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Forsaken Nobel
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Kittie last won the day on October 7 2012

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About Kittie

  • Birthday 06/24/1989

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  1. Kathyyy message me. I have to ask you somethingg.

  2. Are you forgetting that Creators need to spend tokens on woe supplies too? Creators do need to stock on yggs and FCP tickets as well. FCP for the obvious reasons and yggs not only for HP but also SP from skill spam. I constantly need to spend about 100m in zeny to "reload" my creators bottles and that's not just during woe but in any situation there is PVP. It's really quite draining. I've definitely sold a few tokens for zeny. Changing the price of the bottles REALLY is not going to change the fact that AD can be quickly spammed and create a great stun lock so I don't know why that is even being debated... Usually classes with ammo are expensive but it seems as though if you play a GS, Sniper, Gypsy/Clown, or even Ninja you don't need to worry about that cost but when it comes to creator, all of a sudden it's about restocking and buying more supplies.
  3. I won't rage for 1k!
  4. How come you never on MSN???

    1. Perishable


      I only skype&text now. Want me on msn? :3

  5. Like srsly, ohhh mahh gahddd.

  6. Happy Birthday fRO!
  7. I don't afk anymore! I don't even log on! HEHE
  8. Really is a useless item...I love suggestions that waste time on things that will not benefit gameplay but are beneficial to those who like to afk or sit around with "rare" hats lol
  9. It's just zeny. I would even undervalue it through the NPC. There is a donation token option too - at a 1:1 ratio via the NPC but it doesn't set an absolute price in the market since you can sell it to other players for 1:2.
  10. How about making a Bronze Coin a redeemable prize via the Event Token NPC? You can convert Event Tokens to Donation Tokens, so why not 5 event Tokens to 1 Bronze Coin? Or something like that...
  11. Omg agree. I'm always looking for the things posted on forums but player is impossible to contact. Would be nice to just autostrade and sell/buy while afk.
  12. I said its like a valk helm that already has a maya purple in one slot - leaving one slot open. So if you had 3 Kiel's, plus the suggested hat, it would essentially be the same since you get the freeze immunity you get with the valk bonus. I think it's funny you quoted 'overpowered' since my post never mentioned that. If it was OP then wouldn't the valk helm be OP? I just said it was essentially the same - which I don't think should be that way since its a reward item.
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