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Everything posted by aditsh

  1. Hi! new player here. Can anyone teach me how to play? :)
  2. Noob-League: 1.iFake-Paladin 2.Mada Mada-LK 3.~[=Re-EnCrYpT=]~-Champ 4.*t3n6-Clown 5.Let's Play Arrow-Sniper 6.Jian.~-Wizard 7.XiaoLong.-Prof 8.Penfolds Grange-Bio
  3. aditsh

    B>champ B Set!

    Leave offer or pm me ingame nick:iFake.
  4. aditsh

    B And S

    lokisw/rune 3400
  5. 4200 champ bless ring set
  6. Sniper blessed set(including complete l.arrows) direct trade to Sinx cursed set or leave offer Freysgaunts w/ifrits=3.4 Red ROP=1.5 or pm iFake/iFake./Am I Fake? in game thanks :)
  7. 10k thana? 5.5 sinx c set 2 o.hels?
  8. Item[worth]=preferred trades O.emp[9k]=G.emp+toks/full set+toks/friggs/fsold/weapon/any lhz/any rop or pure toks +0 ltd Orange Dragon Helm[2.8k]=other +0ltd or pure toks +0 ltd Red Dragon Helm[2.3k]=? Full Ninja Blessed Set(2weapons)[4k]=? 200 WoE tokens=? LEAVE BEST OFFER or PM ME IN-GAME NICK : iFake./Am I Fake?/Fake's
  9. +10 LTD RED BB CAP 2.4 or offer pm iFake. in game
  10. Theme: Once in a Lifetime Opportunity YOLO:You Only Live Once Once you're dead you can't live again.... So don't waste your life cause life is only once in a lifetime... lol ofc -_- Death by guillotine by iFake
  11. you still have the limited box? pm me im trying to find one
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