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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Everyone is in need of help even if they don't believe it themselves great post glad to see someone looking out for others :th_e31:
  2. Roxas

    One Word Story

  3. Diagnosed at the age of 8, but the doctors said there sure it was from birth and when i was 14 i was told i wouldn't make it to 18, surprising how far I've come turning 22 this year :), i see your a registered nurse, you know much about the treatments and stuff for CF?
  4. I love my jalapenos <3 TPBM can't handle chili well
  5. Roxas


    Welcome :th_e31:
  6. Besides the Creepy Signature :th_e32: , I'd like to welcome you :th_ok: Hope you enjoy your stay
  7. But... Billie jean is not my lover :( uheauhea TPBM Like Chilli Cheese steaks
  8. *Lets Victoria out of Jail* Wasn me :3
  9. Just watched the new Spongebob movie Sponge out of water Oh Mah Gawd!! i love it!! TPBM Is 2 Mature to like spongebob
  10. It's ok everyone, My Sign makes me win you can all go home now
  11. Wow!! Much Love, Many Wow's :th_thx: :th_lv: :th_blush: :th_kis:
  12. Surprise me ;D
  13. Rolling with the Sheep!~ :th_ho: TPBM Casually Stays awake for 24+ hours at a time :o
  14. Nope 2 much text on shirts :D TPBM is vomit free since 93
  15. Fun Facts: 1. I have CF ( Cystic Fibrosis ) 2.I tend to be inactive for certain periods of time due to hospital tests/check-ups 3.My illness tends to bother other people besides myself 4.i've played computer games since i was 8 ( 13 Years ) 5.My goal in life is to compete in a Mr. Physique competition :th_e30:
  16. Life problems when living by yourself >.< TPBM Has smelly clothes
  17. Welcome back :th_ok:
  18. I dance better than that :D TPBM likes coffee
  19. Roxas

    Count To Infinity

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