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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by kyoshiro029

  1. 835
  2. Everyone
  3. haven't seen an easy squeeze cheeze before... :O @chelsea haven't seen you in a while TPBM - plays rhythm games... like dance dance revo/ cytus/ deemo/ guitar hero etc.
  4. pudding
  5. 832
  6. 828
  7. 826
  8. 823
  9. you can just kill evil nymph in gon_dun03 for the soft silk... they also drop the other item.... uhhh forgot the alcohol something something xD
  10. So many things to do, so little time to do all of them... :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nas


      Ah i think you just suck in remember things.. D: just believe in yourself.."if you failed to plan, you're plan to failed" peace

    3. niemono89


      JUST THROW TO THE BOSSES=they have nothing to d, except counting their profits XD

    4. niemono89


      But do it smart,unless you wanna get fired early :P

  11. Currently Listening to some Deemo and Cytus Soundtrack....... i really like both games... :3
  12. well i don't know much about FAS adding crit xD i thought it was only crit rate and not the base crit that adds.... but if thats how it works then maybe I'm off xD dunno on that note niemono... i often just use pouring cards in garment since it adds like 10% i think on FAS
  13. hmmmm......
  14. niemono... is that on mobs or on PvP damage result
  15. lol... look it up in the iROwiki it states there that it doesn't give 20 to crit rate but crit percent damage...
  16. uhhh i don't think FAS gives 20 to crit rate ... it only deals damage by 350% and allows you to deal 20% critical damage.. depending on your critical rate and the enemies critical hit def.. you might be dealing 75k coz of that effect... still i think its because your crit rate isn't at a stable level... that it drops... i also have the same issue coz it was fairly hard to stabilize the luk to dex ratio... when you don't have enough gear.. those slotted freyrs gaunts with ifrit cards really are useful for that issue.. since ifrit cards give 25 to crit equip 2 and you'll have 50 crit without using stat points well that is to what i know, maybe someone with a lot more experience on that class can give you useful insights...
  17. BYOB - SOAD
  18. happened to my brother a year ago... just file a ticket and it'll be resolve
  19. Haggard - Herr Mannelig
  20. Maybe... can't say since I'm rarely on nowadays tpbm - is going through a lot in his/her life. deep :O
  21. furiously
  22. with matching shirt and beanies when
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