), in a general evaluation, any character has higher AGI than DEX, you need 150 DEX for instant cast so any class that isn't a Sniper/Stalker/Gypsy/Clown will probably have this amount(you as a wizzard or prof). And to have max ASPD having 150 DEX it is needed about 170 AGI if you're not wearing the Forsaken King Helm, it gets worse if you aim against Sinxes & Stalkers who have natural Flee bonuses thanks to their classes, Snipers, Gypsies & Clowns who can use Improve concentration to boost their AGI and Also Champs who not only have flee bonuses from passive skills but can also use Agi Up. So you can safely assume in any case that as a wizzard/professor, you'll miss your Stave Crasher about 50% of the cases, Phreeoni neutralizes that granting a much better hitting rate. Stave Crasher is pretty much like tickling people with your telekinisis; you hit them from afar and the damage is so "good" that you'll make people giggle at it when you hit ^^" But hey since they'll be using GTB you might still see a 10~15k popping up if you do the right things. Now go and be happy Crashing Steve! :3
  15. The thing is most that you can have these on Japan and it'll look completely normal without atracting too much wierd eyes ^^" They're much more accepting when it comes to fashion and decoration In the ocident, as a guy wearing pink pants you'll get very weird looks, on the orient, you'll barely stand out xD But ya, otaku life on ocident is not easy!
  16. i agree with either mine(lol), Yeung or nines's suggestion about new effects for the magic weapon ^^ But also nines a weapon for a str based build wouldn't need the enlarge weight limit i think o--o"
  17. Leave it to Genesis <3 i agree with everyone, by my tastes ROP is the coolest looking aura. i don't use champ, but i feel bad for those who do and can't use it, glad to hear it'll be fixed ^^
  18. Agreed. i never bothered to make a magic stalker again. Let's try a Lv10 Fire Bolt and a free kiel(-30% delays) would be pretty sweet. That would make me want this weapon xP
  19. Sorrow


    We can only hope that their keyboards explode and only the F1~12 works so they can't use Bm or talk trash, just use skills xP
  20. Sorrow

    Kitty Claws

    i think this weapon is pretty useless ^^" Specialty Jur does the trick just fine... If only this weapon had...hnnn i don't know...bonuses for Grimtooth? Soul Breaker? Heck even Envenom or Sand Attack would do a great deal of help...sinxes suffer too much from boredom(edp+LOLclick+LOLYgg...what kind of game play is this?) and Root.
  21. 500k HP on a sniper...that's only possible with two taos and tons of vit. You want to get a spanking from creators? I believe Snipers and Stalkers are just on the right place now. I can kill normally both snipers and stalkers during woe where magic gets a 40% penalty(they also can kill me, which means balance, chances for all), i don't see any reason for such complains. If they are giving so much trouble, consider carrying an accessory with Erende Card and you shall be much more happy. The absolute bane of snipers and stalkers; FCP+Pneuma+RSX, If you're a priest, or better yet, a champ just put your Tao/GR+RSX armor and laugh at their faces. I'm disagreeing with everything. 1-The HP was given cause it was needed, Snipers have a very thin Hp formula. 2-Even as a professor I gotta say; Nerf for all or do not poke at this card, it is not fair. 3-Same as GTB. Shield cards should have same effect for all. 4-Their damage is not anything out of the ordinary, i don't see reason to nerf any of it. 5-Nope. Weight Carriage is of vital importance in here and it comes naturally to classes such a Sinx and Champs, hence why it was given to classes who cannot benefit from STR. Honestly, you have other much cheaper classes who've been around much longer to worry about other than the newly-promoted into something descent Snipers/Stalkers.
  22. i was very disapointed at the action of this player. If serves as consolation, i would not use the guide on that link. i'm sorry for the lack of consideration of this player, and sorry for the rest of the community taht's gonna pay for it. It appears i won't have time to make my shield then! xD For all that's worth, thank you for all the hard work put into the creation of the storyline/quests.
  23. i commend the effort of trying to keep the event alive, but it now holds no appeal to it, at least for me... Anyways, luck to the participants in this contest...gonna need it.
  24. Officially changing opinion! Nerf the hell out of this super cheap thing! xD 5% cance of auto-casting tarot only upon being attacked! Seriously this auto-attackers stun lockers are far too abusive, specially during woe. Someone with full reductions impervious to stone curse and freeze with far greater range than professors&wizzards, shouldn't be able to sure kill people like that. They can wear all the reductions they want and not pay the 'less-offence-capacity' everyone does for it. WOE is being by far the scenario that's suffering more from this, it needs fixing with urgency, some guilds just have the tendency of using whatever is cheap and calling it 'skill'.
  25. Heya buddy :3 hope you're doing well!

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