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Everything posted by failedToConnect

  1. Missing Fro. ISP is f*cked up. Tssss

  2. Hi. You need a virtual machine in order to play Fro on mac. Search for it in google. Then install Windows in that VM. Then you can install Fro in Windows. However, this method causes faster heating in your hardware based on personal experience. But this is a legit way to play Fro on mac. :) Hope it helps :)
  3. iGifted DJ Sona to myself. How lucky am I. lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. failedToConnect


      I jumped out of bed when I saw it. I am f*ckin lucky man. f*ckin lucky. lol

    3. Aerofox


      gimme demonblade tryndamere

      and I'll get you to Gold in your Ranked Provisionals /gg

    4. failedToConnect


      idk how many mystery gifts would that be. lol. i'm saving everything for bard bundle. /gg try hosting a tournament. you'll get at least 1.2k RP as incentive. That's what I did :3

  4. Hi. Sorry to hear about your experience in FRo. I've never heard of anything like this in my 4 months of playing in this server. Anyway, I understand how you feel as this would also be my initial reaction to the situation. Let's just look at the brighter side. At least the GMs are doing their job in ensuring that everyone is playing fair and not using bots. Maybe you can file a ticket if it happens again. Hope you continue playing in our server :)
  5. Thanks for the comments! This build was given to me by famous SBs in my time. So I really can't argue for it. Thanks anyway :)
  6. good luck! :)
  7. Not sure if this build still works. Been using this last year. This is bolt type btw. You need 3 weapons w/ the following cards: 1st - 4 kingring 2nd - Phree, Dwar, Valkyrie, Metaling 3rd (optional) - 3 LOD Explanation: 1st - For pure Matk 2nd - For those with GTB, you nee this to strip the shield off 3rd - For those with GTB and FCP, you'll do this to coma by chance (if you can. lol) Armor: 2 TGK HG Head - 1 Kiel, 1 Maya P HG Mid - 1 Kiel HG Low - 1 Kiel Cloak 1 - 2 Raydric Cloak 2 (optional) - 2 Devi Boots - 2 FBH Accessories: 2 Int Gaunts/Belts Stats: Vit = 100 Int = Divisible by 10 Dex = hit 505 with buffs Str = 50 Agi = Rest Luk = 1 As far as I know this build has been nerfed already. But I think it might still work. Haven't tried it yet though. Hope it helps :D
  8. if you want L.fenrir dagger pm me. :)
  9. It has been a year since my "give off all my items" event. Shout out to those who won my events! -hex

  10. How about "Children of the God of War". More action in still photos :3
  11. I must say, this is not a bad idea. +1 to this :)
  12. When I'm bored, I clean my room or my cabinet. (LOL) If both are clean, I virtually clean my laptop. If it is also clean, I virtually clean my drives. I sense OC disorder on me. LOL
  13. Prog Competition today. Hope we get into the top 10 :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. failedToConnect


      Thanks guys! We got in to the final round next week :3

    3. kyoshiro029


      Nice... break a leg... and bring home teh bacon.... yohohohohoho

    4. failedToConnect


      It's close to impossible since we're going up against those who already competed nationally. But I guess we can try :))) Thanks man, appreciate it :3

  14. I really like GM Genesis for being understanding in hack cases. It was my fault when I got hacked, but he still returned every item that he could retrieve. They are actually not liable if you give your password to anyone, but he still returned most of my items before. Kudos to the admins!
  15. Always DCed from server. Crappy ISP. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. kyoshiro029


      999 for internet.... 800 for telephone *which btw i didnt know theyll be putting.... and then 300 for the caller id.... D: theyre ripping me off big time... i only assked for the internet not the telephone nor with the caller id.... my bill will go up to 2000 buck next month

    3. failedToConnect


      Google fibr is amazing and I think it costs less than our fees. lol (scaling with their standard of living)

    4. kyoshiro029



  16. Not sure about O.Fenrir. But Legendaries range from 25-30. Berries rate ranges from 5:1 or 6:1
  17. Oh, orayt. Thread ends here then.
  18. Wanted to post this last week but I forgot until I overheard it a while ago. Tried one of these in another server and it helps a lot...A LOT. Hope we can open a breaker testing area in this server. Just too see if we are doing enough (or our expected) damage to the emp. Just a suggestion. Regards :)
  19. Need to farm...need to sleep...

  20. Enjoyed my first (in a long long time) WoE tonight with Bahthole :)

  21. Welcome! Good luck! :D
  22. Top 3 in my time: 1. Crucifix 2. Makai 3. Violent Note: These are my personal preferences
  23. Ready to join the action :3

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