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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by BeforeMidnight

  1. -1 Too expensive. Reading it makes me think Snipers are gonna take a looooooooooooooooong time to build up before they can do decent damage against PVP or PVMVP.
  2. Did you mean: "Why do I need to have 195 aspd for my Mage/Wizard/High Wizard?"
  3. They blame it all on DotA. Is it the only game the computer can offer?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aerofox


      ^I still play nice and just trashtalk when I dodge a Sniper ult with Slark. rofl

    3. BeforeMidnight


      Them authorities still have no knowledge about League of Legends which is basically just like DotA. If they hear: "My son's addicted to computer games," DotA is the first thing that comes to their minds. I just want that to change. Phils has Crossfire, LoL, DragonNest, and a lot others. So why blame DotA, SIRS? It breaks the muti-million dollar worth image.

    4. Ochibi


      I smell DotA *^* ~

  4. I farmed the entire day, and I was well rewarded. :)

  5. It's a secret for now [GM] Ares. :th_e4: Anyway, am I able to transfer this to the Suggestions tab myself (like drag it or something) or am I going to need special powers? Or if you can, would you do it for me? :th_thx:
  6. So a few days ago, I suggested through the Shoutbox that maybe we can have a short Q&A with the ForsakenRO Staff. [GM] Cookie cheerfully replied who seemed to have liked the idea. It would be great to know some random facts about the guys who make this server unique. I've already thought a buncha questions to ask to our GMs... :th_ok: - I hope you guys would like this to happen too!
  7. I stopped playing RO many years ago. I was in elementary then. I'm 20 years old now and one day my life called and asked me: "I know you're getting bored just browsing some random stuff from the web. You're in front of the laptop for sometimes over 12 hours and all you ever do is download and download and watch and watch films, click here and there. Why not try playing back those online games?" -The laptop's not really a gaming laptop. -Most online games are 3D. -Graphics. I can't handle them. ...but... RAGNAROK. My first love. I searched and searched for good servers. I even tried with the official RO server here but for some reason I can't get it to work. My criteria for choosing a server is: 1) Easy, but still challenging 2) Not the mainstream kind of server So I landed here in Forsaken City. I am proudly playing for over a month now and I must say I'm satisfied with all that's going on, approachable GMs, new friends (who would ask you for a trade and give you quest items for free out of nowhere). I feel like my reunion with Ragnarok has finally killed my "spare-time drool-time" time. I'm looking forward to spending more of my future with ForsakenRO. Thanks for bringing me back to Midgard. Cheers! -MidnightAriadne :th_bawi:
  8. I'm gonna pursue writing my novel and hopefully complete at least one of my film screenplays too this year. It's gonna be a long one but I'm gonna do it whenever I'm not inside Midgard. And also continue to ignore girls, because sometimes they're just distracting us to not do what we wanna do. In other words, I'm stayin' single this 2015!
  9. I've been playing for almost or over a month now, I get most of the info I need (legendary quests and stuff) in the ForsakenRo Wiki itself but some details are not accurate anymore or are either missing. I don't know if it's just me who noticed (unlikely), but the Legendary LHZ Aurora quest guide is not on the wiki as of yet. The MVP spawn times guide might need at least a lil' update too because the guide itself looks old. -The "Cards" section is empty. -The "Guides" section page contains unclickable, link-less images such as "Knight Quest II", -The "Day/Night Aura Quest" page does not properly state where the NPC-to-talk-to can be found. -Is the "Citizen Quest" (still) necessary or is it just a part of the story-line quest that can be done as an "end-game" quest? -The "Non-Donation" link leads you to an ERROR. -The "ND-Belt Quest" does as well. -The image links to "Day/Night Aura Quests", "Dungeon Quest", "3D Glasses Quest", and the "ND-Belt Quest" lacks the blue background the other links have. How sad... :( -The entire "Helpful Guides" (Guides) page should just be a sub-category in the "Quests" category or vise-versa. OR, stuff the "Guides" page with the actual info such as Leveling, Forsaken City NPC Locations, you know what I mean? Like the ones that can be read from the main website. It'll also be convenient to just import those guides and redirect the audience in here, the Forums, to make it a one-stop-shop. -I suggest too that the "Policy" category be relocated and be the last category before the "Storyline" tab. Just for some added coolness and tidiness. Then put the "Storyline" tab at the very top! -...then Getting Started, Guides, etc. -The very useful and informative "Recent Articles" are kinda sad too because they're away from the Categories, like they're poor orphans. Aaaaaaaaaaaaannndd... I'm still missing a few things maybe but I believe there's quite a lot more that needs to be mentioned. For now that's all. The WIKI is like the heart and soul of this, or better yet, the brain of the game. This is where all the info is stored which can be dug up anytime if need be. Inexperienced players might find it confusing or difficult if the brain is missing some "memory". Anyway. Thanks for reading and I hope our good Game MaSTARs find time to think about this. I'll be happy to help fill in those gaps if asked. :)
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